Show I 1 SKETCH BY F mens rights comans womans rights I 1 throw down the gauntlet for childrens right s yes little pets fanny ferns about taking notes i and shell printed prin tem too if you dont get your y our dues she has seen you yon seated sealed by a pleasant window in a railroad car your bright eyes dancing with delight at the prospect 0 of al all 1 the pretty things you were going to see forcibly ejected by some overgrown napoleon who fan acied your place aad thought in his bis wisdom that children had bad no taste for anything i but sug ar candy but fanny fern knew b better ater shi she knew that the pretty trees and flower sand blue sky 1 y gave a ou your u little soul a thrill of delight ta though 3 11 g ji y you c could 0 uld not tell why and she knew that great big mans soul was a great deal smaller than yours to sit there and read a stupid political paper when such a glowing landscape was before him that lie he might have feasted his eyes upon and she longed to wipe away thee the big tear that you dare to lot let fall and she understood I 1 how io w a little I 1 e girl i r I 1 or boy that get a ride every day in the E year year should not be quite able to swallow that big lump jump in the throat th ir oat its as slip she sat oat jammed down in a dark crowded crowded corner of the ca of sitting by that pleasant window yes and fanny has seen been you sometimes when youve been muffled up to the tip of your little nose in wollen wrappers in a close crowded church nodding your little drowsy heads and she has seen you sitting like little automatons in a badly ventilated schoolroom with your nervous little toes at just such an angle for hours udder the oe tuition of a miss nancy nipper dipper who care a rush rash whether your spine was as crooked as the letter 8 or not if the great mogul committee who marah ed in once a month 40 0 make the grand tour voted her a modal school yes yea and that aint all she has seen you sent off to bed just at the witching hour of candlelight candle light wheat some entertaining guest was in the middle of a delightful story that 04 t you yon poor miserable 11 little pitcher naab was doomed never to hear tile the end of yes and she has seen been athe the line and nd plummet laid to ta you so rigidly that shat you were driven to deceit and e evasion afton and then seen you pupi punished blied for the very sin your tor mentors helped you to commit and she has seen been your ears as hard for tearing a hole in your best bes t pinafore or breaking a chi china ina cup as for telling as big a lie as ananias and sa sapphira did clid and when by patient labor you had reared an edifice of tiny blocks fairer in its archi p to your infantile jeye eye than any palace in ancient rome she has seen it ruthlessly kicked into a shattered ruin by somebody in the house whose dinner digested never mind I 1 wish iwas mother to the whole of yow you such glorious times t i mes as wed have reading pretty books aad no big words in em going to school where you could sneeze without getting a rap on the head for n not qt asking leave first ind and to church on the quiet blessed sabbath where the minister J like B me dear savior sometimes remembered ato to take ta keitte little children in his arms and bless blesh the them in thep then if yu ask me a question I 1 pretend not to bearor lazily lazi ily tell you 1 dont knowd know you off with some babul fabulous ous evasion on for your memory to chew tor cud till you were wen a old enough to see how you had been fooled and id never wear such a fashionable gown that you on my lap when ever the fit took look or refuse to kiss kiso you for fear you would ruffle my curls or my mccollar collar or my temper riot not a bit and then yon should harild pay me with I 1 your merry laugh and your little confiding hand slid trustingly in mine oh I 1 tell you my little pets fanny is sick of din and strife and envy and and id rather by ten thousand live in a 11 little world full fall of fresh guileless loving little ch children ildron than in this reat museum full of such dry dusty withered fern leaves |