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Show THEY PLAY C7IESS. 5 ff I 1 tVl Vt ' K ) There Is In Hungary a vlllugo prnha- i i fflj $. hi) unique umong tho wnrld'H town- F'L! V ji ft ships In that It not only encnuinges ttrf i, IT cliw is i pastime but Insists that tho Ht, l.j! ' jjl, klig of Klines rhall bo plajcd hy every SF. i -l W man woman and ehlld In tho place nj' r 511) ,) lt Is Jiut as ncitssiry In this out-of- kjlr TIl jl the-vvnrld pot for the Inhabitants to Irw'Ij'Yiinis be piollilent chess pla)ers us It Is for ill ' all U I them to be able to road, write nnd Mil 1 jk K,i Oplior rrjzcst lite ylven to tho sthool m lfJ( rhlldicii for proficiency In chess 1'rob. 8T(" lilj ( Inns me given to tho scholars that they Oli i4,il-, if nro cxpttttd to tako homo nnd work ufUi$'"l nut in their sp iro hours In addition to IMS 'ytj 0 'jy their nthci tnsks , WM Ujtjlil. I Hungur) has long been fomoua for 3j ljlK,s lei thess pla)ers Indeed this llttlo Ki! , 'Bljj'l 'A vlllige h s, is ean bo well understood, IfiiK 3II11I turneel nut iihiio than ono pln)er who I 'ft'ilifjjij j has been lonsldered lit to rank with i'S'rJl'Mr rucii giants as Lusker, btelnltz or lchl "l ijjlvliitf gorln j r tiflfu ALM I.veiy Clulstmas n. preat tourname I , f iWi J; f'jtfjw H hell in the village, and tho Hurf '(IwriyB nuistcr glvis prizes foi tho best J 11 'ill iSt'lffl rile ,iud adult players 1'eartr ifiH U'wIflHl Weekl) tiiilKlElWsl |