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Show r ruaea r uaea niece " 4 ' t " , 1 r 1 eIi eIii i 1 1r i + A Ae AFRANK e FRANK H . 1 1SPEARPI SPEARPI AN ANCOPRiGHT oPVRJGtfT COPRiGHT ( ? FRANK H SPEARMAN 5PEARMAN W N NU U SERVICE y ti . tiSYNOPSIS SYNOPSISc SYNOPSISIv SYNOPSISA SYNOPSISeeDi SYNOPSIS Iv ) c " _ \ A ten eeDi , P ) Cat desert tOt\ tOt to town tOtn \ n of or tho the thothwest thethwest thoinvest thwest , Is celebratingthe celebrating celebrating- - the rou roubeautiful rourth rourthuly FourthFuly uly my beautifulmy Jl"0 Jl0 Jl\ne Jl ne Jno \ " van Tam Tambel e , beauUful beautiful beauUfulghter beautifulthter ghter of Gus Van Tambel h\tcd h tcd hated htcdner hatedner hitcdner ' \ ner of Gunlock ranch his h'ls hls ' ar- ar - ared are ar arid - id ed e , from the Eist D'lst Dlst Dist ' tpr cpr r tho the tlrqt flrvt tlrqte flrvte nr t ! e . e . . Sbo She watches thot'rontler thotrontler tho the ' Frontier rontfer Di D'l Dl DWi Diebrttlon ' ) } ebrttlon gratton ratlon In company with Dr Drrp1 Drrpy Drrpy rp1 rpy , crusty , tender tendor hearted friend friendthe friendthe friendthe the community HenrySaw Henry Sat\ Sat Saw Sawdy Satdy \ dy ofCircle ofCircle of Circl Circle * Dot ranch tricked In n a ne ae nc e * bone horse race tho day before berore by byve byye byiv ve ye MtCro&sen MtCrosen McCrossen M.Cro MCro ( . & sen torcmin forem\n forem n foremen ' \ . at II.t IIt it Gunk Gun- Gun GunPlans - k , Plans revenge Ho tIo to enter enters * Bill Billnlson Billnison Billnison nlson nison , , a handsome youngTe.as young young- - Te\.as Te.as Te .as as Teas Te.asangler Teasangler Texasinglcr ' \ . angler , . , In the rodeo which Mc- Mc bfc- bfc Mcssen bfcssen Mc-ouen Mc ouen - ssen Is se I * favored to winnd win , ' \ ind \nd nd Wind h 1Wiis 1Wiisati Iliaiiy ) 8 8f ' him Unknown Unkno\\ Unkno Unknon to tho the thoowd theowd thevd ati & \f f \ ( bets on \ \ n owd Denl"on Denlon Denlcon Denl'on " : ' Is a champion horse- horse horseIn horsean horse-in horse in - In an ' , McCrossen and the ioung young youngranger ) ioungJ oung oungrllnger anger rllnger ranger tie In the various events eventsenlson eventsenison eventsnigon J enlson enison drops a cigarette c'lrelessl clrelessl ctrelessli ctrelesslising circlessbactne ' ) adng sing down the track trLck : full tilt he hecks heeks hecks cks eks up uD the cigirette cltuette cigarette ; The Theeidlct \eidlct eidlct \ el eidlctea eidlctes dlct dlctes ea es to Denlson Denison when : . SIcCrossen .rcCrossen rcCrossen McCrossen re- re reses reses ra rases - ses to attempt the btunt stunt Dntreat- Dntreat Entreat- Entreat Dntreatby Entreatby Entreat-by Entreat by - by the crowd Denleon Denison agrees agrecs to torform torform tortorni rform another trick Jane Is Isked isked Isked ked tor for her bracelptnd braceirt bracelpt bracelet ' \ and \nd nd Wind throws throwson on the track Just as Denison Denlson DenisonIfe Denlsondes Denlson1(3 Denlson13 Ife des ! ( to pick It up a } ) ell all from Bar Bar- Bar Bard Bar-iy Bar iy - . T d Rebstock RebstDck a Wi ' \ McCrossen McCrocsen : hench- hench henchn hencha hench-in hench in - n a , , tcares scares the pony , , neirly ne'lrly nelrly nearly ' costing costingr costinge e rider Ider his ht life mo Gun play Is pre- pre preented preented prc-ented prc ented - ented by the Intericntlon Intenentlon intervention of Dr Drrpy Drrpy Drrpy ; rpy Back on Gunlock ranch aCt aft- aft aftr aft-two aft two - . r 1\\ 1 10 tao \ \ 0 years In Chicago because of ofer ofer ofer er father fathers s Illness Jane Jano gets lost lostIdlng lostding losttiding ! Idlng ding ' In the hills hll1s and meets Denl- Denl Deni- Deni Denln Denis Denl-fon Denl fon - n s , , now ' a neighbor who guides her hero herome herlome o ome e Not knowing her Identity , , he hepeaks hepeaks hepeaks [ peaks bitterly of ot Vin V'ln Vln ' Tambel Sho She Shoells Sheells Sholla , ells ( McCrossen 'lcCrossen lcCrossen ' who "ho ho " brought her herorne herome herSome orne ome and he denounces