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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 9. 1978 LEONE GARDNER AND MARY TIMOTHY K. Si DEPART FOR MISSION Two neighbors depart for LDS mission the same day. Mrs. Leone Gardner and Mrs. Mary Timothy both members of the Kaysville Eighth LDS W ard enter the mission home in Sait Lake City on April 8 to serve an 18 month mission to the Anzona-TempMission. MR. AND MRS. JAMES DUCKWORTH e Mission Call James and Rhea Duckworth of 646 South Mountain Road, Fruit Heights accepted a call to serve an Welfare Service Mission for the LDS Church They are members of the Fruit Heights First LDS Ward THEY HAVE been called to serve m the Arizona-Temp- e Their mission Mission farewell was held Sunday, Feb 19 in the Fruit Heights F irst Ward Chapel They entered the mission home in Salt Lake City on March 2. Both active in LDS Church H Mr Duckworth served a mission to the organizations, Northwestern States from He has previously served as a counselor to the bishop of the Kaysville Second LDS Ward, stake clerk in the Davis LDS Stake, 1935-19J- 7 Mrs. Leone Gardner of 290 200 North, Kaysville, and Mrs. Mary K. Timothy of 383 East taught Sunday School and Young Mens Mutual, Elders Quorum advisor, coordinator for high priest group East 200 North, Kaysville, members of the Kaysville Eighth LDS Ward have both been called to serve an 18 month mission to the Arizona Tempe Mission MR. Duckworth sang m the Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir for 16 years Mrs Duckworth has taught in the Primary, Young Womens Mutual and Sunday LONG TIME neighbors they are delighted with their assignment. They will enter the mission home m Salt Lake City on April 8 and depart for School organizations. She graduated from Weber State College Nursing program and has been employed at the LDS Arizona together. It has just been two years Hospital in Salt Lake City as a since Mrs Timothy was called to serve an 18 month mission to the Pennsylvania Harrisburg mission. registered nurse. THEY ARE parents of four children, Mrs. Frank (Anne) Walters, Jimmy Duckworth, both of Kaysville; Mrs. Russell (Susan) Ence, Goldsboro, N C., Mrs Gary (Jane) Jensen of North Logan and 15 grandchildren, np - MRS. TIMOTHYS farewell testimonial will be held on Sunday, March 12, in the Kaysville Eighth Ward Chapel at 25 South 200 East, Kaysville, beginning at 3 30 Elder Brockbank Will Address Kaysville East Stake Elder Bernard P. p m. President Hugh Pinnock of Salt Lake City, and a member of the General Authorities of the church will speak at the Sacrament President Pinnock was sylvania Harrisburg mission while Mrs. Timothy served in that area. Brock-ban- MRS. TIMOTHY and her Kaysville in member of family moved to 1942. A devoted her church, she diligently in the Church will speak at the Kaysville Utah East Stake Quarterly Conference, Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12 at the Kaysville Utah East Stake Center, 201 South 600 East and at the Fruit Heights Chapel at 901 South Mountain Fruit Road, Heights three different times as Relief Society president. She also has worked in the Young Womens Mutual, Sunday School and in the Genealogy had also served as president Churchs mission in Scotland. He has been a director of the Mormon of the n ELDER BERNARD BROCKBANK THE Sunday Conference 10 a m. m the Stake Center and the overflow will be handled at the Fruit Heights Chapel. Stake President Newell J. Law will be conducting. The Stake Presidency extends a warm invitation to membership and their neighbors throughout the stake to attend. A spiritual uplift is assured for all those who participate, np session will be at ADIO & TV PAIRING ALL MAKFS Anytime anoekeurg TV aonabl ftala I West 1900 North, Sunset 5676 825-622- 3 will be honored at her farewell on Sunday, March 19, in the Kaysville Eighth LDS Ward Chapel at 25 South 200 East, at 3.30 p m. Mrs. Gardner has been serving as president of the Kaysville Eighth Ward special interest group. She is a dedicated member of her church and has served over the years in the Sunday School, Young Women's Mu- tual, Primary, Visiting Teacher and Genealogy worker. SHE WAS employed at Hill Air Force Base 24 years and is now retired. Her husband is the late Lewis Gardner. Mr. Gardner died in 195Z They are the parents of two BathroomiTissue Mrs. Gerald (Bonnie) Kirkpatrick, Kaysville; and Mrs. Richard (Mary Ann) Thorson of Lay-toShe has eight