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Show Kl. WEEKLY 4. a t. JOURNAL, MARCH 40 9, n YEae vos Pro "'QKZI 1378 -1 4,- Falcon Gals Impressive U Bea'S By BA WOODS ( trod, ROSS-So- mt is doing someth rg right when they can taxt- a group i f - underclassmen and ueve t p them into a top rated gym nasties club I sua iv a math will plead the ,r cast tfatfey have a verv vu,a g n,im a d that thev or so fit 11 ti if." , c. i THF Y sun ,'mi tt gymnastic' vi m ,i n, C M meets " Aithotgh she would never itimit it, touLhing Weuld runt to co tie into play x irnevtiife W ithout the right guidant t show S' f ttu ALREADY Uear'idd this tiub has U e it a t s if Pour o y.iieh pi w ' us ( Skvline aim likt Hhi.nd speaks for ( unsitit r thi n n,t a. t it,at of their top st vt n g r's those that lomjx te m ( lass 11 four are freshmen and three ate I he ALL SLVIN of st If it g 1 i, s u a ! ' y of rt ap t e hi n THF (ATS au woi king for the goal of a region crown, ht n onto ttit s ' a e meet wtm h ih. v ho this . dr ,n the gals I I htv tv m r would like than to st w ( the horpi toxn (oiks tht ir stuff at l fiat s', re n et t, tt at would nu an a gre t n pair, mot t AT ING the list of every college recruit! r in the nation. Barrirg any unforeseen to Durrani the Provo i lub will Ik heavy favorites to w in Hieit f rst 3A title Giving ihem the most problem in league play, they gave them a game for a little while, is the American Fork Cavemen, a club that has been a power in HA for many years They have lost twue to the Provo club V i.l W Bountiful H dont ne Bi aves have six evt nt and as a res .p usually end up on ' t ' THEY t some fait u performers, m to their coat h, f t y t look the top throe stoics stead of six then the h lap. team would w in a l t r i s they lose Another diawhack ; Bountiful program is they are now uni!er of leadership tht coach in as marc vi HRS r f? With Hie ns. of i popularity m gills spoit on a h'gh school level must eyes have turned to the better known sports like basketball Vet, the girls themselves w tell vou, the b'ggest sport in the slate, as far as part ripa tmn g'x-s- , is gvmn.istics This graceful sport that you always watch on television with the Russians and Romanians dominating has grown m interest and level of competition m the st ite 11 excels in floor exercise and Becky Wale in flcu r and beam The Wildcats also have some top notch people in Class HI who are w iking hard in becoming ( lass II and pushing those go Is out of a spot on the team Competition is keen among the gn Is IN A gymnast, c s meet there ate four events Hour TOP performers in this class for the Woods Cross team are freshmen Bonne Green, Christy Janke, Holly Caro! Moves and s Chandler and tumor Danette Donahue round out the squad First impression I had was exer-(se- , balance beam, vaulting and uneven bars Each contestant can either enter the compete number want It in all of in wh.ch they in anv four, or them that they isn't Hlegal to enter three events and sidered say it's onlv be con but they near impossible to level, there are two levels of competition Class II, which is for intermediate and optional routines, and Class III for the beginning gymnasts Only Class 11 can qualify for state Some coaches indicate that the Class 111 is like a that its used to develop the girls The Class 11 is for the highly junior varsity program in skilled people IF a girl enters the she has eight routines to perform. First she does the compulsory routines, ones which are outlined in the book that everyone must do Then she has the optional portion of the competition, she makes up the moves and routine herself So if she does both the compulsory and optional in each of the four events she will get eight scores HIGHEST possible total is ten in each event so the SO r it t ! f t: . m talent on the floor when the smaller schools show off their players Enthusiasm will be running high College scouts will be on , There are st ' t a? j i fot tr.e 't ie nu from the region o.t t s T first place lea m , tun tically goes, plus anv i tF teams that scute p jints i more (optionais ups. only) qualify their competitors The siv nu 5 5 on balat beam and on ! 