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Show SOUTH DAC3 AO lBITSER -- W jfMCf DAViS COUNTY CLIPPER, LEADER WEEKLY MARCH DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, REFLEX 1978 0, J Jv r ia.V ' ,.Y - t ud aw L bv I sasi ,1 i "lPsL ' At v - jl3 l fe. s 9 3 iUU HUI ;:tv x mrtf'vvzKivytnm rl i J fcd - T I I I I PRICES EFFECTIVE NOW THRU MARCH 15, 1978 DIVISION PAY N SAVE CORP. f I a -- I-j I -- y JI Ltf v ltrr g 4 r y ;j L? L jil lA UJ v ' LJ rf n?p nv A Lu & fck AwwJS C ICTf? 4di i IKll , P f-- p l H U fci tuvijp Li lb ui L..3I Li bi tSn P V lSlapTI1y?fcVV ,v T.L CONVERTS NEWSPAPERS INTO FUEL Moveable uprights set at 45 angle For log burning t i t .4 h r i f ' a wA . "1 - - ; i " ftv D: r . ,js f ! ,B. . tfk tac pwytT'Tbll- J J, si A1 3l ZhSMJSCH 4 gFi v 5hJ -2- " j i V, j " I Sk. 4 f t i pa vr 03 i t- s 3 X ? i C-r- rr :iur A1 r a ! f Lu it m r i kjaW ki I- '' jr 30 Only LJA ik- - 3a sn rs n I r -- REG. 24.05 -, i - ALL ? b y u u III STOCK 1 nnifj nr 5 FOOT i ir JolifiE I F t II I r1 ffWWff HJER pwwsmdj $ u&JM r k, i akiMLtf Ini bv -- ia.sl iuL3 I fBW, ( 1 WOHIC HOnSE Includes Adjustable Pol Holder L r b LITTLE GIAHT C.L: 'fc A' 01 No 49 5 ) REG 3 49 t 3P.Y f Uw 1 The work horse can be used as a sawhorse a v se as a plank support and many many more Excei'ent for that handy man drcund the house u i L VRIYL itifia White and Asst Colors plastic weatherstrip ror doors and windows r e ts j'ed edrje perm right anci turns a o ,ut cutting f ,1i im piated na 's mri n ed n 1 J Wood Enamel 0 No So 2-- t Fa iMAG.'OLIA TOILET SEAT wEATiiznsTnipPtnG aluminum and vinyl j -- ' jceilerit tor haMway or d'e 'osted globe fimsh Brass finish stem i No 7V , REG. 6.S3 ,J ' wJj. ?,.'.! K"S Wicker look hanging lamp Ceramic white glass globe 3b overall height n, PI 009 No F.EG 2 3S P4209-5- 6 ri ioUl KJf ms 1 I a ULL RAHGE Pi OTARYfits PI TIME switchbox W Sponge rubber cushion Weatoerstrip w'h ad eswe tacking Fast permanent bond standard Compact design Built-iTVradiO interference filter Fast, easy installation 600 watts 6602 n 33 Vds 5 i DIU-61- c D o) 93 REG. 1.29 C.3 sn and on our shelves It an addescribed r tr p ad r vertised iem S OijI d.d ar e for purchase due to any s .e a ramcnerk on rpquest so that seen re ison we you may prr ndc;p t t tf " d a dter dae Our policy is to satisfy our customers BLACK COAL SHOVEL Made of black enamel steel 20 j x5 No 70 Reg 1 68 UMlT 2 WITH this coupon eg 1 20th of V Puces effective thru March 15, 1978 Cash value mu DD APPLIANCE ROLLERS Up to 3000 lbs Adjustable s - i" WITH THIS COUPON Cash value 1 20 of 1 Prices effective thru March 15, 1978 W, Lone--P- h. 292-843- FURNACE FILTERS HEAVY DUTY Reg. 49e 8x10 Reg. 59e VtSA r wMHiy 158 E. Pages 6x8 IT'S m un-to- v Reg. 45e 10x12 Reg. 97e REG. 6.99 ERNST ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE POLICY Our f rn I'tfntrn x naJe every advertised item as 5x6 Ti MON.-FR- I. CtSDIT CARD 1 SAT. SUN. preserve natural taste Reg. 1.19 LIMIT WITH THIS COUPON V 1 I D 88 i 1 WITH THIS COUPON customer Cash One coupon vsiue t 20 of v Prices effective thruMsrchlS 1970 siBagim.EgBatsm smrf ll 9-- 9-- 9 7 10-- 6 BIF2 STEAMER Aluminum basket helps SY 2991 STORE HOURS JTWft VEGETABLE Assorted sizes 1 thick m 1 Reduce fuel costs. keep furnace cleaner On coupon pr customer Ctn K ncnv B value 1 20 k V Pnc m thru March 15 1878 OV fireplace MATCHES 9 69- UMIT 2 - Ea. J B WITH THIS COUPON Cash value 1 20 of V Prices effective thru March 15, 1978 D |