Show TELEGRAPH GRAPH MATLAC lri it may not be generally known that the operators in magnetic telegraph offices become so sa familiar with the sound souna 0 of f the instrument through which they receive communications as to know what it says that is they understand the tap rap and paus pauses as a language and wi without the necessity of having the marks and dola taken on a slip of paper can from the sound alone write out C communications and perhaps every body does not understand that an operator at one office may have connection with a hundred offices and write in them all aal at the same time at the telegraph office in this city where com coin are passing from new orleans to M nw mw w york every going both ways my may be understood the operator is u heard to t call I 1 new york fork from new orleans and in an an I 1 in in I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 A I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 stant the word passo passes on its return in this manner items wi intelligence business notices messages and jokes beaw between en the operators are I 1 daily exchanged oyer over the enormous circuit of two thousand miles and the most wonderful 1 of all ail is that a person familiar with the witness business can stand on the sidewalk in front frok of the office when the c communications 0 are and 0 by the ticking of the instrument nt icon can understand derp der stand tand the messages as they play at inconceivable cei vable S peed can hear the operators ot at new orleans call hallo new NA york and catch the response from the empire city aye sir while drawing a single breath cincinnati commercial I 1 |