6 ) or ex' t r cise, vaulting and unevn bars ALSO if a pu ! ' oi os 8 points or abov e in U t i around she may cuter all eight of her routtm s It sounds corn p h aied and it probably is bat n s dso to wait h area is D'es'-- d wuh u w some top gymnasts, monts' Karen Lck.han for example placed s xh ,n the state m the ill a. ound competition last vfa View mont and Clearf.tid have talented teams in 4A and Davis and Woods Cross are 3A wont see any action this Although the tournament does have a clear cut favorite t veryone can always hope for the impossible, a Provo defeat It seems that more jxxiple in todays society cheer for the underdog, and there are a few in this tournev EVEN without the services their top girl the Clearfield team has managed wins over Weber, Bountiful, Layton and Ben Lomond. They lost an with Roy and early Layton but have come back since to improve with each outing of tri-me- Three-wameets arent uncommon tn the gymnastics area, the coaches note that it gives the girls more practice and experience Each club is responsible for bringing two judges and those judges ere the ones that decide the winners These judges should be certified but due to the lack of numbers in their ranks its not always possible to get certified judges y CLEARFIELD usually gets their most points out of the floor exercise and the bdlance beam. In the balance beam contest the Falcons have, what they consider, a strong candidate for a region title in Lori Johnson, a sophomore Lori has won the last two meets in her area, she competes on the Class II or intermediate level usually finishes right behind Lon in the meets. In the Class II or beginrcrg event, the Falcons have a lot of depth with Robyn Taylor, Terresa Poulson, Susan Hansen, Michelle Watts, Sally Yamada and Sandy Hampton AH of these gals are working hard and many of them should move up to Class U next year. THE FALCONS expect to finish well in the region vaulting championships with sophomore Dawn Beers and junior Jan Dahle heading the list. These two compete on the upper level, which means they work optionais as we!! as compulsones The Class III list is also deep with all the girls listed as about equal. Competing m t be Class III vaulting are Sandy Hampton, Sharon Chicado, Nancy Nelson and Terresa Paul. LORI Johnston and Lisa s Christianson double as for Clearfield in the floor exercise in Class II These two, along with Linda point-getter- Owens, always place high on the optionais in this event Cort Richards, Nancy Nelson and Sally Yamada compete in Class II of the beam for the Clearfield squad are junior Sharon Chicado, who is the most improved girl on the team, and sophomore Lisa Christianson, who ALSO in thp the Class III floor exercise event Clearfields top point getters in the uneven bars competition are Jan Dahle and Nancy Nelson m Class II and Sally Yamada and Lori Johnston in Class HI THE TOP five gals in each school earn poirds for their team in the point total, so depth is needed and the Fal- cons believe they have the depth needed to win the regional crown NS RECREATION VEHICLE !CLOSE-OU- T IS ON NOW ! r rod Class score above a lot of hand d s qualify tough in THERELL be a going for the Sophomore Jane Anderson has been strong in the floor, iHam and vaulting events and with some work this year on her bars she could be a tough ompetitor next year in the all around Junior Bev Ossmen is the Braves best this year with her strength coming in the balance beam event Another junior, Kristin Murray, in competes everything but the uneven hars, she doesnt have any optionais in that event i 80 This One of the better shooters from the area will be Ben Lomonds Robbie Tillman Ostler wno t , t highest scoif pusxibh bcMutiful techniques and BOUNTIFUL has four girls compete on the Class II level with only two of thf-- i I m tu u BOUNTIFUL t HAVE u win while competing in only three of the four. THEN, in the high school re t grls end of the sem BOX ELDER has good height but lack quickness Ogden doesnt have exceptional height, but they can jump, but have been inconsistent Davis makes up for any lack of anything but pure desire. Woods Cross is simply overjoyed at the thought of going to