Denlson DenIson as asC3ttle ascattle ast cattle C3ttle thief thlet Later she asks Dr Drarpy Drarpy DrSirpy arpy why her father Is unpopular unpopularind unpopularnd nd he tells her It is bec beciuse bec\use bec use ' \ use of Van Vanambel Vanangels Vannmbels ambel angels s ruthless ' ind 'lnd lnd Wind unscrupulous unscrupulous&racter unscrupulousaracter unscrupulous&i unscrupulousi & racter &racter aracter & Visiting her father In Ine ine Inf9 e hospital Jine J'lne Jlne ' Isarned Is \ warned \\arned arned to be beary beary beriry ary of McCrossen s honest honesty , but buter buter buter | er father urges her to bo be nice to to1m toim totim 1m im . . , I K , CHAPTER IV-Continued IV Continued IV-Contlnued Contlnued IV - Continued ContinuedI IVContinued5 IVContlnued5 -5- 5 --5-- - 5I - - 51 - - * I 1 piled pJJed plied the house supplies In Ine ineback Ine e eback back " explained txplalned caplained McCros McCrossen McCroscen en , 'so so 'sou'd * ' so sou'd som'd somd u'd ud ' better rIdeIth ride \ with \\Ith Ith me'Brought me 'Brought Brought ' rought rougbt you an extn extr't extrt extra ' heavy coat coater coater coater er , " , " he added "Thought Thought " you youIgbt youight youIght Igbt ight need it It . . Will wm you put It onwt onwl on " ' > wr wt wl His Hls Toice voice yolce , never harsh barsh , sounded soundedUc1tous soundedilclteus soundedUdtous Uc1tous ilclteus Jane thought she would wouldit wouldt t the coat on Her foreman , slt- slt sit- sit sitg sltg alt altos - os g beside her , . helped her get IntoHIs IntoHis Into , His manner was tender . His Hisds Hisds Hisinds ds , as he straightened the coatllar coatliar coat coatUar Uar llar liar , lingered l1pgered lipgered a moment on her heroulders heroulders herlonlders oulders , . Jane shook shooh her shoulders shouldersJghtly shouldersIgbtly shoulderslehtly Jghtly Igbtly to draw them away . " Tonr "Your Your father's fathers ' a great man , Jane , " said "No No " use tlse talkin talkln ' : . " "rm rm 'rm " ' glad to hear some one ape say ad ad a alod lod d word for tor him , " returned Jane Janely Janely Janerjly ly . 'Oh Oh ' Oh , he's hes ' got his enemies , I hnow know hnowut knowut knowlut ut from the first minute I ever everw everw everjiw w yon j ) on OU , , girl , , when you yon got . oft .off off the theIn theamn theFiln amn In that mornin mornln ' ' in Sleepy Cat " friendlyhshlon McCrossen Inclined InclJned in friendly friendlyshIon friendlyshies litIe UtIe shIon shies toward his tight sitting Ut lit lite Ie e companion to emphasl/e emphasl e emphasl7e emphasize / his hisords hisords hisvoids ords- ords ordsfrom ords = - ' 'from from ' the very first minute minutesaw minutesaw minutei saw w you , , I said to myself 'There's Theres 'There'sgirl 'There'sgirl ' 'There'si Theresi ' ' ' Eirl girl with all the grit and sand sal1d of ofer ofer ofVtt er father . ' . ' ' " ' k "Hadn't Hadnt " ' you yon better drive a llttle little llttlestert littleeterl littleEnter stert eterl ? " suggested Miss Ilss Tight Sit SIt- SIt SItt SItr - . * t r , casually . E/Tm E Tm / 'I'm Im "I'm ' " ' ' afraid to push the old buck buckoard buckGard buckMird oard Gard over this part of the road Sosaid Sosaid So , "Id Id said " to myself , " he continued , ? father'srit fathersrit father'st There's Theres wrhere's wrheres ' ' a girl with her father's fathers ' t and her mother's mothers ' beauty . ' ' Jane " -he he - he lie Janehe lowered becomingr becoming"are hl3 his voice , becoming " " r-- r rre -"are "are are - - - re you warm 7 ? ' "Quite Quite " " * , "And And " comfortable comtortable7 ? ' . tott toet "Perfectly Perfectly " But I should like to ; tt et on oe faster " UcCrocsen lIcCrocsen McCrossen : brought the tbe horses LO io LOstop iostop 10utop stop "What's Whats " ' the matter matter7 ? " a5h.ed a5hed asked a5h.edS askeds a&kedw akedw & . S companion rather tartly . tartly"This " creekm creekas > "This This This Tbis is Gunlock Gualock Ford rord Th The creek as runnin runnln ' kind of