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Show SEENand SEENaid SEEN and aid HEAR HEARQrouncf HEARaround HEARaround Qrouncf around t/je t je the / \ . f NATIONAL CAPITAL CAPITAL/ CAPITALBY ! . / t- t - tBy ' BY By By Carter oeoaaEeld oaaEeld FieldA Field , /A A / FAMOUS WASHINGTON . , . .ate ate . oe CORRESPONDENTr CORRESPONDENT : r . Washmgton-T1me Washmgton T1me Washington Time - Time was when If U an anAmctlcan anAmerican anAmerican I Amctlcan American President had admitted admittedhe admittedI I he had discussed affairs afI.irs afIirs . of state stateI statewith statewith statewith I with the officials ot of the Canadian CanadianI Canadiangovernment Canadiangovernment Canadiangovernment I government everyone would have haveI havebeen havebeen havebeen been sure that liquor hquor and prohibition prohibitionfiguredguardmg prohibitionfigured I . figured-guardmg figured guardmg - guarding the border to keep keepliquor keepliquor keepliquor liquor out-damages out damages out - damages for sinking smkmg the'I'm the 'I'm Im ' ' I'm Im ' Alone , " ctcBut etcBut etc ctc etcBut But now if rl prohibition was whis whIs- whIspered whis- whis whispered whispered - - pered at all aU it w"uld wuld would w " uld be the Cana Cana- Canadians Canadians Canadians - dians who would urge that the theUnited theUnited theUnited United Sta States tes government do some some- somethmg something something - thing thmg to keep liquor from invadJDg invading invadJDgdry invadingdry invadingdry dry territory . Believe it or not , the wise W1se vnse Ameri Ameri- Amen- Amen American Amencan American - - can tourist today carries carrJes his liquor liquorwith liquorwith liquorwith with him into Canada , unless he IS ISgomg isgoing isgoing gomg going into mto the Province of Quebec Quebecor , ; or unless his first stop is Varcouver Vancouver Varcouver.Ii VarcouverIi . . IL ILhe 1 . . he makes one of those stops first firsthe , he can stock up at a government governmenthquor governmentliquor governmentliquor hquor liquor store , after paying paymg twenty five fivecents fivecents fivecents cents for lor a peimit pelmlt Incidentally IncldentaUy he hecLln hecan hecan cLln can get his liquor hquor a little cheaper- cheaper cheapernot cheapernot cheaper cheapernot - not much-than much than much - than he can anywhere anyv/herein anyv herein anywherein / 10 in the United Umted States , the savmg saving savmgdcpcndmg savingdepending savingdepending dcpcndmg depending on the state with wh1ch which wh1chcompsnson whichcomparison whichcomparison compsnson comparison is madeBut madeBut made madeBut But if Lf iS he is 1S going gomg to the CanLldlan Canadian CanLldlanRockies CanadianRockies CanadianRockies Rockies via Chicago , the Twm Twin TwmCIties TwinCities TwinCities CIties , . and Moos0 Moos Moose " Jaw , one of the thepopular thepopular thepopular popular routes , he would do well wen to tostock tostock tostock stock up in m Chicago ( The Illinoisstate Illino1s Illinois Illino1sstate Illinoisstate state liquor ta ta\ ta tai tais \ . is only fifty cents centsa a g gillon g'lUon glUon ' illon , as compared , v . ith 1th $1 1 $ 10 10m 10in 10in m in Maryland , and equal amounts 10 in 10many inmany inmany many other states ) For the surprising surpnsmg th-ng th ng th.ng thng thug . - about abouttravelmg abouttraveling abouttraveling travelmg traveling through central Canada Canadais IS that the diners dmers on the crack crackthrough crackthrough crackthrough through trams trains sell absolutely noth noth- nothmg nothmg nothing - ing mg alcoholic-not alcoholic not alcoholic - not even beer The Thefamous Thefamous Thefamous famous Canadian ale , for which the theaverage theaverage theaverage average American Amencan tourist tourJst , havmg having havmgheard havingheard havingheard heard so much about it lt durmg during pro pro- prohibItion prohibition prohibition - hibition , . yearns is nc nv not + obtainableCanada obtainable obtamable obtainableCanada Canada