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Show BB . Tort ,"" BKa1"' buflness Bfllfal shad' -iBTfi.w and modern 'now. H BBB EOU " r pticb. 148 RSI 1E0BEHTSON BtfTHE CITY c-th between k4?- South "ft irt oily tv- ."Utbm street "'f. rrfw Includes jBj&t (under Des mcio P-.nTM. ... i. KTs MAIN ST "fcTcHEAr ;-k"h-..m" liKa brick houc-5, oleo-igWlMBl oleo-igWlMBl East th fcHAlTlv LAS "astf Sfwnrt rsn.h. will t f";'' al a Ci stll bo worth M" z - Jkh Wlr r w r 1 1 BAR-IKu. BAR-IKu. Silt Lake Security KmUT id Trust bl.it: MOT NON-RESiDEN FS Slut Mikity c Trust Co f RltK JfcSRTNU-:. MAi.N bT aBti ss' placed on the n EAST BENCH RUB-jKkt RUB-jKkt uxi 5th So. et. im U-J W. E sts , J12jO. MtT.vrtr r-nrh :v-i rH AiHTON', REAL F?-WBId? F?-WBId? blOU -WCAXT P.I ILD1NO Like Inve". fMl' Vl McComlck b.dr HpSrNO2M VI N ST IBtttil do; In, will dl-riBtlMi dl-riBtlMi to suit purchas- i 7 p. h r V 'lV :nd So. mlS37 "j&!cf Vrtlklri t ,r,)r B 1 ii ii 1 1 ii i ii i l"B,tf lir-'i furnace am fRiM' 'rK- rooms, built R R MCnflro b thO Pll. Tribune. f3 OR SELL, k that likitracts, tt mors In title, r Abjtra,. Co . Ino. I Mk Utsoret Bank. a 1242 K iSo 4 " oach- RJ1 tC a nne let It go Bi&h ,he c,t- 'Si. Both -phones ffcr- 1918 11593 Ug,'-RM HOUSE, oldy:, 10 1 Khl ftSiJ" healthy pl-L sr , r ch,cke BP 8t i" Sffl Why' p . T" front o,h E ty,,,;,', . ,' ill Tisso V :n. south. t BVegas, vf-. KTr vr.i Auerbach K tate t?5 :W"k''3 Main"' "I ' hWr,Y.V. "RICK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. f0 PER FRONT FOOT, 109V4 FEET Corner 3rl South :Lnd 3rd Enet Real value of this property ought to bo $r.o DHT foot-nnd will be In a short time This Is a piece for speculator! to ct.naldcr. jivi pir front fr.ot, I(r" fet deep on NrlKhnm Street, near State. Adjoining land held at $2(V per foot. The o Improvements Im-provements on this property bring $vi per month Nothlnpr better offevd In the , lt JCO per foot For a corner lot faclnc south and ivcst on Second st Property rf thin kind In a town Of (SW) to 15,iKH) people foIIh at J.'ji per foot. Let me show It to you. (19.500 Invealmt nt unequalled in this city. The lot, 132x165 feet on a corner two blocks WClt Of Main st., and very elosj In. Tho hnprovomenti bn this property bring ?!.' per month. There Is $2 feet which can b Improved It has sidewalks and MWOfi Will enhance In value rapidly rapid-ly In the next three years and It Is a safe Investment, because you receive a fair Interest on mont-y Invested while, waiting wait-ing for the Increase On L'nd South. JGrt per front foot, five-blocks five-blocks oast of Main et. The lot I S3 feet deep Will make ill. nation to the buyer of a IfiH'fOOt alley un the side and s-for.l alley In rear. This bargain will not last lone Hero Is anothnr piece n.t $70 per foot. blng 40 feet on irii South, one block cast of KnutBfOrd hotel Will throw In an alley of 12 feet that you do not ha to pay for lie jukk If jou want It. Property one block west of It can not b had for less thon J2i' to $5"') per foot. Why should not this bo worth 100 per foof Can't you se a profit 7 $.v per foot n 2nd West near 1st South How's that? Some of the best home properties in this city can bo had at my office. Have n 7-room modern, up-to-date brick cottage, cot-tage, the lot 2oxJ32 feet, with S-foot alley on the south. If is the boat-built Of Its kind In tho ety Nothing has been spared In construction to muke It convenient. It has Iron f nee In front, cement slde-iralkl slde-iralkl heat little barn; located near Rrlgham on N st The choicest residence portion of our city. Price iVHM On 3rd st , near St st . handsome modern mod-ern fi-room 2-storv brick residence the lot -HxlCS feet, 1420ft It Is a bargain 1 in Capitol bill orn of the most handsome hand-some 9-room modern residences for sale In this cltv It Is up-to-dato In every way well constructed and certalnlv well located. The lot :'.3xl.'6 feet to 13-foot alloy In rear. A View which never can be obstructed and being so close-In ought to be a very desirable residence Tho price asked Is HGOO Only two left on 7th West near 2nd South; choice (-room brick cottage fine place for railroad man One $lW)o nnd the other $17."". Can make very reasonable terms The lot 40xl"") to each. Near 3rd South and 2nd East. Good close-in location a 6-room modern brick cottage ami given away nt $2"i Will guarante,. to rent It for $20 per month. Windsor avenue, near 8th East, 9th South, one of the prettiest suburban streets In the city, handsome cottages on both skies I hnv several on this street ranging from $2000 to $2.V Good car service They are modern houses. Would like to show them A Rl HTER, 19 West 1st South st "Phones &4I. Ilfvi3 HOUSE OF FORTY-THREE ROOMS, all outside. Owner toc.old to attend to business Roomu full. Must sell. Aidless Ai-dless T ". Tribune b223 DO YOL WANT A BARGAIN? IF SO come earl;, Monriav morning 2 by iO rods on C Bt . with 4-r house, only 1200. f.