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Show -'- V. I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVSS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9, 1978 r.lonte Vista r Spring Program U1 LnJ f ' x 1 c V Monte Vista School in Farpresented the mington students in a spring program on We've Got Rhythm March 2 to a large audience of parents and friends. THE MAORI dancers who first performed the on program were Darwin Beeks-teaKent Davis, Curtis Dykeman, Tommy Koop, Michael McKnight, John Normmgton and Steven Redd. Rolf Reeder, Abel Scribner, Johnny Sevenants, Jerold Scott Snarr, Smedley, i ! : ! Michael Vance and Dan Weber. t I MAORI ! maiden dancers were Cathy Avery, Robyn Ballantyne, Sandra Clayton, Lisa Edwards, Shelley Hansen, Carleen Hess and Debbie i Hoppe. Jane Kilfoyle, Tracy Patterson, Michele Sargeant, Linda Schell, June Thorsted, Davis High School's hand wiH poPMir a dinner Monday to help raixe funds for re w it i unlorms School's com is about $7, UK! of whn h m ,ih '2 ooo i st,H needed BAND HEEDS MONEY Diane Wiser and Marilyn Young, directed by Rulon Smith and Blaine 1 p l i f i f SNOW White and The Seven Disco Dwarfs" starred Robine Strong as Snow W hue, Michael Boulder was Prince Charming and Mona Maxwell played the Wicked Step- mother. The bluebirds were Mark Hamblin, Christy Helqutst and Kim Jensen, trees were Heather McMillan, John Michelson and Natalie Williams The dwarfs were Suzie Adamson, Brian An- i t Pretty Cheryl Ann Sorenson, Vae SPELLING OUEEH Elementary School sixth grader, is winner of the schools second annual spelling bee She will compete next we in the diStru t meet Its official Cheryl Ann Sorensen is the top speller at Vae View Elementary School Beam, H '15 W 1060 North, Layton, was fourth grade winner Miss Sorensen is the daughter of Lynn G and Vicki SHE proved her talent bv winning the schools second annual spelling bee from among fourth, fifth and sixth grade students 1744 W Sorensen, 1375 North, Lay ton SHE WILL compete March 15 with other area winners for the d.strict championship and the district winner will vie for the state title m May Cheryl, a pretty sixth grader with blue eyes and long blonde hair, was declared winner after she correctly spelled shrieked Winner of the state contest will be eligible to compete for the national spelling bee championship to be held in FIFTH grade winner and runncrup to the school champion was Roger Sellers, son of Mrs Deanna Sellers, 2053 Celia Way, Layton Albert Beam, son of Clair and Mary Washington D C. the week of June derson, View 5-- CHERYL is tie best Audiences: Helps Voung lids Appreciate Music and grades five and six Young Audiences is a nationwide organization formed to help instill in children the desire for musical appreciat- ion and participation as folk-sing- per- formers or listeners, and to help build a future audience for music, according to Weight, Salt Lake Chapter chairman. Supported by grants from the Music Performance Trust Fund, the Utah Division of Fine Arts, the schools, and by corporate and personal contributions, Young Audiences is a nonOr-mo- n Party. Preferring to work m the intimacy of the small classroom, she has the children help her to create a Magic Music Cake. As each concept of music is in- troduced (melody, tone, rhythm, and instrument) children wearing a real chef's hat are invited to stir these ingredients into the cake. Using her guitar, familiar music, and visual aids, Ms. Spillsbury teaches these concepts most effectively. profit group. EACH year auditions are held by a local chapter music committee under the direct- ion of Dr. Avery Glenn, state music specialist, to pick qualified groups to perform the concerts for which Young Audiences is noted in the elementary schools of Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas. Salt Lake, Davis, Jordan, Granite, and Murray School Districts are all participants in the program The performers auditioning all are professional musicians, skilled in their fields, who are interested in furthering the musical education of the young people ANOTHER popular group is the Americana Singers. Directed and accompanied by Chene Omer, Marilyn Pratt, soprano, Susan