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Show Mining Notes. J. W. Cairns has returned from I,os An-galea An-galea Whither ho went on mining business. j. .,..(, Dsdarlcss, the mechanical engineer left (tor Idaho last night, and uin hi-, return will devote much of his timo to mine Interest! Inter-est! ut Stockton W. C. Alexander, manager of the 13lacl; Dla- iTKinl of Stockton, loft for Indlanapolli yesterday yes-terday mornlnif to confer tvlth Hooaler In-tcrcstn In-tcrcstn In his company. If. N. Mrrwln. the mill bulMcr. has r-turne.l r-turne.l from Arlzorut. v h-ro ho nuporlnt.-n'lr-l tho construction of a plant on the properties ot tho Dlork Hock Mlnlnc company. m m. Johnson of th Newhouee tft rfo- parte.1 for Now York at noon yesterday on a iispatch requiring hiH attention there, it i not unllk'-lv that before Mr. Johnson retum another I.Ie 'leul will have been consummated. Plocho Record: T. J. HOSItgemery returned from Salt 1-oko durlnp the ereeh and pro- led to tho coal mines near Grassy Springs, vhi-r" ho has men at work "Inking a shaft In view of strlklns a body of coal. Tho friends of Mnnscer C W Whitley of tho American Smeltlnu and Reflnlnc c.m-pnny c.m-pnny will be jrnillfled to leurn that his condition con-dition 18 Improving BO rapidly that he prom-li-ett to reappiar In tho offices In a sh'irt time. A letter from the foreman of the Odin mines at Park '"Ity during the day assures Judgo Snyder that the latest development there Is proving up as desired, and that everything foretells an Important disclosure In a short time. Tho delinquent sale of shares In the Lower Mammoth to satisfy an as-xossment of 5 cents, with a total "f IWOO, brought out very few Ii will be gratifying to those who made this contribution to loarn that tho outlook at the Tintic property haa not been so assuring In many years. Ix.uls S. I'ates. manager of tho Boston Con's properties ut Itlngham, camo In from camp nKuIn lust night to confer with his associate. nt the general offices. Mr Cates savs that he has Instructions from the Ent-t to rush tho Teek tunnel In tin. porphyry, and to do same with all the men and machine drills for which ho can find room |