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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9, 1978 the specification, shall be adhered to as a condition of the contract A certified check or Bid Bond of not less than five percent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal, said check being made payable to the Board of Education, Davis County School District, must accompany each bid as a guarantee that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will promptly enter into a contract and execute such bonds as may be required The Owner reserves the rght to reject any or all bids and to waive any or ail formalities Plans and specifications may be examined without charge in the office of the Architect and may be procured fiom Montmorency, Haves and Talbot, Architects, at 2398 West, North Temple, of mm notice to Clinton), and used for the CREDITORS stockwatenng of 30 chickens, and 5 Estate of CLAUDE MONTE, Deceased L Probate No 2749 Ail persons having claims against the above estate are to required present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 24th day of May, ITS, or said shall be forever cla-m- barred bask of ltah pigs, and used from April 15, to Oct 31 tor the irrigation of 8 0 acs in Sec 34, SWi4SWi4, SWi4SEi4, Sec 33, all in T5M, R2W Protests Attorney for the I LET Washington Ogden Utah M4v granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed m duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, SLC, UT, 84114, on or be1 lore April 15, 19', 8 Published in Refit x Eirsl publif allnn I ast puh'u 1 ve The klv irst publication March Last publication urn at mn R 17 March 16 gives public notice of a public meeting to be held March 22, M to prestnt a proposed comprehensive master plan The meetmg shall be held at f ast av on City Hall, 1010 Drive Emerald Notih t lements of plan to be discussed include population L density, traffic circulation systems, use and location of public land and future city development DEANE H. RIGBY City Recordt r THE SECOND INTEGRAL STFEL STRUCTl RES vs C SCOTT HANSEN, and JOYCE w T HANSEN, his sfe Defendants, 10 ALL PERSONS HOLDING MECHANICS LIENS AND AIL PERSONS HOLDING OR CLAIMING LIENS ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY IN DAVIS SITUATE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the office of Templeton, Linke & Associates located at 40 West 2950 South, Salt Lake City, Utah upon payment of $20 00 fvr aarh cp f Any BIDDER submitting a complete bid on the project, upon returning such set within 20 days of bid opening and in good condition, will be refunded his deposit for one set of documents Any or BIDDER with additional sets will be refunded $10 00 of his deposit for each set returned in good condition within 20 days of the bid opening Dated February 21, 1978 DAVIS COUNTY CLERK Published in Davis County Upper Eirst publication Eeb 24, 1978 Last publication March 10, 1978 Reflex Eirst publication Feb 2T, 1978 last publication March 9, 978 R 8 Northeast corner 2 West, North, Range Salt Lake Base and Meridian, thence South 100 feet along the West line of said highway, thence West 481 feet, more or less to the East line of that property conveyed as found in B'Xik 491 Page 232 of the official records of Davis County, thence North 100 feet along said East line, thence East feet to the point 1 The following application has been filed with the State Engineer to change water in Weber County throughout the entire year unless otherwise Location in designated SLB&M Ross James Hyland, 3312 W 3300 S , Ogden, UT proposes to change the point of diversion, and place of use of 0 5 sec. ft. of water as evidenced by Underground Water Claim No. 20686. The water has been diverted from a drain at a points 25 ft. E 8 ft from the N'4 Cor. Sec. 3, T5N, R2W; and used for the stockwater-tn- g of 30 cattle and 3 horses; and used from April 15 to Oct. 8.0 acs 31 for the irrigation of in R1W 50813 Herman Bender, 1996 West Shepard Lane, Kaysville UT. 0 015 sec. ft of water is to be diverted ft from a 4 inch well, deep at a point S 50 ft and W 20 ft from NW Cor Sec 14, TIN, R1W, (2 mi W of Far(31-449- 40-8- 0 481 of 1 persons holding or claiming liens upon