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Show ib tb b Meets Price Pricecj Pricejg cj g Game Friday Fridaymonship - pionsbip monship 1onshiP of E.ast East East . Utah Utahion Utahjoy Utahrioji ion joy ' to be Deuded DecIded on n nCarbOnField ' ' . ( car CarbOnField Carbon Field t'Id tId ' . of oc the tue tuefar football game 1 big Dig iuu > - " - * " o - eastern Utah is contw11l contwIll con- con con,11 - far fnr as 3 tw11l twIll < . ,11 11 , be < - pIa played r nipri } ed tomorrcv tomorrow morr < : \ \ ' ? ) at Price , when the Grandand Grandp Grandand Grand Grandnd and nd Carbon county highteams high , p meet . . . . to * decide J rl . the theonship thelonshiP + 1-10 1 10 110lonship - lonship onship teams of region five Tl1eof Theof The Tl1e theI I the v.Ill vIll . il1 advance t9 t9t t ttournament of gt'me gtme game ' " ' 01 * ' ' " ( > kttf t tournamentthe tournament \ tournamentthe the game will be a hardone hardone hard one is indicated by all the theference theiferenCe thenference ference iferenCe dope Carbon will wille willbe willIhe be e advantage ad\antage ad antage athantage \ of being more morenced moremeed having havmg played five fiveduring fiveduring five"during fiveduring nced < : ed " during the season againstopponents againstopponents against opponents Carbon has lost lostne lostne lostme JunctIcn JunctIcnschoolbut Juncticnciooibut Juncticnischool ne game-to game to gam game - to Grand school-but school but ciooi-but ciooi - but has won Voon on four foursuch fourh-such fourh such , such strong stflg competiticn competltIcn competitlcn as ashIgh ashiglz asfchigh - : - hIgh higlz , . Provo PIOVO , . , Granite and andih andli andh andI I ih li Fork Moab has been beenpped beenipped beensipped pped ipped by a lack of games , ' been able to schedule cnly cnlyduring cnlyduring cnlyduring during the season so cnlyI far faras farhas I , tss as defeated Montrose , Cob CobSanpete Colo , ' j Sanpete and the Grand Grandm Grandn Grandin n in Junior JUDlor College reseI\ reseI reser reserves reseIes reservesen \ ' es esDi I In en Di n Is said to ha base hav \ e one of the theInS theama theearns ama InS of Its history , its line Une lineespecially Uneespecially lineespecially [ especially strong The Price PriceCOnsISts Priceconsists PriceI consists dIme cf ef line smashes and andend andend andng end runs Moab nas a ae ae aIe e attack with frequent frequenthrusts frequenthrusts frequentthrusts hrusts interspersed interspt"rsed intersptrsed " with off- off offsmashes offsmashes off-f off f - ? , smashes Moib Mo\b Mo b Moth ' \ has \ very ery eryreserve eryreserve [ reserve power po\\er po er poser \ \ , , and the first firstDl firstul firstn \\Dl Dl \ ni ul probably be bt ' obliged obhged to toe to6s e 0 entire enUre gameM gameI gameMcab game firstI I I & M Mcab ab fans will be at pnce Price pncer.eM Priceess Pricehess ess the big contest -r.eM r.eM - . contestI I |