Show TAKEN UP I 1 Y the subscriber west of Jor jordan darr a red cow abw BY about 8 years vears old a drop crop right ear a bunch on the right side branded J P on the right horn the owner otner is requested to come forward prove property pay ch charged cl arge argeA and take hw her away JAMES KILFOYLE 16 lt jordan mius mills A I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 1 I 1 i I 1 NOTICE I 1 NY taking u p est cattle T A crow foot brand on the I 1 left i ry t hip aiu if I 1 me m e a description escaip on and et of said cattle aud and they they shall fie be rewarded GEORGE I 1 cajete agent 16 l 6 at t forthe for the people of T TAKEN A X N VIP aon A red 3 year pd heifer branded with a I 1 on the left thigh the owner is re request es come and prove property pro nerty pay ly charges eb arges ano and her away WI WILLIAM r LIAM PAYNE 16 at kaysa kays ward ard davis coun I 1 I 1 TAKEN VF UP T lake point tooele thoele about the of AT ruarda a two year old heifer red white d under her belly and a white strip on her shoulder branded ir on the fhe left hip I 1 16 at y J 3 W HUNTSM HUNTS I 1 TAKEN UP 0 OFF FF the range a 3 year old D aided be I 1 branded L C on both horns also a 5 2 old aided heifer branded on the right horn hon I 1 visible also a 2 year ear old black h heifer eif i e I 1 star tar in fare branded on ahe left rump romp nn not ot v visible pi 0 le a t two wo year old bundle brindle heifer ears cropp arop d brands perceivable the ab above ove he heffers heifers ers calves the owner is requested to corn come take them away JAS orail CAIG 2 14 lt big cotton d W OL IF IVE FIVE DOLLARS IRAY ED from john Lov elands herd hen S over ard oil a six year old 4 E T houlden hould ei and a spot on the forehead whoever will arii slee to 10 the subscriber r shall relieve reci ete the reward JOHN TWADDLE I 1 st qt wa w junea NOTICE I 1 atwood nT AKEN lAKEN up apat at my residence on south C JL wood an ox supposed to be 4 years year white with some spots on his s sides ides legs legsay and jaw no DO brands perceive able the own ow listed to 1 prove property pay eb charges arees andt an F him way away S D HUF junea 15 at I 1 I 1 TAKEN VV I 1 I 1 ABOUT BOUT ten days ao ago ii a dark bay H I 1 approach approaching i to b brown t i anite strip in his face left hind foot white b ded oh on the left shoulder shoulder with N 13 and afi let lef thip with a figure so similar to an chor I 1 PARDON WEB 1 f 15 3 at payson utah valle baj STRAYED 11 F ROM the range west of jordan one y boko X oe oxen one neck and shoulders rad reo A spotted diminishing to the hips till the ha wr comes mixed red and whiter white lined back h me borns the other a roan line back t horns borns droope droop ug forward and points turn tun in b branded ori on the 1 left hip R with a circle round roi k and serf sed 6 years old any person said oxen will plea please B e give information to J cain bih bishop headland 18 11 d or to lovina tay waid w will ill be liberally 1 ay rewarded 1 P I 1 15 at I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 NOTICE ALL LL PERSONS having bu b with the late lat eTrest Prest willard richar I 1 please call on the undersigned undersigner under signed as early a r I 1 as asp 13 at JOSEPH CAIN Adm iii inist istra I 1 STRAYED 6 ROM the state road near the cross V F FROM the little cottonwood about the I 1 isac a small sorrel indian horse yea years ol 01 d tail cropped square main some s saddle on no brand any person b bringing ringing i i s said or giving information where he can be foun bouc I 1 b be e rewarded reward ed for foi their t trouble by I 1 WILLIAM WILLIA BROO BROOME joa 15 1 ate I 1 A NOTICE i raap sale of estraya will talce take place at X jac tray pound in G S L city on friday arid J day of juhe jahe dinst commena commencing tug at 12 i noon it is requested that all lestrans k I 1 as such be brought up to the astray poun pou I 1 thursday the day previous i from other counties not having been sold b 1 pound keepers there therein