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Show mm'' i WEEKLY REFLEX DAViS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 9. 19?8 Hunter Safety Conference Set In Layton sptcial burner safely A (inference for south of ail ages will be hold at North ( Gymnastics Always St Uiewmont ay i cm Junto! K.gti SclmT on March 21 THE T1ML will be from 7 I. oo 9 p ir, or re i fiO' : ro; tor, .intis iht m or. at u.e k ;ou.j.-- e M at- By DAVE WICHAM r ext-r:xe ex eo the .1 M , i s'Kir Henrte McDaniels in the Polar-- C - . tv rur;r. Reg!..,-- ,i wri: 'n U.;h aril! t m f;-- ? v cJi. t t .r the- L cl : i h L iv.iril U I t d c!!li.x" f K'n ItMi f'A );j s: , It f f, u .. DPIN i s : U ladr ' 11 n , vs year. THESE - 'D v a M f ; V .,lr ; . :;,n.;-l- the team to beat again this year, although theyre the first to admit that Clearfield also has a strong club t h ; !j y ;tJ ul ,tf ' k a h a-- L k ; l One crown went to Bonneville, a team whom the Vikes destroyed m a dual meet. That makes the Vikmgs M n fr I::.. THI, Vifwrnon! iauv. il: !hr .tie pridk1 il.i; eVc'f't. lids f.., t. , JC . dt W,..- , WJ team. The Vikings have won me region title for the past two years, the old Region Two tale. Last year the :.! ,1 t. j& iseam category Karen Draper is strung bulb the va.riirg .old ain-r- you become accustomed to finishing on top, the other teams seem to have a habit gunning especially for you. Such is the case with the Viewmont girls gymnastics .irw v rh et s. ,'vp , BOUNTIFUL--Whe- n two clubs w i square off at Clearfield or, March 15 at 3 p m. to determine wholl be the favorite to win the region crown. Although the majority of nSw(, .. rv. '.s: r msSHijy A Vi i , their points come from V .??; iia a couple of talented seniors the are a junior Vikings dominated team. Those two stars are Karen Ecktr.an and Heather Sprake, both are ui-- o k r, e r. . nviii Lh .! r. fc f r M jr it a J1 ir M , g tuiui sterling scholars fur the J V. - i i?; i evt ! 1 school. A (' s c. need Pit- r w.,r ,:! 'i;e tu ,i:M bu- hS this p.e w iu i i.ic tt i s vi k as tiit1 I Si puif C I H al, I, c:ii a be? :h p ihc ,1. II d IT; ta I S cl SKf ba w ;l)S ( H W KAREN finished sixth in the state last year in the competition while tins is actually Heather's first year of high school competition. Heather competed for a private club last year and mis Ihc W for m- " Ln ui the LDS Academy ..ke Citv. liie Ogden ufiui-i-were In li.iv e a (col; Puss In del ide w nil hi ijc.u g:r s as Lbe nuiidier Marsha Limburg. Karen and Heather both compete in the all around, along with four other Vikes, but all of them have them strengths. Karen is strong in the uneven bars, as luck would have it, so is Heather. These two really push each other in this event which makes for better competition t ihive and four learns In; d place i WiXit: u A thf Ui n i ir.--i u;i i i :rs? (. u ei i Um.gs U!f d a laic lie tk f : ef ail ii lie Cafs. og.m team was oil a wm'd;..; s: reek and fauciS P;eia; ei a! the top of Dm baa a r ; JUNIOR Kris Kimbal is also in her first year of competition as is, according to Miss Limburg, the most improved gymnast on the team. Her strength is on the balance N ! A l .is-- V f be. a -- self and her babies. She ound employment at Salt Air ' ; , , beam. Juniors Arlene Randall and Cheryl Whipple round out the Class If competitors for the Vikes. Arlene is strong in the floor competition while Cheryl is tough on the beam, although she surprised her coach a while back with a first in vaulting. I Da.D H E Y ,; far a goes. lbe fa Dixiea A round a.n: llO-- A bis. lines it below Zt to and , o' ' i At ter, i ei iiiem in i he set it W'.tdd place in to m Dm Sa e Link ke! a o, o ami Mui .it be s I i 0'p.a ;!e s.eke; W'lnltl -' it nboi inc two. on, e 1'- were v th-- 01! I 5 m b I n , , n- -o J p 8-- 1: (after 4 p.m.) n ii b a t MIS Ay OiJ Kj F W H i i f ELEGANTLY AFFORDABLE Custom Built EOtSE CASCADE HOMES Phone FOW 6 APPOINT MF.NT SALES REP a qnr-rPr- it s im riiA i ' .(n ( ; ( Iwi 5 Weekdays li h ! L 8-- 5 Sat. Closed Sunday I pf f L w h. lu ?vi LS r . 99 - n coated blade Scimitar, perfect circle bi Contoured ash handles. Tefion-- I r t .i - it - y Ft. sji1 ',1 DUkhiiOnal lit t ivi r ! j. lU W.v OIL & FILTER CHAMGE O 9 : Slf. :! : i a inen-sie- attend fop-Arti- c MtO vj 4C MHTTJI rjk MOW 1 TW' pire CJ& l--i At participating dealers in Layton area. Cl rn HA Dfeiiy lu bc.y jfi X A 481 North Main, Layton 376-4481.00 OFF VMfTH AD 4 f i mi h ;m WAT ''A', : t c CD c- - fI. f T t 1 Reg. S9.95 Prefinished 12xl0 Red Oak Particle sgs9Ea Shelving ri ti NEW! nr E"i.; w M VEGETABLE STARTER FORMULA ;i fen. 4 W CF AMERICA tax service TAX CCr.FCnATICN o Accufrt('.y C Sat,sliKt:i.r' iiuafaf 3 t'ie Fees TLfed f Corifiueini FOR YCCR w F POiNTf-'EN- WAYIiS JOHIISOri - T H e Afj0' Cd No. 60 ! 