Show ccc COIMTANY C01\IPANY C01 IPANY COMPANY \ rORMONTICELLO FOilMONTICELLO FOR rOR FOil MONTICELLO E EXPECTED EXPECTEDA I > ECTED A CCC cce company ccmpany ccrnpany to be located at atthe atthe atthe the Monticello camp is expected to toanive toariive toanive anive ariive this th15 "e e " week k . . The company is isbemg Isbeing Isbeing bemg being transferred from the seventh seventhnmy seventh3ii'fly seventh31 nmy 3ii'fly 3iifly my ' corps and will be under the thecik the\\cik the cik " \ \ 01 cik k ; supervision CupervlslOn of the La Sal SalNatl'nal SalNaticnal SalNational Natl'nal Natlnal Naticnal { ' forest |