DrySeveral Dry DrySeveral Several Washingtomans Washmgtomans Washingtonians , just re- re returned returned re returned - - turned , were on a crack Chlcago- Chlcago Chicago Chlcagoto Chicago-to Chicago to - . to Vancouver tram enroute to Banff BanffAs BanffAs BanffAs As the tram neared St Paul they theywandered theywandered theywandered wandered back into mto the lounge car carand , and called caned for beer ' The diner dJDer is closed , " said the theattendant theattendant theattendant theattendantThe attendant attendantThe The point pomt was eventually eventualIy made madeclear madeclear madeclear clear that at this stage of the theJourney thejourney thejourney Journey the diner dmer was provided by bythe bythe bythe the Chicago and l'iorthwEstern liorthwEstern rforthwestern 1'forthwe 1forthwe ' ' stern , but butthe butthe butthe the lounge car was Canadian Paci PacI- PacIfic Paci- Paci Pacific Pacific - - fic . , and served nothing nothmg alcoholic nlcoholIc * ' The same party , having havmg arrlved arrived arrivedat arrlvedat at Banff , discovered that nothmg nothing nothmgv nothingwas nothingv.as nothingvas was v . . as served m in the hotel botel dmmg dining dmmgroom diningroom diningroom room . , but tha that t m in a tap room beer beercould beercould beercould could be bought , or , . if they desIred desiredliquor , hquor liquor in m bottles in m } limited umted quanti quantities quantities quantities ties could be sent up to their roomsUniortunately roomsUnfortunately rooms roomsUnfortunately Unfortunately Uniortunately , o 0 r fortunately fortunatelythey , they did not feel the need of a drmk drink drmkuntil drinkuntil drinkuntil until about 10 30 at night They were weretold weretold weretold told they could have nothing nothmg , 10 10p 10p 10p p m being bemg curfewAfter curfewAfter curfew curfewAfter After 10 ne'Ct neCt next ne ' ' < t morning mornmg they might mighthave mighthave mighthave have had something somethmg , but it turned turnedout turnedout turnedout out to be Sunday , and nothing nothmg is issol issoli issolJ sol soli . ! on Sunday . Then they took the long ride rlde to toVancouver toVancouver toVancouver Vancouver , being bemg absolutely unable unableto unableto to get a drop of anything a1cohol1c alcoholic a1cohol1cuntll alcoholicuntil alcoholicuntil untll until they got thereNaturaUy thereNaturally there thereNaturally Naturally NaturaUy , the party clustered clusteredaround clusteredaround clusteredaround around the government liquor store storem storein storein m in the big British Columbia ColumbJa town town.cheerfully towncheerfully . , cheerfulIy cheerfully waiting waltmg from 9 30 in the themornmg themornmg themorning mornmg , when they tt.ey ttey . found it , until untilIt untilit untilit It opened at 10 o'clockSo o'clockSo o'clock oclock o'clockSo ' So it lt would appear that Canada Canadatoday Canadatoday Canadatoday today is considerably drier than thanmost thanmost thanmost most of the United States . Fear InflationDanger Inflation InflationDanger Danger ot of currency inflation mflatlon is isS&ld Issaid issaid S&ld Sld said & by many farm experts and andobservers andobservers andobservers observers to be one of the handi handi- handicaps handicaps handicaps - caps m in working out a solution of the thetenant thetenant thetenant tenant and share - cropping croppmp farm farmproblem farmproblem farmproblem farmproblemThe problem problemThe The charge that many critics are arebrmgmg arebringmg arebringing brmgmg bringmg is that it is this danger of ofmflatlOn ofinflation ofinflation mflatlOn inflation which holds up farm prIcesnot pricesnot prices pricesnot -not not - not prices of farm products but butprIces butprices butprices prIces of ot the land ItselfHer2 itselfHere itself itselfHera Hera Her2 Here 's s ' the WdY w iy it works A suc suc- successful successful successful - cessful city man has accumulated a arather arather arather rather nice nest egg It is either m in mbonds inbonds inbonds