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Show SAILS ("OR ARCTIC SEAS. ronry Alette Steimer Vlndwrrl D. part3 Today liom Jersey City for Ftozen llorth. Nen ork luly 11-Thr Pern Arc tic steamei XMndnaid urlied at Jer e ritj todai nml mil yi Into com inl"lon nnd depart for the Nnith to-morrow to-morrow The Ulndnaid had pome donn under ficr on "team In the eail inornlnK from New burgh N iiheie foi the last two months he hai been receding, new equlpmert of hollers unl machinery making the run In eri eudllnble time and v Ith a. lery utl fictorj performance of the new en sine The cerenionj of transfer from thr contrictor to the ilub uai iei nlmplr The Stars and Bttlpes havInK Won hoisted for the first time at the peai' under special act fiom rongr'sa flynrd b the late President MrKlnli nllon-Ing nllon-Ing an Ametlcan registry to the X Ind viird little Marie 1'eaiy danshti r of the explorer ind the moM Vorthrn bom child In the inrl 1 hoist"! t" the foietrucl' the rlub pennant designed hi herself and also dlsplajed for the firm time The mblem Is simple let effprtlie nnd nppropilatp ulih two long nar ion red stripes Pich torderrd on the Inulde hi white n triangular field heart the white Inltlala P i' the 10m hlnotlon Intioluclng the nitlonal colon In stiong el leglblp combination iihlch can be lead a long illitancp The XMn.lKHrd slnie her airlial In N'ph ork three months ago his bn cnropleteli chiiused ind mil go North as n full powered mmpleleli eoiilpped and thorouqhlj rommollouB ship for McllP iio-k The Windward will coal at Sidney c U and proceed north through the Strilts of Helle Isle touching it Ood-hiien Ood-hiien and posll.li at t'pernailk and should ulth nil faioroble clrciim nnd llm ahoilt Augusl 1st During todn the nipmbpra of the Penri Arclb iluh ind min guesta ilslted the Windward Inspecting tilth much Interest th quarters nhhh Mrs Pcaii and Miss Pcirj ulll nipupi nn theli Noilherii loiage nnd much more the Utile m lil ii In which the spent ilnhl long mnnlhs Impi Ironed In the heat Paiei llnrhnr In nun) te-erts Ihe Wlndwnid Is better appointed an 1 ninrcomplelels equipped than mil ship uhlcli has pici gnnp to Ihe North |