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Show I I hiri.tX UAvio uliio JOGtnNm-- , NiAr-iC.-- 3, t ji o 1 93rd Date Their family includes two daughters and three sons: Louis Briggs, Boise, Idaho; Barlow Briggs, Salt Lake City; Charles R. Bnggs, Og- den; Mrs. Weldon (Mary) Roberts, Layton, Mrs Max Anderson, (Florence) Utah; 18 Bloomington, 30 grandchildren, S' great- grandchildren and two grandchildren. great-grea- t MR. BRIGGS has always been active in church and community affairs. He served an LDS mission to England from 1906 - 1908. He has been active m both ward and stake Set Date George Edward Briggs celebrated his 83rd birthday, March 6, in Layton at the home law, of his daughter and son-iMr and Mrs Weldon Rolrern sbt MANY gathered to honor and fnm wtH on this special bt 60th Anniversary Mr jnd Mrs Oiha K Green will be honored at an optn house on Saturday, March H, on the occasion of t fie 60tli wedding anniur sity IRILNDS are invited to i all at the Chateau tenter, 2621 L Dr,e in lyton, 3 Reception Oak Hills between the hours of and 5pm Mrs Fl'Zaheth I Gre n was boin to Jane W and James t El! son Mi Orton was bom to Florence I and Mbert K Green, both wme horn in avion 1 THLY U ERF mart t Mr Green was General oreman at the Layton Sugar ( ompany They have been active members of the LDb thurch Mrs Green has served as church organist as well as in other church organizations and is well known for the beautiful quilts sht makes THEY HAVE had three two Kathleen daughters, Wallace Berkeley, California, Joy G G Lindahl Toro, California and one son, Lowed T Guen u i cased I d ltlh in ht Sal' lakeltmplt and hau res, M.mh H, The have v 1 1 grande M aid If great gtandchudrt mu n Kaysville Clubs Mis Doris Ball was h'is'ess to the DcLite Pinochle ( lub at Kens Restaurant tn Lav'on, Wednesday a'ternoon Members of the Athena Club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Anna Bennett with Mrs Alice and Mrs Rhea Blood as assisting hostesses The program was under the direction of Mrs Florence Barton and Mrs Ima Harvey Bon-nemo- rt on Thursday, March wid 9 at the home of Mrs Hi len Earries Mrs Crilla Scoff. Id and Mrs Sara Kneedy will be co hosting The lesson will be given by Mrs lone Sandall mt-e- t Mrs Mary Cundall will Mrs LaRena Sandall will entertain the Sunflower Camp of Daughter of Utah Pioneers at her home Thursday after- Mrs Reva Killian will hos- hostess The Kays Creek Camp of Daughter of Utah Pioneers of 163 Ross Drive, Clearfield The couple was honored at a wedding breakfast at the Lion H mse in Salt Lake City and a ained aye Nielsen gave the program consisting of short Mrs 1 stones Mrs Anna McAllister, club officer, conducted They held their February meeting at the home of Mrs Joyce Winter and Mrs Darn Kotter reviewed the book, Wits End by Erma At FABRICATION s 10, M width The Kiwants Club of Layton met with wives and guests at the Valley View Restaurant for their regular weekly meeting on Wednesday evening, March 1 at 7 p m THE speaker was KSL TV weatherman. Bob Welti, who discussed the job of weather forecasting. He indicated that the most revolutionary development m weather during his career in forecasting has been the discovery of the jet stream. Since then, with the addition of computer science to the science of weather forecasting, it has been possible to predict storm tracks with son for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Layton of Las Vegas, Nev former Kaysville residents A 7 lb. 13 oz. son was born on Feb. 27 to the Layton's and they are naming him Mark. He has a sister CLEARFIELD hy ( learf c Id ' much greater accuracy than was previously possible HE ALSO says that recent that our droughts, followed by bad winter condi tions, were due to Russian tampering with tbe jet stream, is not true Any ac tivity undertaken on a seal sufficient to divert the jc t stream would be discovered immediately by our satellite rumors pi rsons 60 and r i The 6 Ib 12 oz. lad arrived at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City and is being named Rhett Parents of their first child, are Mr. and Mrs Steven Major of San Diego, Calif , formerly of Kaysville The 8 lb lad was born on Saturday, Feb 25 He arrived on Feb 21 and the new mother is the former Nancy Swan of Kaysville Judge and Mrs Thorn ley K Swan of Kaysville and Mr and Mrs William Christensen of Salt Lake City are the Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Major of Kaysville and Mrs Sally Brown of Clearfield Mr. and Mrs. E. Van Sanders of Kaysville are the grandparents The mother is the former Jane Duckworth of Kaysville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs James Duckworth of Fruit Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jensen of Logan. has a sister, Emily. Mrs. Draper is the former Lorelei Little of Kaysville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Ernest Little of Kays- He W ilham Lake LDS Temple 2. January ihi - they happily Gv t ars of mi r 5 re 197s a Happy Birthday are od nagt i hojw s of mai and sin mure to "ne Temple Riles years It" pr sijt d at i, reception ewiweds Miss Rosar.a Corbrniaio and Larry 'turd Argyle were wed tn r !, i - r ) v, March ;.a-c- t I DS 3, wt Had Su in the 1978 Temple F i ru r f a March 31 ire Ogden in wed LDS Temple are being made bv L Sto'ferahn aid F d v. as d Julies Fucker Sheree Sioffei ahn is the of Mrs Sylvia Mo'Vrahn c.f Washington MISS daughte' Teitciie tig Jen Mr Parke-ithe son of Mr and Mrs s , award J Pa.ktr of 241 F Mj'ion h iliiiw Ruad Kays ! v ie Shere" is a graduate of gh in ai'fornia and gr ideated fnirn cosmetology N ireo H college C attendee Fdward Davis H.gh and two years at Wtber Mate and will continue hi- - education at Utah State to I'gineertng He filled an LDS m sSion to Ohio Columbus Easters was held at trie irst W d ( u 'ural ATTENDING the bride wire Miss Robin DeS'epam as maid of honor and Miss Pamela Mikesell and Miss Michelle Mikesell as bnJos-rnaid- s Scott Maxfield per formed the dunes of best PARENTS OF the bnde are Mis Ida Del eis of Salerno, lidy and the late Napoleone I C orbiniano 1 he t go gr am s parents are Mt and M r s Clifford Argyle nf 22oh rth 1, 5 West m Sunset F id r Neal A Maxw !! P'ons d Early! -t- iaJuwwuw'JL' Sunday,' March 26. . man vw PROGRAM has been A also Door ui vu-- d ! he g ven away prize' wi i V lH Q The suggested price of the meal is 75 cents or whatever u.u can afford Pick up a 'ike! from the lady inside sht tr and drop your money to the can for that purpose Any amount will be accepted, no one will be turned away because they cannot afford to p ly the suggested amount vi. LKJ February 24, 1S78 and Mrs Sapet- Aiono, 406 N Main Street, Claarbdd, boy Mr and Mrs Layne Foxley, 2350 N 1100 W ayton, qt! Mr r Remember Flalimark Easter cards and party items' I L THERE will also be a dinner on April 20 and May 18 at the Davis High Cafeteria For reservations for the dinner call Velma Benton, Vera Rouerhe, Afton Steed, Farmington Please make reservations bv Monday preceding the d.nner np 1 SHOP March 1, 1973 Steven Bleak, 1806 Mr and Mrs Ave Salt Lake City, girl Mr and Mrs Mark D 376-483- Dyracuse 376-260- SPRINT PRINT Palmer, State. Clearfield g r 867-23- Foods A Potpourri Set For University W omen f The satellite network is it a very revolutionary Parents of their first child are Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Christensen of Bountiful, former Kaysville residents it 31, - tow to- J 2pm self ville and Mr and Mrs Rulon P Draper of Farmington Mrs Wannetah Guild of Og den is the is i i ss!em development The satellites gather and transmit more da ta than any compuer in the world can assimilate and collate td ( to spouses of mieom 60 or older, you au wild to a dinner ana , mgram on Thursday, Mart h ib U the Davis H.gh Cafeteria i d Grandparents are Mr and Ralph Layton of Kaysville and Mrs Olive Hume, Brigham City Mrs It's a son for Mr. and Mrs Ronald T. Draper of 106 N. 400 E , Kaysville. The new addition arrived on Feb. 13 at the McKay-De- e Hospital in Ogden and weighed 8 lb 4oz He will be named Jonathan Ronald f.lELWS SHOES were Kaysville Births Ann. SANDAL s Layton Kiivani Meet Wednesday A son, named Jon Lars, was bom on Jan. 29 at the Logan LDS Hospital to Mr. and Mrs Gary Jensen. He weighed in at 51b. 11 oz and is their third child At home are Eric and SKY-HIG- H t d i ir a son, THE performed du Lane Mortensen After a honeymon in Idaho Prey will make me r home in Kristen. ushion insole canvas rope an leather BFST MAN THE BRIDE wore a gown of qu ana polyester and chantillv la. e adorned with seed pearls and long tram, bishop sleeves tropical, right artswear-dres- nneth K Johrfson, brother of the groom Ushers wue Darrell Johnson, Scott Morn psen and Its a SPRING-S- U enior (jtizen Dinner , Mu t C n, Kimtier s i -s son, Mrs Sun