bonds or cash m in bank . . . He does not notknow notknow notknow know much about business busmess , and IS ISafraid isafraid isafraid afraid of ot stocks Normally NormalIy the thmg thing thmgfor thingfor thingfor for him to doyould do \ would \yould yould be to m in m\ m mcst \ , cst est his his$10 his10 $10 10 $ 000 or more in bonds , govern govern- government government government - ment bonds if l ! he fs is an ultra con con- conservative conservative conservative - servative , underlying underlymg bonds of big bigstrong bigstrong bigstrong strong corporations , or perhaps , rl if rlhe ifhe ifhe he has contact with Wlth the farm coun coun- c country country < , un- un untry - try , , m ill in mortgagesBut mortgagesBut mortgages mortgagesBut But he was shocked by the de devllua devaluation devaluation vllua valuation : bon of the gold value of the thedollar thedollar thedollar dollar , and is apprehensive apprthenslVe of what whatmay whatmay whatmay may follow For instance mstance , he may maybe maybe maybe be convinced that if 11 the Roosevelt Rooseveltspendmg Rooseveltspending Rooseveltspending spendmg spending continues contmues , eventually the theCoughlm theCoughlin theCoughlin Coughlm Coughlin Lemke solution of gettmg getting gettmgrid gettingrid gettingrid rid of the government's governments ' debt by by'prmtlng byprinting byprinting 'prmtlng prmtlng printing ' press money will be forcedIn forcedIn forced forcedIn In that event his hlS investment mvestment , if rl m in mbonds inbonds inbonds bonds , hie lJle life insurance msurance endowment endowmentpolicies endowmentpolicies endowmentpolicies policies , mortgages or sa.l1ngs sal1ngs savings . banks savingsbanks savingsbanksould sa.l1ngsbanks \\ould ould would \ \ ould be cut down , . if Jf not notwJped notwiped notwiped wJped wiped out An investment mvestment in m stocks stockswould stockswould stockswould would not be wiped out , because becausethey becausethey becausethey they represent an equity eqwty . But this thisman thisman thisman man is afraid of stocks He re- re reLlcmbers rericmbers re-r-icmbers re r icmbers - Llcmbers ricmbers : - 1929 and he has heard too toomuch toomuch toomuch much possiblefuture about present and possible future taxes ta.es taes . on corporations . A Life Preserver * . ' I The obvious ObVI0US life We preserver to this thisman thisman thisman man is to buy a farm He doesn twant t twant twant I want to run the farm ( arm , for ( or the pres present present present . ent As a matter of o ( tact fact ( act , he docs does not notwant notwant notwant want figuresthat ever to run it But he figures that if it he owns a farm ( arm no upset In Inthe Inthe .he he the ! . value of o ( the dollar can affect ; - - - . - him hlm If the dollar dolIar should eventually eventuallybe be worth ten cents , then his farm ( arm on onthat onthat onthat that day will wllI be worth ten times bmes as asmany asmany asmany many dollars dolIars It will not represent representa a profit The farm ( arm will be no more morevaluable morevaluable morevaluable valuable than it lt was before belore But he heWlll hewill hewill Wlll will have escaped a loss And It if Itworst ifworst iworst ( worst comes to worst , he figures , he hecan hecan hecan can always retire to the farm ( arm and andhve andlive andlive hve live there . This man's mans ' name is legion Thereare There Thereare Thereare are tens of o ( thousands of o him hlm ownmg ownmgfarms ownmgfarms owningarms farms ( In this immediate section He Helives Helives Helives lives in m Chicago ChlcagO , or m in De ' l\omes l omes l.1oines l1oines \ Momesor . ! , or in Detroit or New York Some ot of othim ofhim ohim ( him live hvc even in faraway ( araway Boston BostonAnd BostonAnd BostonAnd And lots of o ( him live hve in m Los AngelesBut AngelesBut Angeles AngelesBut But the men now living livmg on these thesethousands thesethousands thousands of nice mce farms ( arms he has hasbought hasbought hasbought bought are tenants-or