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Show ADSTRALIANHORSETAMERS Men Who Tame the Wild Animals From the Bush , Well raid for Their Dangerous Work. In Auatrnlli then me thnuaanda nf h nsebienkre and It la by no meana a deaplaed -but ortin a hlghlj -paid profiaalon Two oi more realde In ulmoat every town and village nn the contlnenl and man) big aqua((liig caltle ata-tlona ata-tlona tnalntnln one, jear In and vear out to train Ihe horaea In the pecullir faahlon required for the elation work, mustering jnrdlng. and ao forth The uatrallaii horaebrenkcr a methoda of bieaklng In' a horee would make the ordinal) Kngllah hnreetralner alare Th term bieaklng" la indeed a very pioper one, aa will preacntly bo perceived Hla lualom-anil I would emphaalie the fact that the practice I am about to outline la not onl) Invariable but It la the one and only method of procedure emploed b) buah huraebrenkua throughout the length and breadth of (he tontlnent la na follow a A doaen joting i ills or lllllea stmetlmea leaa entiietlmea mine are driven to a atoiksaid Thla ato,k)ard la a amnll paddmk Bboiit 100 feet aquare Iniloaed with n flout po.t and tall fence eight or ten feet high the horaebteiker Hinglea out one from the herd aklllfull) eaata a running iiooae at the end of a atout rope over Ita h.ad and then he an 1 hla nal.itanifl haul nub kl) on the rope bringing preaently the half atrangled and deapcrately lighting i oil to earth The horeebrookir realgnlng the ro o to Ma eompanlona tin n darta Onward and alta upon the head of the liroatrate. vvlllly Miking anl mat .hi iolt ao blinded, Immediately roeign. hlmaelf for j. lime to fato, and The aaalntanta npproach and lli.t toping hla lega, bind a attong ateel-frnined ateel-frnined audille to hla baik with glrtha a atom leather aurclngle crupnei an 1 breaat plat. Mftlng hla body by main form when the- iioed tn paaa the atratia and glrlh around him Thla done the horfehrenkei Uses The iolt tile, to get up too butuiiinot foi hla lem ate ae, urel-trh ed together Idle he Ilea theio atruggllnit mad a iruel thick ulcil anattle bit la thruat Into Ida mouth and a bridle diawn over hla head The hoiaebreak. r then graapa the lelna In one hand hla limb" "K """Ule f 'hC VUnU ,lrkken l,ru,e -JOll ,ul" ,he ll"-da lonllnlng ... J'" ""' ,f,'V,l"! hlmaelf free at niggles afoot but he haa now a niHterlona burden on hla baik At that he iann.it undeialan.1 but alanda Mupldly .u Innihl ng I k. a leaf ahudderlng with mo, tat fear Next ae.ond the crael an ta gin-e hla aldea 1h nilnH forward anortlng and aatoundid A raw-hlde whin Ihei. d.ai.mlB upon hla ilba and alwnya the apura bite blood The iolt a w unbroken hot blooded thing .till lerrllled. darta hlthei and thlt ler among e" ai.ir.led hud atrlvlng xiUal, to ea. ,p nut when 1.1. bead la wren hod "thi. w, and that by the lion tnrtuie In hla mouth h. ioiun.cn. ia to tlndiratand and to ,,a.oilale the bu. d. n on hi. ba. k vv Ith the agon, he en ...rca 1 "mper h. al . Lf f "U,,,e 'I hl l"."n,1,' M'" k "" T" '"" """. h vv hl atllig.-. m he doeo not move but lila eara fall onilnoualyb.uk mine ami Tim horaebnaker haa wall. I r.,r thla moment ... "'".Hi" mJklp"" lauh ,,, " hia knee, hmd ngalnat the great knee pads of the .addle and w-.Uta hi. body aiu,g llki a rud Suddenly (he iolt anrln l.to the air anhlng hlH back ... ho I I.e. l)u miia down on hi. forefeTand laahea Mgorou.ly out with hla hind leg. The breaker -It. Ilk, ,"k w whip and apur like an englhe and luughi ig like a devil The ,olt now Z w , h rage plung-ea rem, a.vlnga ,ound and round, then, finding a M effort, frultlea. i ommen. e to buck In eurneac enorta The horaebreakei la now .em at hla beat 111. body .waving with n.. , - bir.'Vn 'lla ",MI "" J"V" Wt U'M '"" "- -h'i-lw Hta S he never "2V hla Buddie the fragment of an Inch but ride, like a .entaur oi a (Toil a t Vl? .mile upon hi. face The . xhlhltlon la mngiilll, et and TnevJ. paH. Vhe'an titoia alwnya numeroua. hia ver) aaalatanla bi.ak out Into a orn. of plaudlta 'I... minute, later the .ol, exhauated with hi. tuilhle exertion. 'ove ed I. meat and foam hla aldea .treamlng blood giva up tlK struggle 11. i h.ai.n M.5 H W"t " . TiT i" T tt8 " "'"N'' "'- "o du I am! llfileaa Hi Btunda dej.ueii, (lulv.ilng but atlll Th.r.,'.'..h0,.',K,.""k,-I wu,tHJou' ot l" "WI" Hla awlaiiiu. ,uh foiward The iolt wl.h h.iiirin head and reeking Hank, tmiul) peimlia t ."n to m7 n;u,Bh:.i!::r;,,g,h.,B,.ou,,hen 'u"ce,e uK h,H ,irt - ' f i; th. ?amtTXULhM':ri''WriWr " """""'" n "n'b" bff"l-a"" |