grandchildren. daughters, n. unship MRS. GARDNER and Mrs. Timothy together gathered the histories of their ward members and compiled a beautiful Bicentennial History Book for their ward and stake during the Bicentennial Year, np mSSSl !! s$yI3r. Onus presently at the Language Accepts LDS Call David P. Denny has accepted a mission call to the South Africa Johannesburg Mission. DAVID IS the son of Edgar and Eula P. Denny. He is a graduate of Bountiful High School and has been working as a heavy duty mechanic. Elder Denny will speak in Kaysville The Kaysville East Stake priesthood executive committee and partners will dinner hold a party on Friday, March 10 at the Chateau Center in Layton. They will enjoy a dinner and program and the social is under the direction of the new Stake Kaysville, East Presidency, with President Newell Law in charge. LDS the Sacrament meeting held at 2 p m , March 12 in the Bountiful Tabernacle, Center and Main Street. FRIENDS and relatives are invited to an open house at his home, 305 North 100 East, Bountiful following the meeting, from 4 to 6 p m. He will enter the Language Training Mission at BYU on March 16 Seven sisters and two brothers wish him well on his mission TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA INCOME TAX PROFESSIONALS Income Tex Service In-Ho- NO RETURN TOO COMPLEX WE DO ANY STATE VERY CONVENIENT YOUR RETURN IS COMPUTER PRINTED FOR ACCURACY YOU SAVE TIME NO WAITING IN LINES OR OFFICES WE RE AVAILABLE D TO YOU OVER 3 DECADES OF SERVICE OVER 30 TAX COUNSELORS IN THIS AREA TO SERVE YOU YEAR-ROUN- FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL KEITH R. GOMM T.C.A. Manager MRS. LEONE Gardner, a life long resident of Kaysville, M. youth session sis 5" Has spent countless hours on her family genealogy research. She has assisted with civic activities as well. Since returning from the Pennsylvania mission, she has been sponsoring a lady missionary, Sister Beverly Gageby on a mission to the Philippines. WHEN SHE was serving on her last mission, she had one of her grandsons serving m the mission field also. This is the same situation now. Her grandson, Brett Timothy is programs. ELDER Brockbank, prior ELDER Brockbank has served in many church positions, including those of bishop, stake high councilor and stake president, and many other callings The will conference comprise of a leadership session at 4 p m on Saturday and a 7 p m. evening session for all adults of the stake. Sunday at 8 a m in the Fruit Heights Chapel, there will be a special has served various or- ganizations having served to his latest calling, was an assistant to the Council of Twelve Apostles 14 years and well-know- mis- sion president over the Penn- a member of the First Quorum of Seventy of the LDS Pavilions on three occasions A Salt Lake building contractor and active in civic affairs, he attended Utah State Agricultural College at Logan and George Washington University services. Training Mission in Provo and will be leaving for Korea to serve his mission and be in the mission field the same time as his grandmother. Mrs. Timothy and her late husband, Weston Timothy, (who died m 1972) were the parents of five children, Laddie Timothy, LaMar Timothy, Mrs. Walter (Elizabeth) Meacham, ail of Kaysville; Mrs. Waldo (Joyce) Miller, Layton and Mrs. Jack (Jo) White of 29 Orem, grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. 825-- 1 510 or 376-855- 2 MICHAEL RAY PETERSEN Accepts LDS Call For Mission Elder Michael Ray Petersen, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Raynold J. Petersen, of 2903 We st 1300 North, Clinton, has been called to serve an LDS mission to the Vancouver Canada Mission. ELDER Petersen is a 1977 graduate of Clearfield High School and seminary program there. While in high school he was a member of the band and served as drum major and also property manager. He was also a member of the National Honor Society. HE IS currently attending Weber State College and the Ogden LDS Institute. An active member of the Clinton Fifth LDS Ward. Elder Petersen has received his Duty to God award, and has served his priesthood quorums as president. HE WILL be speaking at the Clinton Fifth Ward Sacrament meeting on Sunday, March 12 at 5 p m. The chapel is located at 1448 W. 1800 N Clinton. Elder Petersen will leave Saturday, March 18 for the Mission Home in Salt Lake City and depart the following week for his field of labor, vsb 35035 5X909 (fiMilHi 00 |