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Show 33 C C C CAMPS INOPERATION INOPERATION IN INOPERATION OPERATION IN UTAH : . : In Utah since Sl11ce the inception inccptJOn cr ct : ctC cCCCC C C C Crom from April . , 1933 , , to August August131 31 1936 the aggregate number of ofUtah ofUtah ofUtah Ut-ah Ut ah Utah - men gi\en gi en g11en gnen \ , employment employ emplo mcnt ment has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been 16 246 This figure includes 14- 14 14502 14502 14 . , - 502 cnrollees enrollees and 1,744 1744 , , non-enroll non enroll non-enroll- nonenrolled - - ed personnelUtah 'PersonnelUtah ' personnel 'Personnel Utah enrcllees enrellees in CCC on August August31 31 1936 were 1 1829 829 and the a\erage a erage aerage aeragenumber aeragenumber averagenumber \ number of enrollees . working v.orkmg vorkmg aorking in inUtah InUtah inUtah Utah camps duiing dwlng during August " , was nas as 4- 4 4524 4524 4-524 4 524 , - 524 according accordmg to information informatJon re- re received received re received - ceived by Alien Allen T Sanford State StateDirector StateDirector StateDirector Director , natien11 naticn'l naticnl n ticml ' emergency coun coun- council counelI council - cil elI cilA elIA A totil tot\l tot l tot'ml totml ' \ of Qf 33 campselC cainpsneicinCpera- cainpsneicinCpera cainpsneicinCperation camps ' weie \elC elC \ in cpera- cpera cperaHon cpera-tion cpera tion - Hon tion in 111 Utih Uhh Ut'mh Utmh ' on October Octobcr 1 , 193S 1936 : National forests 13 , soil seH sell conserva conserva- conservation conservation conservation - tion tion . , 4 , divi division :1on 1on < : of grazing ' 10 ; : bureau of ipclamation lec1amatlOn leclarnatuon . , 2 national nationalp nationalrks natIonalp'mrks nationalpirks p < \ \rks rks p'mrks pmrks ' , 2 , state parks park , ; , 1 I . , and wlld- wlld wild- wild wlldI wlldUte wildlife wild wildlife - I life Ute conservation 1 The total of ofestimated ofestimated : estimated obligations in I'n ' Utah , , for forthe forthe forthe the period perlOd , , April 1933 , , to August August31 31 , , 1936 , , to covel covei the m"3lntenance m3lntenance maintenance maintenanceof m"3lntenanceof " of the CCOas CCC CCO \ was \\as as v.as vas . $15818000Among $15818000Among $15818000 15818000 $15818000Among $ Among work projects completed completedto to July 1 , , 1936 , . , are truck traJIs trails trails,1525 trails1525 , . 1525 miles , , impounding impoundmg and cUver- cUver diver- diver cUverI cUversion diversion diver diversion - I sion dims d'lffiS dlffiS d'mmi dmmi ' 66 , , pipe and tile tHe lines lineswater , . wat.er water . supply systems 259,931 259931 , , linear linearI lInearfeet linearfeet I feet , areas treited tTe\ted tTe ted tre'mted tremted ' \ for erosion con- con control control con control - trol , 68 68841 88841 841 acres ; : clearing irrIgation irrIgationchanne Irrigationchannels Irrigationchannek channe channels > 655 655265 265 square yards ards ? ; and nnd anc ancstream : : stream and lake lah.e lahe . bank protection protection,9885502 protection9885502 , . 9 9885502 885 502 square yards |