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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9, 1978 Personnel Decisions Made By School Board flU I - 5wi!rN vmam N V Xj WiW 4 t f THE BOARD said Ihe school would have to wait hr a decision until an evaluation of the teachirg planning time tumept is complete , In other matter business, the board agreed to tall for bids on the sx room addition to the Orchard Himen'ary School at 8pm on March 21 Thev also - M Jj school instructors request ing sabbatical leave for ex Save Toaay At Your Woods, Cross Kmart & t 2 '1 Vs ?s Jw l2 LfL tended study be approved, although only about half thai many are usually allowed the option A LAST year only two teachers applied for and were approved the purthase tnree add.tional lots granted sabbatical leaves 100 S Supt 9 WJaMJ H ? -- funds study H i I I .-, 4 IJNVVv V 'V . I 'Tcllr I JT ir Li f B,. fl V pw u we ministrative 1,47 CoIoiIjI rugby knee-hig- h for misses. Sizes Save today! socks Plastic liners fit 0 cans. Includes 20-3- 1. s. Jr?; ft nYrilMf TitMtftt iff .cVni a ft 4. Xfei r MKN TT otj Kmart NTC120512 diagonal measure black and white portable is a solid state television with automatic gain control, earphone for private listening. Modem cabinet. positions, ivory-col- tSafMat or fen i By DONETA M. GATHERUM Annandale, Va. were among the out of town people who attended the funeral services 79.88 fastest car for Samuel B Scoffield Kay is Mr Scoffields daughter-i- n law Capt Gary A Scof- in a recent field was unable to come home for the funeral because he is second in command on board the U. S Navy ship "Kitty Hawk The U S Navy ship is on an extended tour of duty. Cub Scout Ptnewood Derby. Carl is a member of Pack 303, sponsored by the Layton Y Our Reg. 2.88 tttTyfAri Eleventh Ward Mrs Jessie Carvter will spend Friday, March 10 in m with her daughter Eph-aiand Lynda and Don Andrew Thompson. The occasion is the celebration of Mrs. Carviers granddaughters birthday. Andrea Thompson is seven years old Mr. and Mrs. Steve Padilla and their family recently moved to Layton from Montana. ' the Keith Brimhall, of Crestview Prtncipaf is School, Elementary recovering from a heart attack. He was hospitalized and tn the intensive care unit but is now convalescing at home. The Layton Sixth Ward Mutual group spent Saturday acenjoying a tivity. The youth traveled to Powder Mountain for skiing, tubing and other winter fun. Mrs. Gary A. (Kay) Sccf-ftel- d V r 5 ti S t tlC only. Mr. and Mrs William 2603 E Oak Forest Van-Dyk- e, son-in-la- K'-XO- G purchase r o' Carl Wheeler, the son of JoEllen and Creed Wheeler, won first place honors for the ! to property from Clearfield to construct a school in that community This purchase was approved by the board last month 77J-4J7- Washable cotton chenille in a wide array of colors. Fringed. Twin and Full size resolution a views would be completed and the recommendations for hiring be completed by the next board meeting on March f' ' ?4l 4 Standard size pillow has polyester fill for comfort and long wear. White. of IN A final matter of business, the board approved 21 Our Reg. matter infornia'ion, reported on a state-wid- e movement to reduce Jie number of school activit.es in high schools in the state in sports, music, debate and drama In addition to the state board of education study, the Society of Superintendents is considering the matter and will make some effort to cur tail activities next year School officials plan even further reductions the following year, he said There also will be an attempt to balance the athletic activities between boys and girls IN addition, four district positions- -a vocational director, a director of secondary curriculum, a supervisor of secondary social studies and a work adjustment counselor-wi- ll be open Supt. Wrigley said he could not guarantee that the inter- gallon trash twist-tie- er 0 WM IN A Mr Stevenson Supenntent Wrigley said the board would close applications on March 10 and begin to interview the applicants Three elementary principals and one junior high principal will be named tjj I for Woods Cross High School band Supt Wrigiev said tne school district would folow the normal policy of pav ing57 of the cost of the uniform after the school has raised 27 of the cost Woods Cross has provided $6,471 being received for eight ad tel Ojr Save on these fashionable suits tor boys. Polyester blend Your choice of assorted solids and plaids. Boys sizes. Also approved was tte purchase of W) band uniforms IF teachers decide not to return to Davis District after the leave, they are required to pay back that money to the district Assistant Supt Gayle Stevenson said the district should have no trouble in finding teachers to replace those on sabbatical although there might be problems next year in reshifting to find a place for those teachers who had been on leave Reporting on applications f r j 12 , vr i u, - fU- pfr I I , ( keep other lots previous! , purchased for the ( learf o! vocational program, to see d they would be needtd latei The building lots are purchased with vocation' leaves will be over 157,000 The district pays teachers one half of their salary while on sabbatical for extended - , ASST. Supi tjaUe S'ever son said the d strict wu'd financing the sabbatical i a! 16 x h learfield for he build, rg trades departmen' a ( Uarf.eid H gh schixil Wrigley suggested the number of leaves could be extended during the 1978-7school year due to the small number requested last year AccorJ, ng to Supt rigley. the cost to the district (or I f Drive, recently moved to Layton from Ogden Mr. VanDyke is orginally from Ogden His wife is from Clearfield originally The family lived with a brother while their home was being built. Laura Bone Galley, 85. of Phoenix, Ariz died Feb 24 She was originally a resident of Layton Graveside services and burial were held Thursday March 2, in the Kaysville City Cemetery. Gayle and Clark Dalton are the parents of a new baby The 18th LDS Ward Relief Society has an extra special Relief Society birthday dinner and program planned for all ladies of the ward to enjoy The LDS Relief Society was organized on March 17. mid-wint- Our Reg. w and her family from 6.97 POSITIVE PARENTING WORKSHOP The Davis County Family and Community k Mental Health Center is offering a for parents beginning Wedworkshop POLYESTER YARN DYES 58-6- 0" yam-dye- six-wee- 15, 1978. Activities are to develop specific parental skills. designed Topics Include communication, motivation, discipline, and assertion training. nesday,1 March d PLACE: Farmington Mental Health (85 So. 185 E.) polyester solids and prints. Save today at Kmart tf August Berneli Wrigley recommended that all eight teachers - four junior high and four high Superintendent w matters business, the board tabled a second request from South Weber Elementary School Principal Robert Larsen requesting the initiation of teacher planning time The school had previously asked that the planning time begin this year, but, when that request was dtnied, thev requested the proposal beh"i with the HT8 79 school year in FARMINGTON Personnel placement decisions occupied members of the Davis County School Board on Tuesday as they approved requests for sabbatical leaves fur eight teachers and learned that applications were being received for eight administrative positions in the dss trict DAY other In By ROSELYN KIRK Center , I TIME: Wednesdays, jBXDTf i , ixj fEiKOTfiisr- - mi p.m. 7-- 9 $13.50 per adult per couple Plus $8.50 for materials COST: $27 y n 9 REGISTRATION LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS. For Information and registration, call: Farmington S67-22- 11 Ext. 290 |