Show AMONG THE INDIANS by the late exploring party these people have bein been nearly swept from the face of theearta the arth earth by disease when whipple reached the colorado chiquito at a point nebout oe oae hundred and fifty miles west of the old pueblo of zuni his guides informed him they were unacquainted with the country beyond ind and advised him to seek guides from among tile the mo quis who lived some three hundred miles to the north two of f the zuni guides cheerfully departed for the Moqui country while the command with louis leroux for a gui goi decon tinned on for or thirty miles where it 1 was expect ted the new guides would meet them the cumans returned to camp alone bringing the sad intelligence that the whole moeut nation hud had been swept offey off by the small pox there are several vi vj Hages vi built u ift upon mesas or high table rocks 1 in on one village blage they found but one woman and child alive so great was wasl the hemor mortality that there were no bu burrans burials rials the dead bodies were thrown from the mesas and lay in putrid heaps about the basis 0 o g great rest was w as the stench that the guides nearly per perished dished ere they C con id get away ex |