Show the lost purse WRITTEN FOR FOB THE BY MAT KAY RITCHIE what are you going to do with W it yon going to do with it il exclaimed a half dozen jagged urchins to a bright eyed thinly clad news boy who was holding a splendid purse in one ot his little purple cold hands that he had I 1 taken but a few moments previous from the i sidewalk return it to the owner returned d the little honest fellow in a firm tone I 1 I 1 A fool a fool shouted the boys catch us returning a purse that looked as though it had lots of money in it as that does de lets see how much there is the eldest of the group and made an attempt to wrest it i from the boys hand band ctet it shant be opened it is none of your business iness what it contains it is none of ours and if youdon you don alet t let loose your grasp upon nitI t I 1 will call the police returned the honest johnny in a commanding tone the boys knew that johnny would do as he had said hence they not only ceased tormenting him but stole away as if the police were ali ready upon pon u their track when alone johnny began to consider what it was best befit to do there was no way that he be saw by which the owner could be by him A thought struck him he would deliver it to the office of the chief police but he should Io lose sethe the sale of his papers if he attended to it then and iche if he did his mother and little sisters must go without bread that night for they had nothing to eat save that which the daily sale of his newspapers brought what should he do he paused awhile then said 41 mother would rather go hungry tonight to night and lam 1 am sure I 1 would much rather too than keep the p purse urse until tomorrow to morrow morning lets see he put his hand into his pocket and after fumbling a short time drew forth three cents ive got domily enough to buy a loaf of bread for little sisters supper and breakfast and mother and I 1 will go without so I 1 will at once away awa and carry the purse where ahe owner can obtain it il thus sayi saying 0 g he trudged off with the purse in in I 1 on one a hand and the large bundle ot of papers in the other he whistled al as he be went or although pinched with the cold and hungry lie he left happy because he was doing right I 1 after disposing of the purse and being called an honest little fellow by the police he returned home and related to his mother how bow he had acted she praised him for so doing and said he be must do right fight iche if he perished in the attempt I 1 the next morning johnny went from his home a I 1 little fitle bill bluer pr and colder than usual for he had had no supper or breakfast to fill up his stomach thereby keeping the cold out at nightfall he fie was going home with a light heart for lie had i sold papers enough to buy bread sufficient t to last his mother sister and himself one whole day when lie he was met by the gentleman to whom he had delivered tile the purse that he had found on ohp previous day my little fellow exclaimed the gentleman gen aleman patting him on the shoulder the purse that you left with me hasteen has been returned to the owner who by the way is an intimate friend of miep and to reward you for byoir honesty he b has offered t to take you in his employ and see what he can make of you I 1 will he give me wages to buy mother and sister sister bread anxiously inquired the lad yes returned the ge gentleman and more than that come he added I well awell soon see what hell do for you anus anns saying he led the way to a large brick dwelling nearly opposite to tb where they had bad been talking A slight ring at the door bell brought the own er odthe of the purse to the door he was informed by his friend that the lad before him was the one to whom he was indebted for the recovery offis of his lost property johnny met with a warm and hearty welcome from wis his new found friend who not only promised to take the honest boy in his employ but said that his mother and sister should be made comfortable and happy tears of joy filled the little f fellows eyes as he hastened to inform his mother of his good fortune the mother was overjoyed at the pleasing 7 tiding of her son and she and jenny never after had occasion to regret the lat latter fl conduct respecting the lost purse |