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Show HUNT DEFEATED. Mi 1 I Idaho Governor Loses ln First Rattle f 'ilrlj.. IM U for Dolegntes to the State l lj, W& M Convention. Pi J ? ., flL H lrff:H Rolse, Ida , July 12 The first hattleJj S- !H S In the Democratlo contest for the.iT 1 r, HI H RUbcriintorlnl nomination were foughtj jjl flH today In Elmore and Washington cotin-iff K l nM H ties In both counties Gov, Hunt w asHji 1 lit If, SB BS defeuteil In tho primaries Elmort!yij7, i j IBM H rounty went against him, electing dele'ft t J jM HJ gntcs to the county convention who f1t!, jk 19 HI vnred the nomination nf Attorney-OenolpijSuj IB BJ ernl Mnrtln for Governor, while C. lljjjfji pv VM MU Jackson won the day In Washlngto,jJ M I BJ BJ count). In both counties the frlendltc B!S?M H of tho Governor made a hard fight. jj)j !)W tifl Bl |