the above described real property pursuant to Chapter 1, Title 38 Utah Code Annotated (1953, as amended), or otherwise, shall appear before the Judge presiding over the Law and Motions calendar of the above-entitleCourt at the courthouse m Davis County, Slate of Utah on the 28th day of March, 1978 at the hour of 10 00 a m. or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard, to exhibit there and then the proof of their hens All hens not so exhibited shall be deemed waived against the property as provided in SecUtah Code Annotion tated (1953, as amended) DATED this 24th day of February, 1978 2 RONALD E. MADSEN ROY B. MOORE of and for PARSONS, BEHLE & LATIMER Attorneys for Plaintiff 79 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah Published Reflex 1 SE4 Sec 34. T5N, R2W. Hereafter, 0 5 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a drain at the following E. 700 ft. points l) S 30 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 34, 2) S. 30 ft. W. 1320 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 33; both T5N, R2W (in , Running West Jordan and used for the domestic put poses of one family; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 ac in NW'4NW!'4 Sec 25, T4N, beginning, containing acres All A 1974 water is to be diverted from a ft deep at a point well, 1 S 1T25 ft and E 690 ft from NW Cor Sec 25, T4N, R1W, (14 mi NE of Kaysville), of Section 25, Township David (31-449- UT 0 015 sec. ft of in The Weekly mington); and used for the stockwatering of 8 cattle in N W 4NW 4 Sec 14, T3N, R 1W 50825 Freed, Jo Ann R E. Capitol Blvd , (31-449- 866 Salt Lake City, UT. 0 015 sec ft of water is to be diverted ft from a well, deep at a point N 2090 ft and E. 295 ft. from S'4 Cor Sec 24, T3N, R1W, (14 mi W of 100-30- 0 Farmington), and used for the domestic purposes of one family in NW'4SE4 Sec. 24, T3N, R1W. 50838 Roy 23 So 350 W., Bountiful UT. 0 015 sec. ft. of water ts to be diverted from a ft deep at well, a points. 165 ft. and W. 370 ft from N4 Cor. Sec 25, T3N, R1W, (1 mi. SW of Farming-ton)- , Bur-ntngha- (31-449- 100-30- and the for used of one family; and used from Apr 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 ac. in NE '4NW t4 Sec 25, T3N, R1W. domestic purposes the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the Protests resisting State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or before April 15, 1978. irst publication March 2, DEE C. HANSEN, State Engineer 1978 Last publication March 16, !978 R 14 in The Weekly Published Reflex March Published in the Davis County Clipper 3, F irst publication March Last publication March 1978 1978 Last publication March First publication 2, 1978 16, M2 17, 1978 C 29 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Farmington), and used for the domestic purposes of one family, stockwatenng of 3 cattle in NE!4NW4 Sec 25, Springs Ave at a point 1,596 86 feet South and 179 feet West, more or less, from the C 25 in The Weekly (31-449- Stettler, d 84115. Locations in SLB&M 50757 David D Hansen, 655 So 150 E , Farmington UT 84025 0 015 sec ft of water is to be diverted ft from a well, deep at a point S 410 ft and W 614 ft from N4 Cor Sec 25, T3N, R1W, (0 5 mi SW of 50773 on the West line of a highway 18-tn- Salt Lake City, Utah Engineer to appropriate water in Davis County throughout the entire year T3N R 1W. Beginning ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of Storm Sewer Project at Clearfield, Utah, consisting of 870 1 f of pipe, 840 I f of t h pipe, and 6 clean-ou- t boxes will be received by the Davis County Commission at the office of the County Clerk until 4 00 P M , (Standard lime) March 14, 1978, and then publicly opened and read aloud at the Davis County Commission Meeting in the Meeting Chambers CONTRACT The DOCUMENTS be may examined al the following locations County Surveyors Office, at Farmington, Utah and Templeton, Linke and Associates. 