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Show t I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 1 9, 1978 Grestview Sponsors Dinner rfffi The Crestview Elementary School PTA is sponsoring a family dinner this evening, March 9, in the schools room. All family mem tiers are invited to enjoy e a roast beef dinner. PRICE OF the meal is $1.25 per person or $8.00 per family. Tickets were sold at the school. Serving will begin at 7 p.m, and continue until 8.15 p m. Over 500 people are expected to attend this activity, drug multi-purp- ose I fWSyiLLE full-cours- DailS Lists i U Cl U schedule spring for University the Davis of Utah lists an 25 Lb. B3 Gold Medal THE business related courses include all three .9 the basic accounting senes course large number - ", Li course is the most basic math course offered for credit and is designed to teach math skills necessary for everyday computations as well as to prepare students for more thorough study of mathematics. with children, according to animal control officer, kf.rr.nd of this dog M ' 'Du mine, napn-i.ix, has had all hi fused. For further shotshut net is t s information about, this dog or any dog is Animal Control being kept t hi J or Center in Inm i i eights all Extension 25b. os i Another course listed for the first time in the Davis curriculum is The Indians of North America: Traditional Indian Cultures. This class covers representative life styles north of the Rio Grande from the 18th through the 18th centuries. It meets the Liberal requirement Lurch eon f?:rt A 333 vita -- e S Peek 1 6 C2. AQA i, -- ' 45 c;r3 -- a" - Case 59 gf L W U Case V ;, ii i sJ id ci f 7t 5 cc.-.-.- t pf 0 CtMlon Spiilmale Ccrn, Pc 33, Deans ... dd.-'i- rnjric Soiionnr JciyctalifoG if 12 oz. Tomaio Juice :' 1 j- - 5 D:t brjr'2 43c2. C'squic!: Nealies 12 oz. Hot Cocoa Dll MJB 6 oz. Rico Felixes Education in V7 C '' 49 F.-v-- t nooi CC2f r.sj.&D!6t A the Davis math anxiety, if mixed !y a! room to romp. The do is ouedmnt, partially OBEDiSHT I- schedule lists Math 100, Preparatory Algebra. This a BEAUTIFUL, n- - d FOR those who suffer from i Hank Do! s? A & art L i:i U Itl S non-credi- r i of Syrup w s the L S'H 10 BotlLe - s classes in such fields as photography, drawing, painting, ceramics, stained g'ars, and jewelry are also available. For those interested in art history, Mary Muir will teach 17th Century Dutch Masters, a course which may be taken for graduate credit and also t. may be taken 11 ViNtil .. 7 a.v 2k Also to be offered is the fun damentals of Real Estate course which prepaid" students to take the stau A March tag PU.t & I'j. 1 to begin during the last week of March. by the state. 5 Prices Effective Log Gahln quarter hour-require- 376-421- Li ! Conus Pack 30 02 examination and provi.h PHONE CLOSED SUNDAYS at,4 .array of exciting classes, most of which are scheduled necessary - ta rta i tab x::,y.zr: Vs i:n P.M. r.T t fTi Uuuau The MONDAY THRU SAT. 7 A.M.- - 9 GrDJ (agJ social sciences. , - f mot ,n v 37b-835- .295-239- On LAYTON - Id!! Li Connection Uilli RoIibPi? Layton man A has been arrested shortly after he allegedly held a in the rusty knife ribs of a and local pharmacist demanded a bag full of drugs, Police identified the suspect as Robert Barry Blewett, 30. He was arraigned in Lay-to- n City Court Tuesday on charges of aggravated demanded ics. Mr. Hamblin filled the sack with drugs just as a doctor walked by. He told police that when the suspect ducked behind an aisle, I peeked out the aoor ana tnrew a wheelchair into the path of the man. THEN AS i he uspi . tried to flee in his car, John r Brough, an aii on"' n nexr door, gave hasi trid Mr rob- 1 bery and auto theft. HE reportedly took a car from a nearby auto dealer to use in the robbery. Layton police said George Hamblin, 24, Syracuse, the pharmacist at the Professional Plaza Pharmacy, 2302 North Robbins Drive, was approached about 9: 35 a m. Monday, just after he opened for business. - Two FARMINGTON juveniles, ages 15 and 17, are being held at Moweda detention center at Roy after being arrested in connection with entry at Roy's Service, a combination gas and grocery asked about different vitamins. The suspect then thrust a long, rusty knife into the ribs of the pharmacist and itai Hamblin copied down the make of car and license number and called police, A few minutes later, Layton Heinz Officer Police Schuessler spotted the suspect's car at Gordon Avenue and Hill Boulevard and gave chase. OFFICER Schuessler said the driver attempted a left turn onto State Road 232 and c rashed into a road sign and was arrested at the scene, grb store at 1587 FIDOS (ei5-5oo- oj COHO F I r f , Qw Weller, When Ivan Ray, owner, arrived at the scene shortly j, ftOOXTUFS hearing . Mstn. safCTio of mustwwo noons SMFCT VfWVl one after 11:30 p.m. Tuesday the two juveniles escaped from the building, rk Lb. Spare Bibs popular courses through the Davis Program has been Spence Pochs group guitar. Spring quarter the first and third quarter classes will be taught. Finally, a course of interest to educators and parents is Elliott Landaus always popular Changing Childrens Behavior. MOST of the courses taught through the Davis University of Utah may be taken either For those credit or who are not interested in pursuing a degree, registersaves quite a ing little money. non-credi- t. non-cred- it For further information about dates, times, costs and specific class content, call Dont wait to register; some classes fill early. "1 Fresh Broocoli Avocados Cucumbers Fresh Pineapples f. ... 581-880- ARCTIC CIRCLE OiAINfVALUECOUPOH THIS COUPON l THRU MARCH 19, 1978 ON THE PURCHASE RANCH BURGER Dp D n T 0 n OF A IN ALL THREE LOCATIONS 293 North Main, Clearfield 5810 South 1900 West Roy 344 North Main, Layton ca:hvaluli uk a a a a ea a at ra ra m cn m m 19 ONE OF the most consis- tently ai, FROZSfJ pcinanQiranaaaapnnnQQnBBQ hi 69 Boneless Top Round Those inclined toward literature have a selection of three courses: introduction to poetry, a lower division course, the fiction of Ernest an upper Hemingway, division course, and Introduction to Shakespeare, also an upper division course. of the juveniles who was driving a pickup. The other was picked up by East Leyton police as he walked along Highway COVERINGS . comm . count -- coomimoo . moFFSStOKW IMUUATI0 run common UL ity SSUUMM t.M0 WAX FLOOM Bob S 0 39 levels. noises, called the owner and then the sheriffs office. DEPUTY limzh Meat intermediate conversation Lt. Dean Egbert, Davis County Sheriff's office, said a apprehended 79 Lb. Oscar Meyer Variety Pack 12 oz. IN THE field of languages, both German and Spanish are offered at the beginning and South Weber after Siea Ei offered. For those needing physical education to tone up sagging a bit muscles and to of vitality, Yoga and karate may be the answer. Drive neighbor, its J Top Round n Two Arrested After Forced Entry In Hoy MR. HAMBLIN said the man first browsed around mi a lot of narcot- AN exciting array of dance classes is also listed. Youngsters are attracted to ballet, and creative dance. For adults, discotheque dancing, traditional ballroom dancing and dancing are Hash Brown lb. pkg. 10 Oz. Cream OWeber 1 lb. - DELICATESSEN 389c Potatoes 3 I Strawberries & Q Cottage Cheese OO Parkway m f ... ggc Pizzas Russett 2 a . Lb. |