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Show Statue Statues * . of American Americans * . in London LondonA A statue of or London faces West Westmlnstcr Westminster Westminster mlnstcr minster abbey and within the fa famous famous fainous Longfellow LongCellow mous edifice is a bust of LongCel Longfel low and a window and tablet toLowell to toLowe toLowcll Lowe Lowell ) ] In St . Margaret's Margarets Marguret's Margurets ' church churchi churchAmericans churchiAmericans churchAmericana Americans Installed a window to tothe tothe tothe the memory of ot Ptillllps PbllJlps Phillips Brooks Brool.s Brools . Po Pocahoutas Pocahontas Pocahontas cahoutas cahontas is commemorated commemoratet1 by n a nwindow awindow awindow window In a small smnll Gravesenrl Gravesend Gravesenrlchurch Gravesendchurch Gravescndchurch church where she was wns burled Christchurch ChrIst ChrIstchurch Christchurch church has n a Lincoln tower , , with withthe withthe withthe the tftnrs titans tnr8 and nnd Stripes cut in thf the thestone thpstone ' sLone stone In Westmln Westminster ter abbey a tah tab tahlet tablet tablt tablta3 let ? \\a3 a3 "as as was " \ \ erected In 1923 1023 l 23 In meroon memory meroonof memoryof memor\of memor of \ of Walter Wnlter nines Hines lilies Pages , , Arnerlcanambassador AmerIcan Arnerlcan AmerIcanamb'1ssador Americanambassador amb'1ssador amb1ssador ambassador ' to Great Britain dur durIn durin durInj In . ; the years of ot the World war . |