Show the weather f june p m mour our city and I 1 was was vi als S cited by an unusually severie severe thunder the rain fell in torrents mingled with ith will bail awl and 1 in a short time the streets gardens and fields were covered with a sheet of water fort fortunately the storm was soon over but then followed I 1 I 1 the floods fron from city ity and red butte creeks and mountain ravines bringing down rocks gravel sand band and soil and depositing the them in in various on many city lots aia ai washing nearly all the soil from others thus doing much damage to gar gardens deits also to fhe graded road to I 1 the stone quarry and the city wall and made several large breaches I 1 in ia the main water di dic thes ethes south of the city the hail bail injured several eve ral wheat fields most moot seriously in the region of the big and little cottonwood creeks creed though I 1 the grain not headed out will probably spring up again and have plenty optime of tinge to mature we have understood that bail hailstones tones as large us as turkey eggs were picked up at ira Eld reges farm on big kanyon creek and that much window glass was broken at the grist mill owned by gov GOT young and F little near the mouth of I 1 the I 1 kanyon oln the samp same cr creek eek also algo at aej J I 1 on n mill creek I 1 several herd boys fared roughly on oft the table table lands past east odthe of the cit city y and one little boy named mcgechin McGee McGe chip bip was found drowned by the waters of red butte I 1 the weather continued cool and showery until the morning of the ath dinst when the rain again fell rapidly for a short time after which the clouds scattered and it is now clear and hot |