tenants or tenants - or share crop croppers croppers croppers pers Observers agree that tenant tenantand tenantand tenantand and share crop farmmg farming ( arming is lS bad for foreverybody foreverybody foreverybody everybody involved mvolved , even for ( or the thelandlords thelandlords thelandlords landlords Bu Bu4 " { what to do about It itsThat's it7 its it7That's ? That's Thats ' where the rub comes m in mAssurance inAssurance inAssurance Assurance on the currency would woulddrive woulddrive woulddrive drive the price of o ( these farms down downto downto downto to where it would be ea easier < aer for the thetenants thetenants thetenants tenants or share croppers to buy buythemon buythemon buythem them-on them on - on time Sales would then be be.so beso , . , so to speak , on the yield YlCld valueLewis value valueLewis Lewis * ' Big DriveVery Drive DriveVery Very little is being bemg said about that thatbig thatbig thatbig big drive dnve tha that t John L Lewis is mak mak- mak109 mak- mak making making - - ing 109 to organize the steel industry 1Odustry- 1Odustry industry- 1Odustrywith industrywith industrywith - with automobiles and a few others othersto othersto othersto to follow fonow Most of the news is about aboutthe aboutthe aboutthe the sympathy on the part of many manyunions manyunions , unions for lor the Lewis side of the thebattle thebattle thebattle battle as against agamst William Wl1ham Green and andthe andthe andthe the American Amencan Federation Federabon of Labor Labor.There LaborThere . There have probably been twenty twentycolumns twentycolumns twentycolumns columns of newspaper space devoted de- de devoted de devoted - : voted to this internal mternal labor battle battlet battletu : tv t ? everyone every one about the much more moremtereshng moreinteresting moreinteresting mtereshng interesting fight now going gomg on under undertover undercover undercover tover cover : . The answer is simple When a aunion aunion aunion union meeting meetmg or convention en- en endorses endorses en endorses - dorses the Lewis side slde by a big ma- ma maJonty majority ma majority - jority Jonty , that is news Whereas there thereis thereis thereis is only rumor and confidential confidentJal re- re report report re report - - port and conjectures comectures as to the prog progress progress progress ress of Lew s ' organizers m the thesteel thesteel thesteel steel mlnsThe millsThe mills mlns millsThe The best information mformatIon coming commg to tothIS tothis tothis thIS writer wnter is that so far the LewIs LewIsdnve Lewisdrive Lewisdrive dnve drive to form one big union m in the thesteel thesteel thesteel steel industry mdustry is not proceeding proceedmg 'as as 'asrapidly 'asrapidly 'asrapidly asrapidly ' rapidly as the ardent C I 0 leaders leadershad leadershad leadershad had hoped It is reported that many manyworkers manyworkers manyworkers workers are reluctant to < o join Jom upBut upBut up upBut But there is really no news m in mthat inthat mthat that Everyone Every one who knew anythmg anything anythmgabout anythingabout anythingabout about the situation sltuahon knew that 10 in 10advance inadvance inadvance advance Many workers would far farprefer farprefer farprefer prefer the present open shop ar- ar arrangement arrangement ar arrangement - - rangement In the steel indu industry mduwtry try the thepay thepay thepay pay is good , compared to many manyothers manyothers manyothers others , and , now that work is more moreplcnt moreplentiful moreplentiful plentiful plcnt ful , , . there are a good many manymen manymen manymen men who are anxious to keep on onworkmg onworking onworking workmg working , rather than have a stnke strike stnkewhIch strikewhich strikewhich whIch would cut of off ! their pay for forhowever forhowever forhowever however long it lasted Moreover Moreoverthere , there are many workers who do not nothave nothave nothave have the evangelical evangehcal urge to re- re reform reform re reform |