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Show SALUTATION OF THE FLAGS. Tatrlotlo Exercises by Baptist Young Teople's Convention. Providence R I July :t tho con venllon of the rtapllst young Peoples Union of Anicrtta this nfternoon there waa an address of Salutation of tho 1 lags, ' by Rev I" L. Wllklns, Olou-cesttr. Olou-cesttr. Mass A ratrlotlo exercise Unit nrouied an unusual degree of enthusiasm followed In the presence of nearly 300i nennie I)r Wllklns read the roll and one l.v one the standard of euth Slate In the hands of u specially selttted hearer iKrompnu led by a speaker, was ndvanrtd to the platform While each Ksnner was lull aloft In answer to questions t l)r Wllklns the. rpeiker rvsponded Riving the elevelon. mint of the loung 1 eopl. s work In his Slate Ha methols .it nrgunlstilon nnd the plans and expectations for future operations In lb. afternoon the delegatrs went on nn excursion down Narragansett bay |