Show news from elders I 1 I 1 RIYE G al 31 R co UT I 1 may IS 19 1854 1 I 1 I 1 vo bo bear sir upon our arrival at this 1 place cu aiace m we found capt hawley with a good boat built ailt 1 ready for lus business Gess he ferried us over over and I 1 charged us 3 p per w wagon 0 gon saying that he was as Boc W with mountaineers raer au t in in the ferry and that the they were not willing to lot let us pass on 04 their boat I 1 free bof charge I 1 I 1 I 1 may today to day had a conversation with mt mr Rt russell asell one of the mountaineer co partners in the forr ferry 7 he said he was perfectly willing to I 1 have all the cael ha harleys hawleys Haw teft leys s fourth I 1 refunded back by bythe the favor aubr of br wm I 1 A hickman abe money money paid to capt hawley wre was refunded I 1 to to us tho the money coming out of br pocket A we aleo received arom bra david bunton geo blyd john joa buder ano Hose stout stoat favors in haq to assist us on our journey I 1 I 1 io r blew the be brethren who ministered to us at this I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 61 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 14 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 j place OA sw weber river in the name of the lord info wo accident befalling us beroll we roll from this place p I 1 ile a tomorrow to morrow morning names name of those in the company COMp gny Benj L clupp clapp geo P john banks albert crau craa dall albert gregory jas C sly arnos A gustin alios H latey john jobu toone geo W hickerson huden haden W church james foster win B hodgetts oscar tyler james mcgaw W wro W martindale Ma X F B woolley oliver workman thos hodgkinson wro win G walker A L SILER clerk clea |