40 West 2950 The following applications have been filed with the State 100-30- 1 (35-378- 39 unless otherwise designated Plaintiff, R 10 Published in the Davis Countv pjv r on Match 10, !9B NOTICE TO WATER LSIRS DiClAL DISTRICT ( OURT IN AND FOR DAVIS ( OUNTY, STATE OF UTAH 19H South, I C Published in the Davis News Journal F,rst publication Feb 23, 1T8 Last publication March 16, h PubLshed C AN ORDINANCE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bountiful, Davis County, Utah, for the Board of Davis County Education, School District, hereinafter called Owner" in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents, which were prepared by and may be obtained from Montmorency, Hayes and Talbot, Architects, at 2398 West, North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, and will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education in Farmington, Utah until 8 00 P M. o'clock, March 21, 1978, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid recetved after closing time will be returned unopened. ANNEX- REAL CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE FARMINGTON AREA PRESING Sealed proposal addressed to Board of Education, Davis County School District for the construction of a classroom addition to Orchard Elementary School, 928 West 4400 South, ORDINANCE NO. 362 Minimum wage rates as stipulated under Labor Laws SURIZED IRRIGATION DISTRICT. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DAVIS, STATE OF UTAH, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS- - said Board of County Commissioners at a the regular meeting held in regular meeting place of the WHEREAS, in the Davis County Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Utah, on December 1, 1977, at which then Commission Chairman, Glen W. Flint, and Commissioners, C. E. Moss and Wendell N Zaugg said Board, were all present, duly and regularly adopted a Resolution Giving Notice of Intention to Annex Portions of Oakridge County Club Real Property to the Farmington Area Pressurized Irrigation District, and WHEREAS, said Resolution sets forth the reasons for the jf VifcX, said real determined after - " -9. V , if ' 1 ? S 15 T' -- 1 r - Yv i V , m $9 4 A , r X v xsw - 0 igg XT - v't ft'- - x V i r A j P ii?5 7 C 'iv 4 x A, v . - i r ' O 4 4 f V- 'X ' - g - tx 4 i.. & ga , , cs v' & f ' I it XX t. x. 4 . t inves- ? tigation and consideration of all circumstances, that the said real property hereinafter described will be benefited by being annexed to the said District, and that it is in the best interests ot the real property being annexed, and also the health, convenient, e and necessity require that annexation to said District be granted pursuant to Chapter 6, Title 17, U C A , 1953, as amended, NOW THFRLEORE, of the ifv, Vv $ property to the said District in that the existing irrigation facilities for the said real property are inadequate and inconvenient, and WHEREAS, said Resolution also authorized that a public hearing be held to determine whether or not the said real property should be annexed to the said District, and pursuant thereto notice was given and published as required by law, and an open public meeting was duly and regularly held in the Commission Chambers of the Davis County Courthouse, Farmington, Utah, on Tuesday, January 24 1978, at 2 00 o' clock p m , and on the said date the new Chairman of the Commission, C. E Moss, was present and also Commissioners, Glen W Flint, and Wendell N Zaugg, as well as Rodney W. Walker, Davis County Clerk, and Nancy Rice, Deputy County Clerk, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing on the date above referred to no one appeared to protest the said annexation and neither were any written protests filed or received, and WHEREAS, the said Board Mas J L East Layton City hereby and discuss 2, LIEN CLAIMANTS NOT1CF Civil No. IN PL HI IC MLETING P in The Weekly Refkx on Mart h 9. 