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Show I FIRST rmST 1'rRST 1rRST ' LINK OF OFI OFROAD OF - CORTCZROAD CORTEZ CORTCZ CORTEZROAD : I ROAD IS Ib ADVERTISEDI ADVERTISEDThe ADVERTISED ADVERTISEDThe I IThe The Colorado state road r03.d r03d . commis comnus- comnus comniis- comniis comnussion comniiszion commission - - I comnusI sion zion is 1 < ; advertising adverl1smg for bids for the theI thecOl1strucl1on theconstruction theconstruction I cOl1strucl1on construction of 11 11402 402 miles of ofI ofhlghv ofhighnay ofhighway hlghv highnay . ay bet between betneen " , een Ocrtez and LeWIs Lewisthe , , I the first link on the Cortez-Do\'e Cortez Do 'e e Cortez-Doe Doe CortezDo'eCreek CortezDoeCreek Cortez-DoveCreek Cortez DoveCreek - \ ' Creek road to connect with Utah UtahI UtahhIghway Utahhighway Utahhighway hIghway No 450 Bids BJds will wJll be open open- opened opened opened - i ed on October 22Assurances 22Assurances 22 22Assurances I Assurances have been given Gwen Cor- Cor Cortez Cortez Cor-tez Cor tez - - tez people by Ralph 0 Baird ex- ex cx- cx exI cxpediter ex expediter - I pediter dlter for the governoi governOl of Colo Colo- Cob- Cob ColoI Colorado Cobrado Colorado - rado , that the remaining remaming stretcn stretca of ofload ofioad ofload I ! load ioad to Dove Creek . will v.l11 vl11 null be mcluded included includedin mcludedI I m in the November budget It is 15 notj notI not I probable , ho\\ ho however hoever honever \ ever that this re- re remalrung remaining re remaining - - maining malrung piece of highway high\\ay high ay hlghnay \ \ can be becompleted becompleted becompleted I beI ( completed before befcre ne next .t t > . year , due to tothe tothe tol , the approaching \ winter inter season |