Show ue the best beat course to WITH THE INDIANS IN UTAH we I 1 are fully aware that the policy to be adopted iu in the intercourse between the whites and aborigines lias has been a vexed question from the first settle ment of america after its discovery by columbus our school chool children also know that the I 1 conduct of the whites towards toward the natives lias has been far mode more varied than their views of the best policy and thus between views and conduct so diverse and failing so often the best course is w still an open question and one upon which we wish to comment briefly fri I 1 efly y but shall aim to confine our remarks to the subject as it exists within our ow own n boundaries when the llie whites first began to form regular settlements in utah in 1847 they found but few small tribes widely scattered and none even temporarily pora rily located in great salt lake valley the indians met with were poor pooi illy clad and very v ery ignorant since the extinction of the buffalo in i these mountain valleys game has as been scarce and difficult to obtain hence the fare of the red men inea has been coarse scant yand precarious and they were often compelled to subsist upon crickets and other insects mice squirrels and the seeds seed of weeds I 1 trained up in gross ignorance ce under the most abject poverty and in idleness and taught to look upon successful thieving as praiseworthy as well as remunerative it should not be deemed a matter of surprise that our grain fields our cattle our horses and our provisions were I 1 looked upon with longing desires and depredations committed commit ed upon them the only real ground for surprise is that many of those who profess to be intelligent und and enlightened indulge such hostile feelings towards lort ards a people so destitute and degraded the events that have transpired since the settlement of 1847 have bro brought the settlers t and natives of utah into frequent and alid extended intercourse under very diverse circumstances circumstance es sometimes pleasant and mutually beneficial at others quite the reverse almost invariably iu in the latter case excitement lias has run high and the mode to be adopted has been warmly discussed some crying out kin kill them off others 41 drive them out of the country ac while fortunately the I 1 large majority advocated the forbearing policy even to the u utmost I 1 MOB t end endurance arnce which has prevailed up to this date having had so long varied a and kad extended experience in the matter in atter under ex it i does seem high time for all to be able to see and iid act alike and that eliat too upon the best possible plan the circumstances will admit of fe which we will endeavor to present understandingly I 1 in all your intercourse with the natives appreciate their condition and treat them with that humanity laud nd kindness kind nesa which your relative position actually demands I 1 this course does not require I 1 you to invite them into your houses as equals to mingle aning le with your family to lounge about either upon chairs sofas or beds and bosit to sit at the head of your tables nor to suffer buffer insolence and abuse I 1 to yourself end and family when you have lave not courted I 1 it by descending to their level and 0 often in consideration of of the knowledge you y ou possess to far below it it but it does require you to feed them when hungry to clothe them when naked and to constantly do them all the good in your power regardless of the immediate or present remuneration of those who have not bot reff reflected acted much upon the constant effects and ultimate re result I 1 s alt of the above course we ask do you think it necessary for us to obtain influence over the indians that we may accomplish com the good for them required I 1 at our hands your answer must be yes jo do you not know that to obtain this influence the method to most effectually obtain it is their subjection and aud that peaceably why yes now who does not understand that the most absolute peaceable subjection of one person to another arises when an I 1 individual is clothed clothe a IM fed and sustained at adoth oth I 1 ers expense without compensation cherfer erfer the th refer this being a known kuo n fact it w is obvious that the moment in we begin to sustain the indians in their idleness ess they will begin to lean upon 6 us and in a I 1 little while to look up to 0 us and ere long be ready and williaa to listen and attend to io our ou counsels edu asels for their benefit benefi because from us they de derive rive I 1 their support it may be urged that this course course is rather slow trying and expensive but a i fair trial will prove it to be the quickest and cheapest method of f attaining the object in view view only a small very small amount offends of funds have I 1 I 1 as yet been paid to utah by the general government for the sustenance comfort and advancement d van cement or their red children for thi this s we should doubtless kindly thank our kod good friends at washington I 1 as as that course will I 1 co compell ampe us to learn the lesson of self elf reliance which all are aware is honorable and that we have got to learn it sooner or later andoe course the sooner the I 1 better even at the expense of some inconvenience and privation for then it will be better I 1 remembered an and 1 d more apt to be continued continue d in practice I 1 I 1 if you will reflect but slightly upon the circumstances ciri I 1 cuesta cum stances n ces and conduct which have surrounded and in influenced fluer ed the advancement or retardation of new colonie sor settlements in hi different countries you will be compelled quickly and satis fac to coma come to the conclusion that the ear liar they became weaned from their mothers milk the more rapid hardy an and d certain has ha I 1 been their growth and pro prosperity in n other words we do not recollect an instance where an in individual community or gr nation that has property properly learned the lesson of sey self reliance has I 1 failed of attaining all the prosperity and pitch of advancement which providence saw fit to permit while on fhe t he other hand under tinder apparently A i antly as fair opportunity a practice A C e of unduly leaning upon others has resulted in the being shorn 0 or f more or less power wealth and influence and I 1 when the leaning has been cam complete the result has been complete comple fd iras vassalage I 1 therefore it follows that from the nature of the country the position and habits of its tribes our position and relationship to he mand and the conduct of the general government thus far if we desire to accomplish what we know has to be done dome sooner or later and to accomplish it in the most satisfactory I 1 is and effectual manner manner we have bare simply to add a few more degrees to our present try and energy trusting in the integrity of olour our motives the soundness of our policy and alove above all in the goa godif of the remnants of jacob and cease leaning upon a broken reed which might fail and pie pierce reethe the hand I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 |