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Show HIS" HAND IN PYTHON'S JAW Keeper of the Philadelphia Zoo Lives to Tell of Awful Aw-ful Experience and How He Escaped. Fen men coul 1 I ust f van i ilidilng Inali hanf ,1 an eliihlc i f nt th n II iliTl II s a kct i l nt the ool deal Bitrtl ns o! this eln his itluall) nc om-pllshr.l om-pllshr.l Ibis f- it Ihestnrj f his blond-ritrdllng blond-ritrdllng slrligKl. hn Hie sn ik. had hla hand mid nrht firmly In the grip of its hideous .ana would probably never have been told In print but ror the presence of a inuspaper reporter at the hospital when the keeiMir applied to have bis wounds drcsard Only rati presence of mind and a superb nerve tnabl d the keeper to foil the snnke Yet so mod. si Is this humble hem that It was null Willi the limit. St illltli lilt) he was Induce I It slva 111 d tulls if Ills light with it Klitnt reptile will, li In .lues tx.ltislv.l) rot thes. mlimns ai billows I hud ntt tided In the wants of this great pvthon ror an long that familiarity made ma . ur. 1. sa V 11 dm k Is the pjthons menl The m. Ihnl .ff. Hint Im I 1 i have the di.k hcrois Hi link f.n. irltll she l in. In s b r munv l th d h ad In ih .Ilr. tun if the l.lr.l Hi 1 I- Hip , nl vt i 1 . , I i I MM., i ti I d Hi il nt it II ilr t, I It iv f.-l the -1 ik b in li N llu. x In this n ii an I i tv r Ih Hhilhi- inn ilahKi r In it nn tin tin whin Her nil itot me I was nav Int. lli iliakri n .11 t i si I is usual I liaiiinr I In t,l n uu v I i , Ir lion . r n secon I and nt tint same In- in tth. ivtlai mil her hune Jaws dls t.nil III Hie r flllest extent swung her li. nd wllli llghti lug rail.llt) nt the duck The nut Intltiitlli ii 1 h I nf the serpent a a tl n wua th. feeling In uiv liamt ant ' wrlsi of i hundicil needle like points I III. r. Ilia me ttu'llv hot mil hai the Rr at laws ilont t uu Ilia duck but on my and In I I It th" ennrmniiB strength nf the reptile rep-tile drawing in. Irreslstlbl) tcnard the open dtnrwu) of the flasa . ase in which she lives P. wlthlraw tnv hand fiom the snuk. s mouth vv is an Impnsslbllit) A p)thnn has six rows of teeth four on the upjar Jan and two nn the liner 111 .nib rnn there are mint) teeth Mv baud wis hi Id In I he Krli I pair of vkt ilk. lavv arni.d nlth l. Inch tunc t.elh as sharp as inedl s N'or was tills all lbs pthtns teeth are bent inward si tit it In pull ni) haul rrotn tin snuke s m mth would be like firming it over t mass or bent needl.s I ItlMit (lave Rt tin hull nit hv main tnr e but th 10 wu lid have been Mill. Irft I) It the Inms It nan n ilsi i tilling fnr h 1 was Imp In the sittkehnusi . i nl t I v the ilRRPst r pill. In th. room Ih i w is I nt nn thltiK in ntv favor Tb iijth n I id n IIiik to which she II ntt It 1 s r s, ,s m make the n st r li r s r nat i 1 lies sutkes kill t in Is 1 1 si i it th Ir t e'h in some itlvl n, irt f tl I ilv sn' the root mil tbei lllnz id kit irnund the victim vic-tim us ill i. ill 1 nies with their p. vv erfnl folds With a large n mal who s t i ble r nj i sin snnte si ,tl ' ' c nstruetl g pm tss, Il Is s rv f r the snake to krlp the branch ol a tt nlth Its tall It irdr to get iv juitha e for lite work r shin . . Ila I a I) oe.it abl tn wind part of her leap ar i d some si ill naiv tl t she co i m . II have I t l I un Into th t i.. anel shed me t bath I h i I fori ot tll knife th it in I al IR If I had had ft nlth me I shmll havi i id r.a li s bead olT nnd ended the strtiKgle at the lost of it valuable th ti Hue tn tnv hnrri r 1 ftund nn knbe tbei vvr.ni 1 r.lt In mv noiket nun tn Use iiRitRert I in I Meanwhile althuugli nl ,''," s c nds ha 1 elapsed since th I. th nf the snake closed on me the .in w re nl lealy I eginiilng to work IrvliR t draw di w n the throat ni) hand nnl arm There was onl) out than f r me Al thinik'li th pnlti w is lnlen I mauaR. I "Inwh lo pull tin ) than b a I t w ird I tin open door of the glass is It n i ' neeessarv to do IhiB Blow I) n t alnlie b . pause nf the d umer of dragiiiR the llesh from mi hnt.l I lit beca is the p)lhoil wn il I have tpscilttil n su 1 1 n tug Inslln tl el feeling lipr prpv wis e-enilnir e-enilnir she would have reill.d to n quick wn neh with a innntsr-pull V llli the yel Inn eves tlxed on rlne, and mv hand ling-Hi ling-Hi K nlth the pain .if six rins ot bent teeth eiittltiR like (Ishhooks Into the flesh, I enntlnued gentl) to draw thi flat he id toward the iloor The snake Inikid fasi I nuttd She made no reslstinie but followed fol-lowed the movement of mv haul ns .though vvonderliiR what I w is at liuli bv mill 1 drew her un sear ,u tl irlu t breath lest the Jans Bh Il start li trlnd in mil h ease I mlgh us neii have severed my hand and trm there and Hipii for all the Rnnd th v vveiill him lipen t inp Tlir.H Inches rn the open elotmav two Inches one 1 i Still the lab fill ejes leek el Into mine and the Jaws hell the haul linnli II If an Inch slnwl) I drew tb hen I throttah the doornn) cautious!) I rant It . i grei lnR nieanvvhllii ft r the Rl i s door Willi my other haul in) e)es llxid 'il the un blinking )elln orbs uf Ih Mlioit Vt last 1 bal her ne. k acvilist lhe jamb of the dinr The next Ins t th he aw rirtlllnn wis slammed vl I il en Ih. snakes neck i Inning her ticht with h r lnl In und her hea I niitsi t th ise I 1 ressed nn tint door with alt mv fine lhe p)thnn slnnlv ut et I lift 1ivvs ns the IraD In which I had tier roi I Its wnrk 1 drew nut m) blei ling b n I. Then I opened the door nnd ill net I 'I i lv to draw In her ben I Afi.r that ni. t 10 was to get to the hnsplfnl is nnl klv is possible I'll, dnctnrstell tn I mpill tl 11 vlll not be ueeessar) t.nlfi.s 1 1 ml l Isnn ing sets In I shnuld be bum Hi it I enme nut nt the struggle i. well is I ell 1 Inly will never heve an .tier chance lo swallow me 1 shall k p mv c)( til nn)s on her durlnR fepiUns tlm aft r this experlinie -I'hll t lelphla S irlh Vmerl |