Show in addition to treating the indians with the die utmost rational kindness and extending to them a reasonably comfortable support trusting to thi the pay table of the great day of for a satisfactory ada adjustment whenever opportunity I 1 afford it will be well to take their young children and aad raise them in industrious I 1 and intelligent habits and wherever practicable continue i to establish schools in their midst the wise will understand tofe correctness of the policy now enjoined and the skeptical skeptic al have 0 only ill y to lend their hearty bearty operation cooperation co when they will soon become convinced that we are at last in the correct corr ct channel to promote promote the best welfare of israel and to accomplish the desired object in the shortest time and by the kindest pleasant est and least expensive method forthe dispatch KANSAS april 1854 DEAR SiR I 1 have taken laken some to ascertain the number of mormons cormons encamped in ou our neighborhood and I 1 have it to be viz danes swedes swede and aid norwegian egean the great majority of whom ari are danes english and welch many more are expected mr curtis the agent expects to start as soon as grass grass permits with a train ol of wagons bout about i eight persons to each wagon about 1600 per jr ill all the danes are decided ly a fine healthy set of people and eh entirely ahead of the Eng english lisbin in personal appearance abe they v have a large lage number of flaxen haired among alem I 1 there is little or no is sickness in their camp upon the whole the mormon emigration which has already reached kansas seems to tobe be composed of hardy healthy sober and industrious persons I 1 EGO IPSE TAOS march 30 1844 i DEAH DEARSm SMITH mu company I 1 is is nearly wiped out 60 dragoons fought the apaches about five miles past of the seneguilla Sene guilla on the road to Pie oris and near the foot of the mour mountain tain on the road from here to santa fe about 35 killed hilled and seventeen wounded david davidson son woun d e d 1 s t sergeant killed nearly all the best men kill killed e d we start in an hour to bring in the ib e dealL dea bod boa ies blaker blake goes with about 4 45 5 soldiers alf that are le left ft herband here and all the americans he be can raise the mexicans seemed rejoiced messenger I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 lr i if you yon wish to drive drivel a cut nail into sea aea oak timber and not have b ve it break or bend just have a small quantity of oil near by and dippe dip the nail before lefore driving orivl and it will never fail to go in mending carts arts td and plows this i is s of great advantage for they are generally made ot oak wood iri in straightening straighten ink old nails before using uong let it b be e done on wo wood 0 d and V with I 1 easy blows if done on iron they will be sure to break ex I 1 athe bof the s senses en B es of smelling casting basting and eyen even ot fi feeling eeling or ot touch are liable to innumerable causes ol 01 deception it is mentioned in t the he museum obart of art and science ahat if two fingers of the same saine hand being crossed be placed upon a table and a marble or or pea is rolled between en them the impression will I 1 be if the eyes 0 arp classed that two marbles 7 or peas are are touched if the nose node ie be pinched and he be tasted I 1 it will wih taste like a common stick of deal many substances lose their flavor when t the h e nostrils are stopped nurses therefore upon right and scientific scle principles es stop the noses of children when they give them doses of disagreeable medicine if the eyes are blindfolded and buttermilk and claret be alternately tasted t the he person tasting stin the them n after a few repetition of the process cess will beti to distinguish one from them the other 1 I 1 I 1 |