Show I 1 NOW 0 W I 1 MOM WORD arise for the day for if passing I 1 I 1 while yon lie dreaming on I 1 four brothers are cased in armor andl Alid orth forth to the light fight are gope Y your 19 place lace in the ranks awn awa ts to you I 1 each man im has a part ro b play I 1 the pt past and the future anre re noth nothing ilig in the face of th the stem today to day I 1 I 1 arise from your dreams odthe future 7 of gaining ia a hard fought field of storming the airy alry fortress r the gianato liefl J your you r future hap deeds of 4 glor aj I 1 of honor ged grant it may I 1 I 1 but y durann will uever never be stronger or needed as aa now to today day arf arise se if ab the past detain you hex he K sunshine and storm forget I 1 so io chains so un unworthy to boad you I 1 ks As those ofa of a vain regret gad bad or al bright shells she is lifeless ever cast her phantom away NR nor look back save kolpan to learn the lesson I 1 ofa of a nobler strife today to day arise forthe for the hour houra is passing I 1 the sound that you dimly hear bear Is your enemy marching to battle rise for the foe foe is apet here stay not to brighten your weapons I 1 or the hour will wih strike at last awl and from the dream of a coming bittle battle I 1 you will waken and find it past I 1 |