the tournament. Some of the games that youll be reading about tn the coming week from the 3A tournament will be Durrant and Hammer. Ogden's Jackie Watkins, Box Elder has Kline Adams and Dale Mooney. Davts has Ryan Hill and Troy Howard, Woods Cross has Mark McCleery and Jeff JOYCE Lumpkin is this year's coach for the Bountiful schuol and she has started to get things turned around for the Braves This is actually her first gymnastics team she helped with a private club in California last year as a dance specialist, and her t nthusiasm has spread to the ttam 1 he Braves have a lot of s phomores on the team and they are learning a lot this year and are already excited lor next year Joyce moved to I tah from Long Beach with ht r husband who is an assistant football coach at the Ln.versity of Utah g ,r Is g o gh T league is that close. Logan doesnt have a lot of height but they have good shooters. methods, getting used to one has benm out of the question lor the Braves , The Falcons, coached by Holly Bahuman and Sid Conley, lost Sherrie Stevens to a trampoline accident. "It made us mad, a little because she did it up at the Roy Recreation Complex playing on the trampoline. She has a cast on her leg so probably year, noted Miss Conley. roach is different and coaches - h- d girls gymnastics team is still considered one of the better ones tn the region. s compete in a sport wht t top six scores count tow determining the outcu i the meet, then you hr have the depth necessary you'll find yourself m shtirt end of the scro tinies than not Such is the case w ,t t.c team their top competitor the Clearfield Gymnastics :iard 1979 different los- CLEARFIELD-Despi- te ing 11 By DAVE WIGHAM BOUNTIFUL-- By DAVE WIGHAM ie true Murray team hasn't oeen tested yet and they m ght be ab'e to pull off the t. g upset Remember I was the one that favored General Custer in his last game. F rom this area it looks like both the Davis and Woods Cross teams will be making the trek up to Weber State for he tournament The Region I cur champion could very be one of five teams, the wt LCOlllil . By DAVE WIGHAM mey F? t d udiffiiii 11 THE three sophomores m II are Pa go Goodin who is strongest in the bars and beam, lisa Ihopas who Stphomoic-Chri- i March nothing Freshman Shauna Adam son is strong in floor and beam, Tammy Birrell is strong m floor and bar Kris Carroll excels m (ream while Vernell Peterson is good but is best in the vaulting compi tition All these four are freshmen and have three more years to get good, as if they're not aheadv there Mindy Onego tie disciplined spmt event ht.se that work a r si e t bout tbs events Hesslington, o: a Is I enter Ht all around, which mears they compete in uneven bars, floor exercise, balance beam and yaultmg As could be expected though each of 'he seven has their strengths in one or two of the (lass thirds taU go prat fee about two hours a day, rwimuxtux ,s a Whoever said t w v piem the chat ge of the I Bulldog , is one of tne best b.g men P not the best, in the state n a player named Devin Dm rad No his name isn't its not Kevin, the mi't name s luvin This player is l,sied ui v where from 64 to h r in Pe papers They sav he i an ; uv es'her guard, for watd or center He is also on rtgion m,e Osi It that voutli cnuldn eid a Hr sJ.G L s i rs loii .t ii.ror it cord sophomotes Gi I our tillt dt feaed ' f ul , competing isn't the right woid, r aybe dominating would te a better way to would go now fit re V r High has t through the.r league wi much trouble. They ha guard named Craig Han that can hit from 35 fee? amazing accuracy Tt e tans have some good so front with people like Smaple, 6'5" and Han who s'ands about 6 3 M because of a new st bool in tne town coded Timpview, wert down a c lass and are competing in tie 3A ranks Maybe u m me vm TERRI is d graduate of tah State where she tom- eted in the ail around competition, she'll tell you though mat she is best dt the floor exercise area This is only her first tear d the C ro--i is sc hooi d i i sive isn a lot of ria v they re m in c a ir ,ro classes ms ti'Mu go How ,i, the differt rot S that t r wildcats are exr, uel to xh already in gymnastics T njgl enough to be (onsult red favorites wilt. D n is !t i the Rtgmn hae g for a re MURRAY team comes along that dominates the scene Usually that schix.l is a larger school and in the 4A ranks This year thougo the Provo Bulldogs, n ti 1 s ihtir Jral ability u it h Tirn Kant (.df d fa Give tonfidette and to t b gger brothers BASKETBALL purists will tell you that the best tournament is one in which a" of the teams can win tt all Muth l.ke the state 4A m h gh school and the NCAA in edit ge But every once in a while a et so giXxi P Ls at them 3A basketball tournament seems to be a fight for Almost second place everyone has conceded the title to the Provo team the state w st-e- Not f Inhke their that a lot of these g.rls had competed on the famous TAGS team that trams at the st tuxi! Not so, only one t f the team has ettr been with that i rtaizat-'So how do vou tXfla'P. them being so vuurg E VUGHAM and are h pu By DAVE WSCHAM uriasiios: o c m om uim M Ion O A' Jt JUNIOR Pam Bailey is the other Bountiful all around competitor with her strength turning from the bar compe- tition Linda Bishop, a sophomore, leads the crowd in the Class III division for the Braves I inda is strong in everything and competes in the event Coach Lumpkin noted that Lirda always ( lates in the meets In fact one meet had they combined everyones score in the including the Class II Linda would have placed th.rd NEW 1977 LA PAZ 22 MINI HOME 400 V8 engine, automatic, power steering, Retail $16,116 air, delux trim package. 1307. Full $4,128 OFF JUNIOR Laurie Capps also goes in the event, whuh means she enters all four events, with her strongest event being the balance beam Sophomore Sue Ltvin-goo- d has come on strong to win a couple of meets in the vaulting competition Another junior, Terresa Gates, has had a good year in the ail around finishing in the top four each meet in her class A couple of other gymnasts are good on the uneven bars, Jaenelle Peterson and Cindy Svnder, need a little more work on their vaulting and they will enter the OLSEN SALE PRICE NEW 1977 MAJORICA 24' 832: Fully MINI-HOM- $11,988 $4,075 OFF MINI-WAGO- $11.999 camper mirrors, Retail $12,750 olsen sale price $2,063 OFF NEW 1977 MAUI MINI-WAGO- r i f I f t N power steering, exterior trim package, 1237. Full ! u i OLSEN SALE PRICE NEW 1977 KONA i : E Retail $16,074 ed u u $10,687 N 1189 Fully Dodge chassis, 6 cubic foot gas fridge, exterior trim package. Retail $12,738 d MRS. Lurngkin noted that two things will make her job easier next year "First of all we will have floor plates installed so we can host home meets. Secondly we will be offering a gymnastics class in school PF which will help Bountiful is a year away, they are working hard and always learning from their meets This year they just dont have the depth needed to win the region, but with a coach as enthusiastic as their's its just a matter of time before they will Ho bby: Ping Pang OLSEN SALE PRICE $10,794 1977 SUN VALLEY SPORTS VAN 1026 Fully 350 engme, tilt wheel, power steering, tinted glass, custom appearance Retail $11,429 $1,932 OFF OLSEN SALE PRICE $9,497 NEW 1977 32' EL DORADO TRAVEL TRAILER 1089 Fully ed $1,300 OFF Retail $9,198 OLSEN SALE PRICE $7,898 NEW 1977 PAWNEE CAMPER 1684 Non-se- head bunk, $660 OFF lf 4 contained, but has furnace, stove hood vent, cubic foot fridge Retail $3 055 OLSEN SALE PRICE over- $2,395 We can and will get together with sixth grade student at Kaysville Junior High School. Gerald Evans, son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Evans of 195 North 2700 East, Ternwood, enjoys a hobby of ping pong He has been playing regularly the past two years All of his spare time is spent improving in the game THE 12 year old felt he hit a record high on Saturday of scoring 1,235 hits without a f hour's time miss in of play at his home His family, being a witness to his success, was thrilled with Gerald's accomplishments I he oungster looks lorwaru to excelling to the top with his skill in this sport np A one-hal- And Desire Great minds have $2,004 OFF pur- poses, others have wishes Grit you for the best deal possible: because at OLSEN, we want you to drive out with a smile. r 646 N. MAIN LA YTON |