Cook, contralto, Greg Griffiths, tenor, and Don Becker, bass, present a delightful program teaching the elements of opera. Using a circus theme, they introduce various facets of singing, musical ter- minology, and counterpoint singing with such enthusiasm that their young audiences respond with shouts of EACH of the concerts must be interesting and entertaining as well as educational and Bravo. informative to the young audiences who will view EQUALLY them Geared to the interests and understanding of young people, concerts are presented on three age group levels -- Kindergarten through grade two. grades three and four. Order well received ADDITION to the regular performances in the schools, programs are scheduled on Tuesday, March 14, by the Americana Singers at 12 45 p m at the ZCM1 IN Mall At 2 15 p m. on March 15, the String Quartet will perform at the Primary Childrens Medical Center. The Brass Quintet may be heard on March 16, at 2 15 p m. in the auditorium of the Salt Lake Public Library, 209 E. 5th South The Americana Singers will present their program on 17, at 2 00 p m at the Senior Citizens Recreation Center at 237 So. 10th East. March EXPERIENCE Young Audiences with your children. The following concerts are scheduled duripg "Young Audiences Week and for the remainder of the school year. In Davis School District. Daniel H. MINI SCHOOL 3-- 5 yr. olds Cfirtton or StortM IK Brazil Aided 1939 1917. 12- - March 16, Brass Quintet, Kaysville School, March 17, Piano Duo, Taylor School; March 17, Piano Duo, Adelaide School, March 21, Piano Duo, Meadowbrook The United States agreed to extend aid for the development of Brazil on March 9, President Woodrow Wilson ordered the arming of U S. merchant ships on March 8, Mrs. Ted (Kathy) Wilson, honorary chairwoman, and the Young Audiences Board of Directors to all parents of young children and the patrons of Young Audiences to share in these unique concerts Young during Audiences Week, March are the String Quartet directed by Jack Ashton, the Brass Quintet directed by Alan height, Karen Perkins' Woodwind Quintet, and the Piano Duo directed by Susan Duehlmeier Arming and Orpanind Omm taadkw Raatfrwaa .Muta.AtaACrata Oraraa, Sdanca Band, ale. Entwweed, CerStad Teachers OmM taytaa now for fall srcsrc? LIMITED ENROLLMENT are-ffT- T An invitation is extended by Working particularly with the very young groups this and guitarist year, Lezlee Spillsbury, with her assistant, Daisy Chadee, presents a Musical 37$-m3- o Vos-bur- NARRATOR Fourth, fifth and sixth grade champions then met in a spell-of- f with Cheryl easily winning after just a few words, said Mr Wardell grb School. Cabrera Promoted Daniel H Cabrera, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucio B. Cabrera, formerly of Layton, has been promoted to senior airman in the U S Air Force. AIRMAN Cabrera, an air traffic control operator, is assigned at Mountain Home AFB, Ida , with a unit of the Air Force Communications Service. He is a 1972 graduate of Layton High School His wife, Rosalinda, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ricardo T Solis of 302 West 1225 North, Band Benefit Dinner with music by ihe Davis High wind ensemble The dinner is scheduled for Monday, March 13 in the school cafeteria Tickets are available tatoes and g was Beverlee Lombardi, stage hand was Frvin Moss, assistant on stage, Diana Tethmeyer, music control, Marjorie Simmons and dwarf control, Gwen Fawcett "The Bare Necessities featured the Jungle Rhythm Dancers, rhythm section, Gary Ashby and Ronnie Page DANCERS were Jodi Hardman and Durke Todd, Angie Smoot and Webb Elliott; Wendy Jones and Greg Goulding; Tracy Stone and Jeff Parry, Lisa Hinds and Shane Turner; Jennifer Tar-be- t and Russell Hardman and Patti Porter and Robbie won coach music e lSt Ann THE FINAL number, Balls with Cathy Avery, Sandra Clayton, Lisa Td dards, Debbie Hoppe, Jane Kilfoyle and Tommy Koop Steven Redd, Rolf Reeder, P-- per-oii- ( i THE PROGRAM was well done and each page of the program was illustrated with drawings of each number which was presented kj "Wl r -fiffth THE GIRL gymnasts in World included Robyn Ballantyne, Linda Schell, Shelley Hansen and