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Show TIME IS SHORT , BUT FOOD IS TASIY TASTY ? . YOU IIASTYIN EAT A LOT AND EAT IT HASTY IIASTY . . . 1H IN CASE A CASE OF HEARTBURN cOM . CCHES.4WE CCHES4WE cOMWE WE HOPE YOU'VE YOUVE ' GOTYOUR ROLL OF-n OF n OFT - ] yNY N Nw w , , l lrtfl11t rtfl11t rtfl11ti i 50 indiu < y iDHasty > many causes for aad sad iD | Hasty eating . . . smoking smolnag . . , . iages ages . . . rich nchfoodt foods . . , . , no wonder we wesudden wetudden sudden , unexpected attacks ofsour of heartsour ] sour rtomach etomach or gasi gast But mii millionslearned ioo learned the smart thin thing to do is isTumsl illTurns ! Tumsl 1 These tasty nunta niintts gire ve vastthorough sci scithorough thorough rehef relief so so4uicklYl BO quiddyl 4uicklYl Can Contaiharsh 6 6Harsh Harsh alkali . . . cannot oser ore ' alkalize alkalizestomach alkaluestomach stomach . Release just ] ust enough anconipound os oscompound compound to correct stomach aadt aadtremainder aadirremainder remainder passes un released fron front B db dbspstem spstem . And they're theyre ' so pleasant ? like edlike candy 1Ocarollat 1OcarollatSo . So Sorolls handy to in inorpurse ed orpurse . rolls for 25c m the ECONOMY P b bFORTHETUMMY FORTHETUMMY FORTHETUMMYA FORTHETUMMYtuMS A TUMS ARR ARCANTACID . , ' . . , lfx lfxANTACID . . . rvr ? ANTACID .HOTAIAXAT1VE HOTAIAXAT1VE NOTALAXATIVE . .xr xr . , ] y II I + i I IKEROSENE KEROSENE KEROSENEbIODLEIS ouHE ouHEanf bIODLEIS AIR PRESS PRESSouHE anf anfi anfIJ e IJe IJ IJprotect i protect cone aig y ythi thi , cy ? light ! geroaeno and Ga cye olin e Dt DtNampa Nampa proTido ap to 9e0e3ne 9e0e3neIe ht . light . . . nearest like astral Ie to your eyes . > enioy the tia t ltght Yon can titght , No home sari aSord aSordColeman Coleman . Buy olden-yon olden yon nder nderdealer dealer . FREEf FREEfu FREEfTHE - AND Sf0 P PDept.NO175 THE COLEMAN LAMP Dept.NO175 DeptNO175 . Wkhlta ICao i ; u , Fhladelpl , > is , Pos L oa mac Still Stills Coug ou hiii4t hiii4ttea ; tea 1406 1406No s No matt matter hoW howcohave ' JIWlY ' m ' cough cou8b , , . for your you cohave vou : , tIcod l lor have bronchial tried fuitation g tatIon , , tI cold cod codnow or with cream Creoni creamSerious Creoniserious get Set Serious seriousSet Settrouble relief trouble noW may be bebrc bebrcyou brc brcyou cannot afford to take tie a awith you anyth1Dg anything ' less thnn then thnnsIan thenIon with t to toof . rIght righ righof sIan s she Ion , which goes eJd aid nil nilEOotha of oft the he trouble to inflsu aidinflsu ed edIJranes inflsusoothe heal the and nd EOotha soothe theermladen germ-laden germ laden erm-laden erm laden - ermladenbraves the g IJranes braves as and ge11ed erP expeI1ed e11ed i1ed i1edEven . . . ; ' 13 ! s loosened remedies remediesfalled it if other r re ri i Even dJscOurage dJscOuragedrug disco discos crag e cragSailed don't dont ' be falled Sailed , tomoney to toCreomuls1on druggist drug 1s ! s authoriZed autharlred refun refunmoney refunnot to and Creomuls1on Creomuslon ] andarc satlSfi satlSfiresults ates atesi $ i money moneyCreomuslon 11 if yoU Ohs aro arc arcto not ateslint rSt rStGet lint results veryresults from tl1e vcrY very . = b50 b50Get Get CreomuIslon CreomulsIo fromn n rlgh rlghdruggist right t nOW uo AFTER Q YOUQ YOU YOUr will 0 retioal retioaleeasful r leewill ' lee i 1 1oga eeasful t , 4 nut t WUt ! $ , WU n oga WUTgke Tgke F > , 0 ; hadach hadachh agpaG gpaG Yafas . Pscc h & a tldohtp oonfule ! tldoh + tp oonfuleh Iyrhl . Crunc h Y a aIyrhl 1 I , ntcu eiouslydarored.l0 eiouslydaroredl0 . + IOS IOSfM1 fM1 fM1I I |