19N 9 SOriCE OF 7 JO Published 9"S Marth K 9 at in the Davis News R 1J f eb 2J, 19T8 1978, ROGER C.GLINES Clerk Divts County School District Board of Education 197m 1 Salt Lake City, Utah DLF C. HANSEN State Lrgmeer Published Journal stair the resisting Personal Representaive 2i.i5Washng'on Plvd, Ogden, Utah Mini IaVarF btaik 50 cattle, of annexation .ty 4 I nnifTIY4 'onensic wmnEns in con sideratson premises and good cause appearing therefor, determined 6, Title 17, U C A , 1953. as amended, ihat the hereinafter described real property be and the same hereby is annexed to the Far mington Area Pressurized Irrigation District for the purpose of providing irrigation water under pressure to the said real property which is located in Davis County and 1 pursuant to Chapter particularly described a- - Beginning at a point 55 0 Feet East and 123 50 Feet South from the North East Corner of Section 14 T 3N'R 1W Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence N 89 42 W 200 Feet, thence South 160 Feet, thence N 89 42 W 955 50 Feet, thence South 120 0 Feet to the North line of Shepards lane, thence N 8942 W 1580 65 Feet along the North line of Shepards Lane to the Fast line of a County Road, thence N 0 14 E 1600 Feet to the South boundary of Oakridge Village Subdivision No. 6, thence following along the boundary of Oakridge Village Subdivision No 6, S 89 52 04 E 420 11 Feet, thence N 16 50 58" E 711 33 Feet, thence N 35 35 56" L 201 77 Feet, thence N 42 18 47 E 316 45 Feet, thence 272848 E 50 43 feet, to a point on the Easterly line of N Ihe f Oakridge Village Subdivision No. 7, thence following along the East and South lines of said Subdivision N 2728 48" E 97 57 Ft thence S 8548 53" E 177 66 Feet, thence N 4 15 23" E 139 33 Feet thence S 87 46 07 E 153 67 feet thence S 7 39 34 W 292 61 Feet, thence S 14 42 38" W 802.94 Feet, thence S 81 39' 49" E 163 81 Feet, thence S 57 30 48" 25 36 Feet, thence S 62 47 E 538 91 Feet, thence S 0 20 W 100 0 ft, thence S 89 56 E 382 40 Feet, thence S 7 S 33 W 920 98 feet th 89 32 E 681 81 Feet, thence S 0 06 E 299 32 FP Ev 1 I I I 9 ! It! it u x 'dav THE JIM Ordinance the hereinabove described real property shall become an integral part of the Farmington Area Pressurized Irrigation District, and that the taxable property therein shall be subject to taxation for the purposes of the District, including the payment of bonds or other obligations of such District at the time authorized or outstanding. and that the said real property shall be under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the said District pursuant to the authority of Title 17, Chapter 6, U C A 1953, as amended 3 In the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners, Davis County, Utah, this Ordinance is necessary for the peace, health, and safety of Davis County and the 9 i permittt j la ! up hi gin oust r u, t fence (hat ttev f , 7S y , 1 r !S r V ( , f mims! t I ll I lit A(su thi ini has si. .wed usiik ss atd ini , jre h Up for a break in (he wi at hi t I he Dav is ( I i.nt Departmi nt a; pi ivt the things neci'sary ,d the I rut- ed 1 n e ( (trnfia ny and the ii'ixtrut t in t agreement t( t it .e . suits r t S l t f 1st d ( i 7 weather I were often among the top six ng lots fust J Pi gers h p ' 'it or , IMt with Mr KaV nl ,. f f sd ! ( pi w -way for i ( si m through 1 d N lo 2 4 il) N Mr K , v s g g sit d that he mav g n . easement of 15 feet out 11 t , l et I he count s,jgg( ,, ,j that they would contact B h W hue to see if t cn the nee t ss iry 50 ft 1 a a ' fur he nt w roud IN tana, third, and Melanie Darton, four'h I he top two awards in monu acurg were given to Jerry 're.' ( irtte Inn and ntilied the city thev ft It !u erisr s t idd net he tss ji d THE cou'v the busiHt ss vokd ( t n-- to of the hie chop and the bustniss and Der htensp of ,he ( trde Inn The pi'ln department reported that the ( irde Inn had been mi ft rating with their department in rt porting of altercations taking plate and such inuden s have been kept to a minimum and gutltv parties nave been arrested Brent A Dayton ( (instruction Companv was he low bid on the construe Do n of new tennis courts at tne cost of $25,5x8 Jvki'I, ore thousand Jolla-would go to construct the courts and $4 5sH for the installation of lighting with matching funds m ome from I the Bur eau Outdoor s Pet real ion JL NE Martin wll g ,! asr n.enr ne essaiv lane for the si n m s'wc r 1 1 Stanger, first place, and Brenda Lodi, second Susanne Humphteys ranked fifth , t . if was brought to the a'o o 'it n of the count il tl a' s a s, was not pr perK d,spi1v the American flag and tf should not be left up of weather tvfx-- s The m said il would be or m n i in I 'be , iff WATER .r b . ' 1.1 ,'tj oun at Sunset " ts 11 - PI