Show I 1 chinese in california extracts of letter from elder eider james lews to elder george A smith PAROWAN iron 1011 county utah june 3 3 I 1 A few reflections u upon pon scenes and ideas gather e ed d in other lands may not come amiss in fornia there are about Chinn men ge generally nory in san francisco and the mines they are called the best cooks washers and servants ju in that co country they are capable of perfo performing ming and enduring d me more re labor and fatigue thana channy th anny dij other people peo plein in that land have no spirit to retaliate for I 1 the many man insults and anju injuries ries they receive they like the bews jews area are a distinct people and work jn in squads entirely by themselves ves in the mines and save every farthing their living is brought from china by their own merchants and all ad their iraa ipg ing is is hone bone among themselves and they wear their own peculiar costume few adopt we the dress drees of abi this 8 cou country ata in san k francisco whole streets are occupied by 4 them the they y have their own hotel sal sale e and retail merchants grocers and physicians in fact they do their own business independent dependent rn of 0 others after obtaining sufficient to make them independent at home they return they take little or no notice of strangers only oaly when for their interest are greatly addicted to gambling and have gaming establishments and houses bouses of prostitution publicly iely open day and night like their neighbors thousands ands of women lr are brought from china to this market mark et hired by the more I 1 wealthy of their own countrymen for ton ten and i often three dollars dollar s 1 per head for each I 1 ye year ar on any money advanced for outfit or passage if not paid the first year it doubles the second on principal and interest young females of from 14 to 16 as well as children are bought in at from 30 to 50 each and brought to california to swell the already enormous amount of rime crime prostitution depredation degre dation and corruption thousands of laborers are hired in china for the wages wadei of that country a few cents per par day and their passage paid und and they work in the khe mines I 1 their term of service generally for years after which they are sent home thus one class preys prey upon another to enrich themselves I 1 was informed that thousands are thus in bondage under their df different ferent overseers sent out for this purpose I 1 I 1 in california there are already large and extensive establishments for the sale odthe finland fine and costly fabrics as well as a many manufactured manu factored articles and paintings ou of rare workmanship and of exceeding fine finish which find their way into the tha houses or are worn by the wealthy I 1 visited many of their leading men to asce I 1 z tain if possible the situation of their country OMO and gather books to forward the work ii in which I 1 I 1 was waa engaged but I 1 found they were not disposed to give any information and seemed surprised that we were desirous of knowing anything about them tho the few could speak english so as tw to be 66 understood they require a high price for information and carry their distinctness to a great length in their deal with others they are very unscrupulous I 1 found the chinese in california Califor aia with a creyi lu dice of feeling caused by their til ill arwe am 4 its citizens which is not confined to miners but includes inc ludos their legislators tors they are a i traducer traduced trad 01 lerla thel fled fied and abused abuse ou on every bart hand yet they thrive i increase and will ere long wield a influence particularly relating to arze trade they are controlled by men of intelligence and are far from baan baing what christians call them for their ideas f the supreme be being their father their thear dovd government ment the laws and obligations in tiona they are under to each other with their code c e of morals are in advance of the sectarian world and have their peculiarities which seem truly strange to us they are rapidly increasing as many of the barriers are being broken down which have so BO long deprived them of associating with other and neighboring nations undoubtedly upon their return to their own land they will carry more liberal principles which with the extension exten of the I 1 spirit of liberty and reform pervading almost every laud will shortly under the directing hand of the almighty who has said by his servants serva that when the gospel the organization reorganization re of his kingdom in the last days should commence then his begin among all nations this is truly tho the case cane with that people I 1 after completing our arran arrangements gerne ants we left san francisco in the barque bacque san van boome march ath and arrived at hong kong anteia after passage of 49 days by letters of same date we learn that the indians around parowan carowan continue friendly and the inhabitants prosperous and that they are enclosing the old fort which was fifty six rods square with a wall around rods square to be 13 12 feet high and 6 feet thick |