Jane Kilfoyle, coached by Joann Jacobsen. "Its a Small Featuring M Hfgjl HUHUBf niUtn l&i r - m AM WiVy ijffrifrmiiiiiii the Snow The next number was Clap Your Hands to the Music" featuring Michael Alberts, Robyn Ballantyne, Mark Coffman, Scott Johnson, Michael McKnight, John Normington, Cindy Patterson and Jennie Kay Warren, directed by Jeannme Parrish Lost Dog WEST POINT - A $200 reward is being offered for the safe return of a Black Labrador Retriever lost Feb 15 in the vicinity of 4450 West in West Point. The owner, Gary Birch, said the female canine is named "Jean" and is very friendly. She was not wearing a collar at the time of her disappearance but there is a tattoo mark, "HPKJ" on the N 78 4 W Drive FORD PICKUP i jaqq yusl I .yWR'i.n 4 Aa - m pQ " Last Chance Discounted From $8077.00 25 08 1 2 n lemos Stock No. 8059 Down From $8296.71 Down Delivered Your Choice ,SI c L E H u N M H N f G 77 77 LTD LTD N C 5071 00 4-- Dr. 2-- Dr. 78 Ford Fiesta s87! 46 mpg Economy Giant Front Wheel Drive 24,000 Miles A R A Landau Landau per month 4187 78 Pinto All Vinyl Interior s6915 2.3 Engine Stk 8242 3176 00 per month E 78 Mustang 2 & 2 Equipped Stk No. 8056 Specials 1974 Dodge Charger 1975 T Bird 1975 Ford FI 004x4 s8773 per month Act Now 146300 3993 3388 E HOT DOGS 7 To All Visitors u 1972 Ford Vz Ton P.U. 137600 1959 Ford 3 Ton P.U. 1077 Champion Mobile Double Wide $1 f) QCjnOO I If jOilll u r- - u advertised payments based on 36 month lease with 45 of capitalized cost as residual value. Sales tax on monthly payment All only. knowing of the whereabouts of this dog should call Mr. Birch at or Bill Dunbar, 825-062- 3 No questions will be asked, said Mr. Birch 9 1 v left groin ANYONE id LAYT9H 3997 Offered Fop it 1573 Worth filain h THE "Frog Chorus" was a poem with rhythm with future poets David Decou, Karla Jamieson, Kevin Lloyd, Tracy Patterson, Linda Schell, Diane Wiser and Dwayne Young, directed by Craig "III irtfiiF-- i iii FROL! Picnic Were Going on a Click, Picnic featured munchies Chris Chrisman, Jennifer Krazcek and Lenny Eyre, crunchies were Christa Hale, Dana Dykhuizen and Denise Martines and the bunchies were Scott Hawkins, Trisha Elliott and Gary Chesire. m AFFORD A Twinkling Hansen, Steven Redd and Jerold Smedley to the tune of Little 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Star Next was Syncopated Clock with jumpers Sandra Clayton and Darwin Becks-tea- d with choreography by Lex Marcusen. ' i various ects in ihe past to acquire mat h needed funds Come and bring vour families fi u nds np 376-033- 8 Choreography, music control, costumes and direction by Laura Broughton, Mary Tarbet, Marge Page, Linda Larson, John Zukin and friends THE ; band has on for the parent who wants more than just day care for their child Swan starred Kent Xylophones Davis, Lisa Eddards, Shelley THE SCHOOL ' tked haid i Anderson - uniforms extended hum- enriched uri ahirn qualified Scribner, Johnnv Sev nants and Matilyn Young, directed by Lorere nnT- iige r lay ton montes preschool Abel - n need of raising aiTioun' of money for a e be ssa'uv. ! i Rt molds ' ' $2 ffisy and gravy chcsolaie cuke. i i is $3 50 for for children 12 years and under and $15 per SERVING from 6pm, the menu includes roast beef, po- ' Money ru mu toward the pure ha t band uniforms i This is an annual of the band and is ii ki n 'r ward to with anic provides one with g . t ' and an entovabo own entertainment 3 our s (l will be greailv apj n m family DONATION adults, Brent Brighton, Michelle Cornell, Ted Elliott, Holly Hopper and Mitch k speller I believe 1 have ever had, and Ive had some good ones, said George Warden, sixth grade teacher at the school But then Cheryl dies everything extremely well She is a very brilliant and talented girl " He said the sixth graders went through three long lists of words before Cheryl emerged the winner. Fourth and fifth graders, he said, faltered on their own words rather early Dinntr music will be provided by the Davis wind ensemble, which will give concerts at 6 10, 6 50, 7 30 and 8 p m They will featuie light music selections The Davis H,gh School band is holding their annual EORD 1573 N Main LAYTON SI2 825-97- 21 376-34- 61 n |