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Show IflDPIlKWDIlSL "; il mJWmW llff ;B I Mrs Johanna Koegcly of South Benrl Hf ' a. , fl H Ind , suffered for over three yearn with .1 . ? liiflj II H tlis most painful disease nf the Kidneys v'il IflW H and bladder Medicines and doctors did ji U Jtfl ' her no good Rheumatism set in and lu. Is ''tti ! Hi she wasconlincd to her bed She began il 1 iSlijJJ ( to talto Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite r . 'WTij ' H Remedy and it cured her. ' & iMi M Dr David Kenned 1 Favorite Remedy It the : ' j ', H moit promtx and efficient medicine known for ,t r ie 1 ; Kidney Liver, BUdder end Fad diseises, ' ci.'i fHJ leheumatitin Diperila end Can'tiDU'on J I ., 1 1 V tVjl All druggists sell It In the NEW 60 CENT SIZE h, , S 1(0 end tae resulir 1 1 00 tlzo bottles J 1! 13 If Mm Samflt Mtlt-tnawtk fur trial, frtrtimmt ffl, 1 f f H Dr Dld Kennedy Corporation. llondout.N Y. j' , tj g Til 1 Or. Dsvla Kennetfy'e Wens Syrui, most effective k if uy rtc, medicine ol the kind known ilc. Urugglets. t'lliPiifj j dTo.calder's SONS CO. II INCOItrOHATHD I 'I'll"!!.? Established 1860. Incorporated 1902. J 42 YEARS IN THO MUSICAL BUSINESS I Xnd we now hate permission from the Stus under e,ur articles of Incorpora- fl. ,'JvTvlB DCnlNG THi: r.XhT XX h HAN I SOLI1 .SOT BY HUNDRLDS. HIT BY ift , Ifi.il 'i n ai s loa ds Uw (. I ml 1 PIANO S.JSBB0" 111 i nuui iinoe) mils Mm i.. .-o I AMI Oillr.HS. i fflyS'lfaW soli: xgfnts x rntcCuJ t ItS rTDr A TvT (KIMnALLfPlpeandneeel) bfl'.Wii'W I I l"V I T A INI xl ) MASON HAMLIN M '& 'kM V7 X N- VA jfra- -1- ' ; ApUlo Self l'lano Flayer, tho 31 8 31 1 grratrst Piano Attachment to Jll)j?l".jII bOLI! AGPSIS vbe found on tho market. &iwJ'A!slH 8 bM XI.L PAy.XIFNTS-nAB JLflMS , PffKiWHsH H twHmiiHH I Our Success in the 1'ast Came From Honest finods and Right Tr ices frlll'lfflB Q Our sin cesi, for the Future h bame Itou to, Mm'vIboP' 1 Musical Merchandise. Sheet Music, Classical, Popular WJm 6 In fact .Piersthing that pertains to Music. CTJlBxiH H 8 Mall Order Department cannot bo excelled hStBB H jj '""'"' Three floors, tS-IT XX' First South. Salt leak City. fflN'Sill I eBsaassMessienBesysBSMsiB HHci!lfi.a " H KfWm -H RwiraV HJ |