l. nJ- -r a 24 month I 11 in ii'ii. h in dei ide ed repairs be made Ray Eves met befon Do council to discuss the .o for the planning tommst n not granting him a i'd anr 7 he s m-- i t ha r Mh s s approximately three ti nths of an acre The buildings which have been under con si ruction are in violation of thi building ordiname as thev are too dose together and ihe council wondered why lots . in to , COUNTY Commissioners had been considering the request for several weeks E'arlier both Commissioner Wendell Zaugg and E lira said that Mr Stringham had contacted them separately to request the tnc rease On Tuesday Commissioner C E Moss explained that commissioners had agreed to the hike because supervision for the remodeling would be more time consuming than supervising the construction of a new facility Commis-ssonerGle- Commissioners C E Moss, Glen W Flint, and Wendell N n jyor stated he apest i'v m this tit . c c Vs THE FINAL round of girl's txtemp included Cynthia Sanders, third, and Sue Hansen, fourth In Oratory, qualifying for final round were Mike Draper and Holly McGee THLSE high awards and runnings gave DHS the first pldi.e sweepstakes award S.PROUSE RE ITZ STORES Livings COLOG - ncreasecl one-hal- I'd 'at! Fee The cost of architectural plans for the $1 2 million addition to the Davis County courthouse has increased about $5,000 Inanactiontaken Thursday, Dav is ( ounty Com missioners said the additional fee would be based on six and f percent of the cost of construction rather than six percent which had been agreed on earlier ance Matticks and Leslie externp with Bart Lharnet taking firs! place and Wallv (rec nwell taking third , s, , that improvemt pis w( r, needed for the city sw( pi r and the side broom wmi I was suggested that the 10 . of FIRST AND second places pantomime were earned bv Mn kelson Davis also did well in bov's ( MR. ROGERS aL impromtu, Vanessa second place, Luis (intz, Past i I recently finalists in every event lot example, in humorous t ttrp . Jill Jarman, Stuart Thatcher Willy ( arden and lh !!v McGee ranked as first second fourth and fifth place s; axtrs respectively s f gh Debate and squads DAAIS controlled much of 'he competition in ihe final tiurds Two or more Darts v (ifTin ,g Xdii'rg j p t i! ontiiig i,iv is H up bt borne high honot s when Dey competed at the H x B ix I ide r Invitational h tii ( J 1 t1 building Smith -- I rg t V k..e h in UHNC1L I Dama I Li J HE ;v t ,t et tiff ng h a e e o x ( 'P u I - WHIM A unset ( rt g jliii t Feet more or less to the point of beginning 2. With the adoption of this r La Li time the l'J eriL i1. V follows to wtt CAMH1A SANDERS By It is here bv j PGRAiT r MR. STRINGHAM said although Lawrence Construe lion Company mav compl 'e the construction in one year, the contract specifies 14 months The time table calls for the addition on the east side of the building to be completed in eight months, with the in side remodeling being es- timated to take four months in other matters, the com mission signed a document releasing the $2 million bond signed by Hospital Corporation of America prior to the construction of Lakeview Hos pital in Bountiful THE agreement had been to release the bond after October 1977 County Attorney M lton Hess had approved the signing rk J Error In Article It was erroneously reported in last week's issues of the Davis County Clipper, the BAB'ES CHILDREN ADULTS GROUPS-O- NE SPED AL OF EACH PE RSCN S Vu.v GROUPS 88 PER PERSON SELECT FROty FINISHED COLOP PORTRAITS MADE ON KODAK EKTACOLOR PAPER COURTEOUS SERVICE-N- O ONE TO PRESSURE YOUTO BUY Limit-O- NE SPECIAL PER CHILD FAST DELIVERY L papTJ foratjond look the (vnesof your PHOTOGRAPHERS HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 10 AM 1 PM FRIDAY 0 AM 1 PM 2 PM 7 30 PM PM 2 PM 5 30 PM SATURDAY 10 AM 2 L We PM-- PM thereof inhabitants Therefore, this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage a copy being published, in accordance with law. and a copy being deposited in the office of the Clerk of Davis County, Farmington, Utah. Unanimously passed and approved by the Board of County Commissioners of and upon Davis County, Utah, this 28th day of February, A D , 1978 Prtntad in U 8 A. |