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Show ROYAL BULL FIGHT. M I Gorgeous Costumes of Spain's Nobility and Army M Officials Formed Brilliant Spectacle. fefe $ I The great event of the cnronitlon week wus the rosnl hull fight lloth In tho people peo-ple of Madrid nnd to the forelrners It rromlsed to bo the function of tho great-esl, great-esl, tho most thrilling Inter. st And It k.pt Its promise Among miny splendid functions reviews, receptions, bamiuels nnd feles-ln the alnco gnrdi us, It was unliuc, nntlnnil nnd mnMiinient. livery oountrs enn hold a review nnd any King can give a banquet, nnd nns nt can lo 10 a kings garden party and look atdilm but there, Is onll mm klug-llin King of Spnln-ttlio ean give 11 rosnl bull light I here wero several reasons win, long befi re tho event, those Spalilirds who wire wise hi their generation, began Io struggle ror a place 111 the rosai hull light as LiiBllshmen are slriikgllcir now for a seat In Wrslmllislcr bbes Pur lino ren- snu in miiiv vi nrs it v;a the tlrst rccng. nlllon bs Ibe Mug and Unci 11 nf the nn-lloiial nn-lloiial spurt, secondlj three soung mil. .era of the most nublo and most ancient families of S aln worn to descend Into tho arena 1111 1 place themselves In comparison compari-son Willi the professional bull llgliurs, ami Iblrilll, Ihe Palace (lliiird I1111I 1 1 timed their ancient iritllene of tiolect-Ing tiolect-Ing Ibe King from Insl In the ring and the King qulto as Jealous as they of his pnrngitlics unit In ease there mkht bo aus doubt In their minds on the sililect, hud einbrel them in do so When this fait I c. nine known iheie wns not a bull ring enthusiast In Mndild nor Tor that mallei, any one else, who dll not declnro that he would have a seat for that wr-tlcular wr-tlcular bull llkht cvin If ho had In alt on a larrcl Viu must picture, under nn open blue sks, a rnuness wall or hutnnn 1 elugs rising ris-ing In lonipnit rows to iho hHght or a six story bull ling the men hi gorgeous uniforms. Hie women with brilliant How-ers How-ers uii.hr their while mnnllllns Imiglno each tier of boxes draped with tho oldi st nnd finest of l-mlsh and Spanish I i..s-trie i..s-trie s, with velvet mil gold embroideries with famlli 10 its of arms, iiuilnsi the ski lino 11 gorgeous ralnlntv of Hollering Hans, and hi the ring below men In cos tomes, rigid with gold lace who waved blood red manllis und who, as thes dart ed Io nnd fro or vaulted for snfety over i'Mlkffll HH tlm sun Inuiklni, eviry two minutes, thn I iMfTl kiiB Pioiili. nm formed 11,1a clrc ii 11 l six Pi W d HH Ihiiifci. 'X'hb 1"'rl,'"!R tn Ihelr feet anl U IlBTl HH shrieking, cheerng, cxiiostuliitlin; en. ft alBliVi.! oHIIH treallng all of idem qulle m ,1, all St V HllSi HH i',ri',n":,,'.7",e'r w'l" excitement.' shaken ifft'Slffl HH by the alghl of mil. hilr-bn ndlh esenpes. rrJ!lllTl HH .1 r . .r),k". "f human and brulo lire, by lit WB ' i))JJJJJJH the slt-hl ; of .purling blood and si u gh- tiiiW3 HH I ere, I animals It u rorn tn llrst fc!1( K, , HH i:,.H,Ti"",n,.t-,,nr i"".'1 """' primiti" Pflj HH I rlucesses, nmlable I mbnssadors Oen- '.if !f f H erals ami Adinlruls, civilians nnd bias 1 li ):S, i talrona of the bull ring wero met on a PwSW 5 I slllH ,i,"0i1 fT lnf ." had returned to tho Jf'K ,. HH ?,.'.f.,mW Kl'"ttr nnd tho Christian W kp'tt 3 HH niitrijrB ij, iij u (L HHHJ 1 In re wero nine hulls killed nn I no 0110 ', 'A f 1 J HH rnna 10 think how imun Imrses In ns 'J iiH mans inlnulpi one bull killed four, until k 1 3 HH be rlmr looked and smelled llko n sham- t ?i HH bles Hut In an lnstnut. Willi 11 -rV'lt I I'll loaaaaal Jini.llni: if lull, the carcasses had been 1 I 1 I slaafl dragceil from sight, the arena had been , At mMU re.e..t. th. bliK.1 IHWen wllh whlto ! HH sinil, aid the boy Muchnqultn famous 1 M overall Spain, , hut In on. hand nnd sword A . HH II id 1 1 ink in the other. u shouting up f 1 W U' H nt the King with jtrnndlloquent, hnpas. , . ,f hi M slomd gesluns. leillcnllng to his Mljisty H . ? the ilealh of tho lull Sometimes te-s ma.. ill U i, H lad irs biiiiclnl. and retrenteil umld Jeers, ' i mml bowing for pardon, sometimes one would !u,5! drive his swcird so (rue lhat Ihe great hull Jj 1)M M pit. hid dead at his feet, and then tho jfll j1 ,W HH vialls of jeople shiink and swaved, and l',W'.f d slllH the King stool up and rilsed fila Vleld iV' 4 ,11 HH Marshal a lint to the bull fighter und Sfl l'H l Hi liissul him a box nf Jewels I ,51 , H When, utter tho third bull was killed. , 11 M lb.. Ihreo amaleurs tried tn leavo the ring, lA 1 J HH thousands nf voices commanded them to I" 1 51 ' return und receive ihelr reward A-iS. to. !,, ,11, JJ H gether they lole on... nrnund rrie. nrena. K4 'b' .' I HH galloping abreiiHt, looking llko Ihe Three. MM 1', J ' HH MasketiTs, like pictures l,v Velnsnuci. , ll M i H Whlln S?.nlsh nrundees and Prln. esse. ' S i18 HH soung (.Iris and treat Indies llermin Hel i K ' 3 s3 illlH Marshals, nnd I'ngllsh. I renrh. Chinese. tftJStSj HH Ja.aucso nnd Ttllsslin Generals stood on k Jt'Si! J Ihelr chnlrs and pouinled their gloved Alui'inl'J iHIIH hnn.ls toLcttnr and shoulrd at Ih.-m In Ti' B-ifll, iHIIB eviry liinguiiun of tho civilized world- .(J II 'MM HH Colliers Weilill, '-' R.'ffl , ' HHI |