Show temple Fown foundation lation on friday the dinst the workmen began at the south east corner to lay the foundation for the temple on the temple block in this city the foundation is fifteen feet thick at the bottom arid and is to be carried up eight feet with a 4 uniform slope on each side until it roaches the floor of the La basement st ry where it is to be gathered to a thickness of seven feet which it will keep to the top of the first story tha rock used are vety very large blocks of redish sili cinus conglomerate firmly cemented and weighing pounds pe per r cubic foot as we are informed by br A H ralaigh Ral inasmuch as this work is now actually commenced under such favorable auspices we trust that all the saints will feel sufficiently spirited to keep it under ander rapid head headway way that 6 ere long joba we may have 4 temple iu in which th the e ordinances of tho the Priesthood can be administered fethe for the living and the dead and the faithful receive the blessings blessing in store for them |