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Show I El [ ElDRILLING DRILLING REPORTS REPORTSSeven REPORTSJ REPORTSJSeven ] I ISeven Seven 1\ 1 \ Mile 11e 1e DomeColumbia DomeColumbia Dome DomeColumbia I DomeI Columbia Crude Corporatlon- Corporatlon Corporation- Corporation CorporatlonNo CorporationNo Corporation-No Corporation No - No 1 Rath-Government Rath Government - ne nesw2i nesw2isec neyisw'Isec neyiswIsec % "swl swl " ' " [ .sec sec . 12-25s-20e 12 25s 20e 12-25s-200 200 - - , , located at the head headof headof headof of Moab canyon Bottomed at 1610 1610feet 1610feet 1610feet feet at base of Hermosa formationshut formation formationhut } ) , shut hut down p pending nclmg completion completton of ofarrangements ofarrangements ofarrangements arrangements to carry hole hcle to ob- ob objective ob objective - - jective Jectlve top of the Paiadox Paladox forma forma- formation formation formation - - tion at 1800 feetCisco feet feetCisco 'I I 'ICISCO Cisco Shoreline Structure StructureUtih , . ' Ut'1.h Ut1.h Ut1h Ut'mh Utmh ' . Southern Oil company-No company No ccmpany-N0 ccmpany N0 company - No1 11 1 Hyde-Govemment Hyde Govemment Hyde-Government Government - s s4 s mv1 nwinw nw nw nwsec % I Isec sec 32-22s-20e 32 22s 20e - - , in Yellow Yellov Yellon . Cat area area15 115 15 miles mUes northeast of Moab At last lastI lastrepolt lastrepoit lastrepoit repolt repoit , . , drilling drH1ing v . was nas as proceeding be- be be10 beIon be below - I 105415 low 10\\ 10 Ion \ 5415 feet in the upper Hennosa Hermosa HennosaI Hermosafoinmatlon Herroosafoimation I fOlmation foinmatlon About 400 feet of Penn Penn- Penns Pennsylsania Pennsylvania - s sylvania sylsania } h anIa limestone hmestone drilled dr1lled since sincethe sincethe sincethe the bit left the redbedsSin redbeds redbedsSin Sin S\11 S 11 ' \ Rafael SwelJ Swell SwelJCalIfornia SwellCahfornia SwellCalifornia CalIfornia Cahfornia Company-No Company No Company - No 1 Unit- Unit UnitGovernment UnitGovernment Unit-Government Unit Government - Government , , swt sw , % i sec 22-23s-11t 22 23s 11t 22-23s-lle lle 22-23s-llfcon 22 23s llfcon - - : , , on the San Rafael Swell in Emery Emerycotmty Emerycounty Emerycounty cotmty county Fishing F15hing for dnil dnll drill pipe , , which whichfroze whichfroze whichfroze I EmeryI froze at 2300 feet Stem being cut- cut cutoff cut cutoff . - off in sections Water well No 8 8II 8also 8also also fishing with tcols teols stuck on bot- bot bottom bottorn bot bottom - - II IIalso tom torn I : I I |