5 t I No. PRUNER: One ol j the most popular shears made J Open end handles, molded i vinyl grips. Hook is ground i slant to prevent slippage. Drop i Forged. Completely heat treated tor rugged use. E-- T- 11 Corona Pr : n t t. . 'i X a. O I r t 1 OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1978 1 mna Dep u v I f tor ' r e Moup'.op Eegion ard Ins w ill eoruiiii me tbrni ASA N a FITR oo w MF.RRIT OR 4MD j a. 'X. O Ia. am'in Ft. ' book. 1NCIUOCS nKTSv T'r hpr j or I !::!-- it lion, there is a r i ,i j ASA ') Joints) i t ( lf h He '5 x f j I ii- i Solid Pine (No Finger I or by te L MV Chmihps I , C i L 770-442- 3 I ; I ! S 1V' Colonial Casing r I I 111 li 1,.1. i ri L Lr :;p;ivr a jOSui f as e r s v V 'V ' h ' a n i I'--1' her t 1 r x stejf XmK1 J use ' '. u rt hi , wssr-s1 i Vx- mst V.isf p-- r fa -, i '0,1 766-044- 2 is t anu hear st f I i 1:1 d I i S Ui a m a W i s S end i v Li U if -i h W Clean - i an On on,-- ' ) ' iq B' o Loppinn ',,l a ml sni , r-- f. f tm k that e 0 g ' g e r ' & GliliaaoysMftop , n t hi r Let Us Show You Our New resides 11 r.sinpxipn j i. u a L i Aft? h,r j,.-- HI . nr1) UJ Li d W. zfesi t:y l! till.:, bl! D, d, of f.t.n s, .! h "j ,. Wasetch SI 00 OH" WilH p 'OFEGiniCd ;l I c. Open d'T'LT 0 ... -- j ii-- Jensen in the uneven bars Kris Ditleveson and limy Holt, who are both super in & i n l.i "Niit one e seed iie fiiili, was d t r K iiD-i.n Ihvse TT'. ,r 1 .:r-- it 06 East 200 North, Kaysville - 376 - 4229 s five lo six feet . WENDI Bell, Linda Ellis, Shawna Hemslev and Kan-r- Fast -- ? r.-- I espena iy Canadian hi r.g i 111 cit i C . to proud grattdrnother ' r i ul vr.iP t MRS. Trowbridge belt:-int- instead e tul lit h l kal as Do Although going turd place tee.ru looks beta a.s p p;)0 in t Mary and tk the tourna'm-n- ; t enter Sn eel . 0VK --, lbe reuie was ' and gel the ai.inm.j, it ANOTHER junior, Margaret MacKay, usually con, petes on this level but she was injured at a meet up at Weber and has been out of action. The following girls com pen-fothe Vikes in the Class 111 level with their strongesi events, those they usually place high and score pumis in, Deb Burton, Sue Nish and Annette Wilde in vaulting. o' ALU AYS true to her faith, Mrs. Trowbridge was an ordained Temple worker for 42 years. She was president of LUCY THEN had to supftort ( ,, ; a SreonUi, st drop tin- g ; me 0, it I lie's- Would have found ;m m. c! h.e a g selves in a to play about two or Dirt, plavof! gatnea to emai g t t; liie e.iurnana-.i- . V D ( adit daugluer a t , ,o t t for us aid nutn, n things you have done fur iw A talented ludv. she h,.i, written many teuu!,fu! poems and she loves to re nil slon.es. As a voung woman she was considered a sknlt-- i horseback rider. She is no avid reader and keeps st,.u ks of books on hand to lead whenever time permits itn a lady friend she traveled to many far away ,1 , s ii Soiih America and A n ost memorable I .1 , i u .p was oi,u she made to the i ..'Hi .eld , of the woodi of! ami she was able to travel. . M.iU'.tmgs, ' be an she would marry. Mr. rnpleby was employed as a ,.imng engineer in Bingham anvon. Three years later her moved husband was killed in ruining accident leaving her vth two small children, a y and Howard. t iimHr. t.tM'-- 1 ne somehow knew he was the vfib s:.; k 'r i pi.n iHUiid In Vkiuie ti'H UplTtin ibdiSt-- ; ili w met a! i I William rnpleby. He took her home at night and in her heart she the Relief Soi ;e! v in I wo n ,n different wmiR t l,e president of the ! i e i has received numerous awards from the chon h for her faithful senue (me sis' prizes most is a bea ut;f ui plaque presenied hv a moup of young ladies in Mutual which reads m j ' m n. . in Salt she went to a .isketbail game and it was nere s tl One evening liu 1 " a 3 a local drug store emus oilier jobs when t hiV eo were growing up. b r ch dttn were grown when she met and married (ittitge ! row bridge. And she was happy until r- - onte more intervened. Mr. rovvbndge died seven ,t v s liber and she was on her This lime two a,, tin i r, she was financially - 13 family moved bat k tn m rnington, and she attend-- c r jls rssa.l licit as she with hei i HEN LUCY was about r Wr'it. fU'M year for some unknown reason she just decided to participate on the st ho,d team, noted their loach, I.uey Umjilehy Trowbridge has her eye on the eight-hal- l nietys a game of vxil at the llentam ('innr. (learlitiii son Hiivvard Tmiriehv m ( Foolproof new mi guarantees better germination Irom your seed investment. Easy to use O indoors and outdoors. c-jsjfr'im f SH 67 H Reg. $1.98 SEEDS Vegetable L0FTS or Flowers 103SC Reg. 35c Ea. |