M rten-tsisters of the briar, Mrs William Mis-,Mis Dennis Lgeett, sistets nf the groom, Mrs Latry ( a", Mr. Dermis mm J i a is t he He 19ub Cora Barlow in V trch -- i Diane Monet sen sister, was maid if honor Fruits maids were Mkn Huff ami bride-elec- oc- - ri ON of Davis High f She has afended LDs o t ess College and Uruver if I tab Sne is majoring i let at the University 1 ill,n 'r graduated from H gh School and Train a! ollejc. Salt I is- - and lace tu!I ID t n was set u'l hi a ti a i - -- g la. e I at and veil rereption that night at the ( rystal Cottage in Roy afternoon Mrs Valerie Cook entertthe Belle Lettres Club Wednesday evening at the home of her mother, Mrs Richard Bowman Mrs Kathy Larson and Mrs Carole Ward were assisting hostesses tess the Shantanka Club at her home Friday, March 10 Mrs Sara Kneedy will be co- Jr ers Mrs Carol Collett was hos tess to the Lantern Club at her noon Mrs Hazel Blood will be the assisting hostess and the lesson will be given by Mrs Dorraine Hales TrtE BRIDE is the daughter ut Dr and Mrs Burton P Mortensen of 977 Church The Layton Street, brideereom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ralph G Johnson, tertain the Kaysville Bridge Club at her home on Friday Mrs Mary Bowring er.ter tamed the Bay View Club at her home Wednesday afternoon The program was given by Mrs Catherine Firth home Monday afternoon Mrs Camella Barton and Mrs Kay Blood were (tail Mortensen and Ralph Johnson III were married March 2, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple by Pres Edward Sorenson iiu.iw.rg tr lud'e Exchange Vows In Salt Lake Temple G of p I Pi-- MRS RALPH JOHNSON III ed in Layton since that time children re h ,s porn March 6, Ins's B sj'it.fal, son of tphra-l V rv I vans Briggs it Ts loupe are j among to it. Tied April 21 with a b . as ' tie C HE ALSO spent 25 years in me automobile business, six years as manager of the Dav is County Furniture Co and was a licensed mortician for Davis County In between these a tivifes he also managed a farm Mr Briggs is thought of highly by his many friend-ai- d family members who ex tended to him many wishes for family members wi-- the nii the r of the - 1 n fSS. JETTA Filin i f 65 Creswjod Ruad, Kavsvihe is MR AND MRS. OTHA K. GREEN position to become town marshal for sjt years A'ter ayton City became a Grsi class city, he was Chief of Police for six more years 6. STOFFERAHN Plans Wedding member and president of Kiwanis, president of li t.wn board, and Mayor o lavton He resigned De- GF.ORCE E BRIGGS The e gagemetit and L rth coming marriage of M ,ss Nola M tcheil to Jeff Filhn is being announced by her Mr and Mrs parent-- , William Bernard Mitchell of 61' Last Center Street, Kays N. - SHEREE capacities His civic responsibilities included charter have In April v 4 Foods a Potpourri" will be the feature of the regular meeting of the Kaysville Branch of the American Association of University Women meeting at the home of Mrs Ruth Harvey m Fruit Heights on Monday, March 13 at 7 30 p m. HOSTESSES for the evening will be Mrs Mary Hill, Mrs Melpha Koldewyn, Mrs Afton McCormick, and Mrs Georgia Alien A dialogue on desirable health practices and diets will be conducted among the members with each contributing a recipe which she considers of high nutritional value CURRENT programs by the federal government for the promotion of good nutrition will be studied A recipe book of nutritionally effective foods will be compiled according to Mrs Dorothy Walker, program chairman np Layton Rotarians Meet At Regular Dinner Meeting The Layton Rotarians met Wednesday at the Chateau Center in Layton for their regular Rotary dinner meeting with Dr Wayne Felex, president, conducting THIRTY members and guests attended Guest speaker was Russell Fotheringham, from Homeco Investment Company The Homeco Investment Company are the developers for the Layton Hills Mall MR. Fotheringham on the changes and construction, etc development of the spoke of the mall np HAVE A HAPPENING Have Your EARS PIERCED I'""1 ""I Torn 'IikIiI S Hllll .lll'SS s.ov ll "lull m lull k lli.it iimihIs' Post I'tinl ll 'III' .111(1 In mu Inis III (null. 1st Inpsl ll limu Mmxktil IIM nil l"P"l' nkcl li.uk Skmiivsilllu I" " " knit i h.iiiilii .i iii. u lime w.i'li ill' H iu "i Blue ' For Only ' I S95 $39 50 10-1- 6 2 FRAN BROWN & CO 766-060- THE SKIPS BELLE LAKESIDE SQUARE 377 S. STATE, CLEARFIELD 3 825-893- 3 I |