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Show Proposed Tax E Eenlption Exemption ExemptionDiscussed ExemptionDiscussed enlption enlptionDiscussed Discussed by Officials OfficialsDi Di M NI H Hams HaIns Hairis represntmg represnting represntirig the thePublic thePublic PublIc Officials associaticn assOCIatltn assocuatucn : : of Utah Utahthe Utahthe Utahthe the state municipal league the thestate thestate thestate state school boards association "I.nd I.nd Ind 'md md "I.ndthe 'mdthe " . ' indthe the Utah Taxpayers Tlxpayers Tix'payers Tixpayers ' assocultion association associationwis , , I " \ "I.S I.S IS 'iS " . ' in Mcab Moab Tuesday , , and met metwith metwith I Iwith with a number of local officials OfIICials re- re regarding regard1n re regarding - - garding gard1n constitutional amendment amendmentNo 11 No 5hlCh 5 \ which \\hlCh hlCh nhich proposes to exempt exempthomesteads exempthomesteads exempthomesteads homesteads from assessments up to to$2000 to2000 $2000 2000 $ Di Hams HarrIs pointed pomted out that thatIf thatif thatif toI I If the amendment amcndment carries at the thee1ect'cn theelect'cn theelect'en theelecten e1ect'cn e1ectcn elect'cn electcn ' on November 3 , and the tax taxcxemption taxexemption taxexemption cxemption exemption is subsequently approved approvedby approvedby approvedby by the legislature , the revenue loss lossm lossIn lossin m In Grand county will total $14 14 $14239as 14239as $ 239 , g 95 < ; follows follow , > Moab tcwn tewn town , $2148 2148 $2148Grand 2148Grand $ , Grand county ccho ; school chocl l district dLStrict $6018 6018 $6018and $6018and 6018and $ , and Grand county , $6073 6073 $ In this thisevent thisevent ' event four alternatives would be beavaIlable beavailable beavailable avaIlable as follows follo\\s follo s follons \ Curtailment Curtailmentor or elimination elimmation of some of ot our pre- pre present present pre present - - sent activities 'actiVlties actiVlties ' of city county and andschcols andschcols andschools schcols increasing increasmg the county tax taxlevy taxlevy taxlevy levy by 1 19 9 mills the city levy by by14 142 14 2 mills and the school levy by 19 19mms 1 9 9mills 9mills mms mills , , assessing all aU remaining remainl11g pro- pro properti propertj pro property - perty perti pertj at full value in accordance acccrdance acccrdancenith accordancewith nith \ Ith the state constitution consUtution const4tution ; ; or orma1ill1g ormakmg ormaking ma1ill1g makmg up the losses by some other otherform otherform otherform form form of taxation taxal10n not yet determiued determined determiuedand determinedand determinedand and which must be left to the d15- d15 dis- dis d15crel10n discretion dis discretion - - cretion crel10n of each and every ever } legisla legisla- legislature legislature legislature - ture tureThe tureTI1e The TI1e proposed propoced ; exemption Dr Dr.Harris DrHarris . . , Harns Harris pointed pcinted out , \ would \ ould be berumous beruinous beruinous I rumous ruinous to the town of Moab , as 1t it 1twould itwould itwould would eliminate ehminate 50 501 1 per cent or of orthe ofthe olthe the town's towns own's owns ' present tax revenues |