high when 1 ] 1rove "ove ove rove It'sten Itsten " through aft after ( > r supper , and it's its it'sn it'sn ' ' n ralnin rainie rainin ' all evenin evenln ' ' ' . We don't dont don'tPint dontPint don'tant wateru ant to get et caught In the tbe water waterget , 11 lookl lookake get out and see how things look 1001 . ale ake l > e the tbe lines JInes a minute I.111 I111 minuteI.111 reportedroniing reportedeturnlng reportedthlrniug 'It's Its minute'It's ' . ' ' safe e , I reckon , " he reported eturnlng thlrniug roniing soon to the rlt rig ? " "But But " K611 "ButK611 mrFP myD myp OU'd OUd "ButOU'd D p ' tin un till , better ? " put 3'our 3our your ' feet feetIn fcet feet 1D In my we get across The water E waterE flooroards Ight waterIght come c OIDe "p p up " throu throuBh through 0 'h h ' the floor oards . , " Ber IIer 1n Ili "er er feetul feet1n feetIli " response was chlJJyIy chilly chlJJy 'My My ' \Iy Iy My : \ feet be aU all a " " ' are"U areU right where the they are 0 . , K R , Jane Janel Jan e el ! I But you're youre ' aboutsweetest aboutsweetest about theorid theorld . sweetest girl I ever saw In the orid orld " " Suiting action to these words , , wordsCrosses Crossen Crosses Crossescoon 0.85011 085011 put us his arm . swiftly round swIftlyround swiftlyd coon coonput f S swiftlyS to-ro to ro toard toand ard and - d . the elrt girl and pulled P " " her to him for a kiss kissBe kisslie " Be lie "e e " tailed failed " heot heof to get one Instead Intend ' ) , , he hexlDart ot of and glovedand and . , a , xlDart smart slap from trom Jane'r Janer Jane't Janet Jane'e Janee ' ' gloved glovedl glovedplease " l < "PlellSe PlellSe "Please Please please mina na your business buclnlss ; Dive Dne nd at Dnend Diveat a youra ane said"c saidc saidle " le aattend Diveaattend attend collectedly coUectedly to yourdrain your drain dm rl\ rl rllng \ Ing lng g , . , " sal said . . The Tbe night " ' t was wac ; an unquiet one for for"e fore forane foraces bout pillowbout bout'The ane aces " 8 her thoughther pniow plUow pillow 'The The . ' The more she thought thoughth ! , hisde urprlse surprlse admirer and his de sheew sheeS advances , tbe the angrIer she ew eS . , In the morning she brenk break- break breakb . - breakd alted altedand and d ordered " ' " " "cd cd " her saddle saddJp . , h b be e ponv.e ponve n , ponv pony meant "t t " to take tahe a long ride all ' I by herself hei hel elf and nnd rid herself her < ; clf elf of her herannovnnce herannoyance herannoyance annovnnce annoyance in the morning air nlr of the thehigh thehigh thehigh high hlJJsOn hillsOn hills hlJJs hillsOn On : and Ind on Jane rode Thp The ponv pony ponvwas ponywas ponvwas was spirited and seemed , ] like 1J.c 1Jc . hIs hIsmi hismistress hismistress mi mistress tre s to enjoy the jaunt The Thefarther Thefarther Thefarther farther she rodelhc rode , th th0 . \ wilder Ilder the coun coon country coontry country try grew . , with onh ouh only smill sm1) sm1 small ) ] bunches bunchesof of cattle here and there to remind remindher remindher remindher her of her domain At length lcngth the thehills thehills thelillls hills grew too rough for pleasU1 pleasure pleasureriding pleasuieriding e eriding riding With her spirits quieted quietedand quietedand quietedand and feeling Invigorited Invlgor1ted invigorated , Jane reined reinedabout reinedabout reinedabout about for the ranch houseCm houseCoi house houseCohering Cm Coi Cohering erlng ering considerably more dls dis dls'tance distance distance 'tance tance , Jane , hiving 111vIng giown glown wcarv weary wcarv.was wcarvwas . , was \ as rejoiced at last to see the thodustvseipcntine dustv dusty , .ellm ellm seipentine " . ) ( tme foothills foothlJJs roids r01ds roads well be below beIon 10\\ 10 low 10her \ her na\ na Having naIng Haling \ Ing reached it , she shereined shereined shereined reined Into It and jogged along eon con eonfident conildent conGdent fident ildent of ren'hln renhln reaching ( ' homo home soon Pres Prescntl