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Show VOTERS MAY REGISTER ATOFFICE ATOFFICE AT ATOFFICE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERKPerscns CLERK CLERKPersons Persons Perscns who w \ will III ill be out of theIr theiroting their\otin their otin \ otin oting ? districts on registration daysonly daysnly days daysonly -only only -nly nly - - ( only ) tv two tno . 0 of which remain re.nam renam renain . Octo Octo- October Octo- Octo October October - - ber 27 and 28-may 28 may 28 - - may register at the thecOlmty thecounty thecounty cOlmty county clerh clerk clerks . s office any day cr or crpenlng orening crp\ening crp ening p\enlng p enlng \ ening up to 9 p , . m from now un- un until until un until - - til ' and 'Snd Snd nd Including Monday October October26 26 This does not cf course m- m in- in mclude indude in include - clude dude Sundays E\ery E ery Eery \ % eligible person personis IS urged to register in m order that he heor heor lr or ( " she "he he miv m'lV mlV mw ' vote an indication of ofe\ ofe ofeod 121 21 \ od oct citizenship \ which hlCh should be betaken betaken betaken taken full advantage of by all |