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Show oossir or books. T,ht BJ'.CC0"" of "ol"o Thoughts ' of whlih Hamilton W Mabie said No wiser book noi ono inoie sorel) needed has iipi eared for a long time has led to Hie pieparatlnn of a Second So-ries So-ries b the mime nuthoi which was Issued in Ma) from tho press of AS Haines . Co (New ork) The 1 Irst Setles of i:ssn)s Issued last J ear weie skillfull) held together b u slender threuil of ptognsrlon the S-etond tirles nlw hate the tonnett-ng tonnett-ng link nf their i losi lelatlon to famll) fam-ll) life and the etet.al tlglUnce with whli I, men mil wonini suite to build their homes nnd run their children The) belong to the fears of Uf s most sttinuous nitltlt) Those who hate lead the llrst tolume will be lutertstid tn know that the author s name uppe ns on Hit title page of the new book. Mart Hallotk Koote has a son nnd n daughter attending college In Hoston. 'As 1 Sailed " the nutoblograph) of n convict edited b) Stnnle) Waterloo, Is to be broupht out by tho Appleton3 It Is rumored that when coronation honors were proposed Kipling declined a title Lord rauncefole's prhate papers are to be published In the form of memoirs with the poetr) which the diplomatist wrote In his )outh Ills eldest daugh-lir daugh-lir the Honorable Maude l'liuntefote, Is to prepate the work for publication That excellent m lgazluc the Woilrts Work, Is preparing to publish nn Hn-gllsli Hn-gllsli edition The largest nnnunl output of new bonks from llngllsh publlsheis wns reached In 1S07, when 6211 woiks wcro issued The decrease slnto then has been gradual, and last year less than tCOO wcic brought out The Pilgrim bhori ' and ' Itomnnco and Renllt) of the run an ist tf o volumes upon the Masss. husetts east written b the artist t.dmuu I II Uni-leit Uni-leit arc now ready In a popuMr edl tlon. Ir Vi illlam Harr) has lust completed complet-ed an important woik Uion The I'n-pal I'n-pal Monarch) I)r uarr) Is one of the most telebrnted of that scholar!) body of ettleslRstlts who represent the Itotnan Catholic church In the 1'iotest ant kingdom of Kuglnint The I'utnams ' will publish Dr. llnrr a hlstor) In, Amerlta The Dlarv nnd Correspondenie of Wllhelm Muller' Is to be published b) the press of the t!nltrslt of hlmgo Vtllhelm Muller was one of the tele I brnted Germ in poets of the Nineteenth tentur) and father ot Mat Mull r, the philologist The International Monthly Is chang . 'ng Into u iiuarterl). adding depart I I its 111 art literature and the drama Tl September number will be the tlrst Ir the qu uteri) form fJllbert Varkei Is nt work on n not el of adventure, whlih will be brought out I b) Appleton Miss A C. Lnut, author of Heralds of I.mplre" has begun her new woik ' The Storv of tho Trapper It will appear In the fall Stanley Water loo Is to edit n manuscript manu-script entitled ' As I Sillsrl lt Is the nutoblograph) of n innvlct who re-tently re-tently died In n Western prison Frank I. Stanton s new volume of roetr), rp from Georgia,' will be read) In tin. tall. Jacob ltlls will put In the summer on a new hook dealing w 1th soi lolog-Ical lolog-Ical questions, which the Mncmlllaus will publish lldna I.)nll announces thnt her litest lit-est novel The Hlnderets ' which begins be-gins Its opining chapter on the dn) of Queen Vlitoitu s ileutb, will be ready in the fill A second edition of Owen Wlster's new novel, The Virginians A Hoise-mnn Hoise-mnn of the rialns " is on the press lt Is a love stor), human and nllve and tt has the touth nnd go' of the lit" of the oxpanslvo American csl nnd puts thu ptoplc vividly hefort the tender, Jciemlah Cut tin the translator of Slenklewlcz's works asserts that tho hlstoiicnl not rl of untlent l!g)pt which he h is just tinnslatcd in from the nilg-Inul nilg-Inul of a new Polish nuthoi, who has written the greatest novel on hg)Pt. ns Quo adls was the most powerful on antltnt Home The following paragraph la taken from a letter received from a book-sellei book-sellei b) Little Hrownft Co n few dn) ago I.nclosed find ordei for The Heroine of the Strait,' whlih )ou will notite I hnvo Inircased to lift) topics on ncinunt of In lifg luicd on b) )ou to re id tho book on my wa) from New Voik to New Haven. I ma) siy tint )ou almost m ule me stu) on the tinln at New Haven, being ho lntuiestcd In the book ' |