Prescntly Proscntii cntl cntly shp sbp slip encountered an Indl'tn Indltn Indian Indl'tnfnmlh Indianfamili Indiinfamih ' fnmlh famili traveling towaid towmd her in a awagon a\\aeon a aeon wagon \ \ \ a on She reined up'Am up 'Am Am ' Am I heiding he'ldlng heldlng heading ' right for Gunlock GunlockHanch GunlockRanch GunlockRanch Hanch Ranch ? ' ' she ' iskcd 1sh.ed 1shed asked . of the man drlv drlvlDg drlving driving drivingHe lDg ing lDglie ingHe He lie nodded affirmitlvely affirm1tlvely aulIrmativefy But a abrIght abright abright brIght e eied eyed ed boy In the v . wagon agon bo\mide bo mide bO boa boamade \ m'lde mlde made ' a protest He jabbered In lov low lowtones lowtones . tones to his father fatber and turning to toJane toJane toJane Jane , . exclaimed ' 'Wrong Wrong ' way , " , , " and andpointed andpointed andpointed pointed north The father shook his hishe1d hisheld hisheid he1d held , , and the dispute grew . . Jane Janenow , , now confused by the uncertainty uncertainty.thanked uncertaintythanked , . thanl.ed thanled thanked . the part party ; } and rode on soutbA southA south soutb southA A few miles mUes farther she met a ahorseman ahorseman ahorseman horseman heading north As he hedre hedrew hedrew drew dre " near , Jane Jnne thought she recog recognized recognlzed recognized nized nlzed him as the man w \ who ho had dl di dlrected directed direeled rected her bick b1Ck hick to the ranch a cou coupIe coupie coupie pIe of weeks weehs before , at the close of ofa ofa ofa a long da das day of riding ndlng through the theGunlocJ theGunlock theGunlock GunlocJ Gunlock . hills hlJIs Jine J'1ne J1ne ' reined up In InI Inqulringly inqulringly inquiringly qulringly . Good 'Good ' morning morningentured , " \entured entured ventured \ , J'1ne J1ne Jine J'1ne'C1n Jine'Can Jine'Cm JineCm ' 'C1n C1n 'Can Can ' you tell me whether I am on onthe onthe onthe the right road to Gunlock ranch ? ' ' The man listened but made no ef of offort effort effort fort to speik spc'1k spc1k speak ' Instead he loohed looked loohedat lookedat lookedat at the girl silently . His gazeva gaze \va va was wasembarrassing \ wasembarrassing wasembarrassingHe 3 < 3embarrnsslng embarrnsslng embarrassing embarrnsslng8e embarrassingHe He 8e Ignored her question questlo'1 questlo1 ' and in- in inste1d instead in-steid in steid - ste1d stead asked one himself : "Aren Aren " t you the girl who got lost lostaround lostaround lostaround around here a couple of weeks weehs ago ? ' "Y Y " yes ' \ es , , " answered JaneJ Jane J ' 'Andaren't Andarent And Andaren't Andaren't aren't arent aren'tydu aren't arent ' ydu you the man who directed me meback7 meback meback back7 back ? " Guess 'Guess ' I was , " , " the man replIed repliedIn replIed1n 1n in an absent minded v . way ay . " 'I I ' I realise reaIl7e realie ? that It's Its ' stupid of me meto meto meto to lose my way again , " she said said"but saidbut , "but but " can cnn you tell me whether I am amI amleading amleading I eading leading right for the ranch 7 ? ' He found bis his tongue and spoke spokequIetly spokequietly spokequietly quIetly : "Well Well " . . you'd youd ' rench reach renchthe reachthe reachthe the ranch the \ way ay y ou are going goingthough , though probably not today . " "Not Not " today today7 ? ' she asked ashed In amaze amazement amazemeat amazement ment meat . , . ' You want to reach the ranch ranchhouse ranchhouse ranchhouse house , , I suppose suppose"I supposeI ? " "I I " do " Then 'Then ' you're youre ' ' heading the v . wrong wrongway wrongwas rong way \ a . " : . " ' 'W11J W11J ' Will 1V111 vou you please set me rIght rights righf"You'd righfYoud ? ' ' "Yau'd Yaud "You'd Youd " " ' ' better take the bick b1ch back trailt trailh trailti traily trail t y h ti Its 4 4r r f rf , I If Irf t tJ ' J t tt t It ' t 1 1 1t , t The Farther She Rode , the Wilder Wilderthe Wilderthe Wilderthe the Country Grew . You re going away from trom the r.1Dch r1Dch ranch r.1Dchhouse ranchhouse ranchhouse . house |