inay May be be brought sale to be disposed of any person claim animal anima will w ul be expected to come prep to 6 wove ro it before the sale commences as ne i N mal ve will be delivered to claimants after the th owing to the high water in in the take lake IN trays from the island will not he be brought 0 r 1 ma 15 at D H WEL wella S ag gent I 1 I 1 P E fund C the prove machine shop I 1 IS 8 in w full operation and ancl we are prepared to I 1 all kinds of Smithia Sou things gs make malachine machinery I 1 aj do any kind of work in in wood 0 or r iron i i string at of a notice and in good style S HO holdaway A in T 11 13 am JAS I 1 KINS SPINNING A AND ND WOOL CARDING done don on shares 1 ir ei Dt otherwise berwise at the prow provo wo woollen factor 1 and warranted to he be done in a workmanlike K ner her w VV wool ool for or carding must bi be in good ardeil order the g grease e furnished by the owners I 1 S HOLDA prow utah co may 1 13 am om I 1 NOTICE I 1 C N lows aws and calyes calves taken on shares co cc I 1 V the he calves for one third divid divi I 1 I 1 the age of 4 threes abreo years I 1 will wil take heifer c ca three months ol dand return them free of ch e when their first calves are three M months 0 old will pay the owners of the calves their at the thet time imel I 1 receive them if strayed or s i also cash paid for calves I 1 I 1 I 1 st WHITE black RR ri I 1 five in the mountains I 1 i I 1 JUX RUNY RUN RUM to jordan mills milli wi R your grain it if you want ant good white I 1 I 1 anaf W a big turnout turn out jordan new nev grief mil now ready J for grinding and warranted warritt ed fo s good dd white flow from he smuttiest wheat I 1 beauty ty of f mil milling lingIs is fit first rate flour and a i j turn out come and be accommodated ammo abed or ahoi test noice ARCHIBALD GARDNER ER 1 12 am ddniel daniel R allen miller iller 4 I 1 D 7 J FROM t the he northeast part of this ot city ab abou 0 the latter end of march a god sia siad 71 b ii bull bill about 4 years old branded J D B on left with a small mar in his forehead P eints of his bis horns borns are exit cut off ar and d a aan strip p brown hair down bis baal bacat alq alo 0 aaa a dinall mau cow W with n a star otar in forehead lined backed horns borns co rising 5 15 years old branded lis as abmyer lightly also a red an and d white spotted pot eted ohp on the flank and bell belly branded on the wt 10 hip b I 1 above and I 1 B ot on the near horn said ed from i the be range iange west of jordan in the win J I 1 season bi be is supposed to be about 8 0 years d I 1 I 1 any person 0 gimnig i v information where chese I 1 mals can cac be found o u nag either by letter or berwise i the subscriber ar or J cain shall be handlo handsomely jf warded ward ed i 14 ats JOHN war I 1 NOTICE v THIS THE aw am quorum of seventies meet cepl meet the afie first sun sunday day in each month at ai i the of jonathan on the corner r of W ter temple we and Emig emigration emigrate rati on s streets t rae ts w t the he ath wa 0 S I 1 city U T it at 3 0 lak PM taj I 1 who li live in aad and near ilie the city are exye expected Aed to tend the quor quorum um meeting sar or ave give i a good teai I 1 for their nonattendance non attendance and aid all otheral e requested to report to preside david elliott G S L city U T W i dia tely or they will be considered dead ap a timid ar or removed from the quorum an and d I 1 places fillad ly by others I 1 I 1 1 l 1 I 1 in this report M you ou ore are required to givel ve i 1 geneale genealogy gy as f aws give the day 1 in mp y e a rat n state orr or place our 01 al also s 0 w ohe n boti were baptized and ordained I 1 your present real residence denci I 1 benr I 1 I 1 provo alfa DAVID ELLIOTT G 9 L I 1 cita J MELVINE WIL BEJEl G S I 1 L city ALEXAN ALEXANDER DER WRIGHT G SIW L ALEXANDER Mc mawae mccae WAE G S L city ANDREW HENRY fillmore city I 1 JONATHAN s S L 13 ot 61 I 1 1 I 1 4 V I 1 r 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 I 1 |