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Show NEW TERRORS TO LIVING. Atmosphere Which Circulates in New York to De Photographed. New York, July 12 New terrors will ho added to llfo In tho Interest of health if tho experiment on which John M Woodbury, Commissioner nf, Strcet-Clennlng, Strcet-Clennlng, Is engaged shall prove successful suc-cessful The Commissioner, with a view to locating microbes and thereby removing their enuse, to far as possible, possi-ble, has conceived the Idea of photo-graphing photo-graphing tho atmosphere which circulates circu-lates In the atreots of New York Hy means of photographs It In hoped tho department will be nble to nnnljze and ultimately to legulnte the condition of the atmosphere Just us thoroughly and beneficially as Is done at present with the water supply. Gelatine plntes one foot squnre have been set up In different ports of the clt and left exposed as tiaps for tho atmosphere and all that It contnlns V hen a trap has been left long enough to have a reasonably large suppl of prey, It Is removed to n liboratory, where It will be subjected to a mlcio-scoplc mlcio-scoplc examination. Any germs thnt may be discovered will be cultured and then photogrnphed. |