-r. mod. cottage on 8th East, bet Brig and 1st So , tine place. $32io Nice C-r house, with large lot, easy payments. pay-ments. MS00. Building lots and good Investments. Properties In :ll parts of city. S v.-r.il line honi' H j t vers low prlces. C. W. Miller, 112 W. 2nd So I1S88 THE SI RINGER CO . 70 W 2nd So. Buv real estate NOW These BARGAINS BAR-GAINS will DOUBLE In value In 90 days. We have a bunch of desirable lots only lo blocks from new P. O , $125 each; $ dim n, $5 a month. 2 lots on State near loth So . the pair Nice building spot, let So near 8th W.. f2. $26 cash, bal 110 a month. 3 lots, corner, near let So. and 9th W., ItfO. 2x7'- rods, so. front, near L. D. S. hospital. hos-pital. si 40-ft. frontage. 2nd So., near 11th E . $700. New 4-room pr brick. 3rd So . near 8th W . 11650, S1CJ cash hal. $20 monthly. 4-room frame, near D & R. G . J100). $75 cash, $10 a mo. 6-room brick, lot :f7'.xl3i to alley, barn, trees. 323 Fasten ave . $lfio $2M cash, bal. small mo pavinc-nt. r.-ronm nr. br.. modern, near Liberty park, $2300: $2Tii cash, bal $2" a month. THE STRINGER .. 70 W 2nd So. 11637 LITTLE &- LITTLE. 4-room frame, adobe lined and summer kitchen cltv water lot 2':x7 3rd East near 7th South 61350. 3- room frame, newly papered and painted, paint-ed, line condition, lot 2'.. rods front, near sth W. and 4th N., In rear $G00. $100 cash, $10 per mo. G-room. new, pressed br., por bath, toilet, lavatory, E L. furnace heat, :-merited :-merited basement nail, wood llnlsh. man-tej man-tej and grate, el Id In S door. etc.. located on 3rd st 53500. A model homo on easy terms. Lurg. cor. on W. 2nd So. prospective buMn.-PB and can bo bought cheap. N'i-w '-room. mod. pressed bi . larJM reception re-ception ball, cost over $5000 to build, lot 3x10. east bench beautiful site, only $4500. Easy terms New. 9-room mod , elegant. 3 blocks fiom Temple $45X). 0-room. pressed br , por bath, E. L., brii k walks, line shade, 3x10 lot, near 9th So. on 2nd W. 2n00. New, i-room. mod. cottage, corner lot, E 4th So, line, and onl $350 On easy terms 4- room sdtobo, with 2x10 rods, facing oast on C neAi 3rd, onl $1300. $400 cash. Fine 7-room. two-story. prssri br , with all mod. con-eniences. large cement-el cement-el basement, with four apartments, near 10th F. and 4th Bo. 646O0 2xlo. near 3rd So. and 6th E -$1400. BwflQi with rood ;-room br . 6 blocks east of our ofllci $3600. How Is that for i bargain'' We havo some ery choice and cheap rloi--ln propert for sale LITTLE & LiTTLE. No. 4 TV. 2nd So. W)H MOVING AND STORAGE. MITCHELL VAN AND STORAGE CO.. nv.UiK and packing 15 W 2nd 8o. Tel. Jn-. tCj3 IS. & u. STORAGE AND TRANSFER Co.; moving, packing, hipping; largest and beat Htorerooins in city 'Phones . 2nd 8o bet. 2nd nnd 3rd Weal h599 KIMBALL'S TRANSFER VAltS. MOV-Ing, MOV-Ing, btorage and com'c'l baullng 19 W. lul fij. 21M-X uWi REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., moving, pocking and shipping. 'Phono 5oo. Office. 128 and 127 S. W Temple. hlM FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY. UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY Co . castings of all st7.es. brass or Iron; (-":.' t il inncliliie repairing: especially equipp. ,1 t,, build gasoline engines r-J 1 I'd i .. S Kourlli West tt . Salt Lake City. Tel Ball Ml 1591 TYPEWRITERS. HAMMOND, SUPPLIES. REPAIRS, etc. H. N. Winter. Act., 49 Main st 'Phone '.",7-K WE K1CNT ALL, MAKES. 1XPB-itet 1XPB-itet Exchange. 62 W. 2nd Souttu diil ITCHING SCALP HUMOR lady Suffered Tortures Until Cured by Cuitcura. SCRATCHED DAY AND NIGHT " My scalp was covcrcrl with little pimples and I suffered tortures from the itching. I was scratching all day and night, and I could get no" rest. I washed my head with hot water and Cuticura Soap and then applied the Cuticura Ointment as a dressing. One box of the ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap cured me. Now my head is entirely clear and mv hair i9 growing splendidly. I have used Cuticura Cu-ticura Soap ever since, and shall never be without it (signed) Ada C. Smith, 309 Grand St., Jersey City, N.J." SECRET SOCIETIES. ARGENTA LODGE. NO. 3. F. AND A M , will work In the E A. degree this 'Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masons Invited M. C Phillips. Secretary. A. A. S RITE THE FOUR CO-ORDI-rate bodies of the A. A. S Rlto of Free Masonry hold stated meetings the third Thursday In each month at the Masonlo hall, vomer West Temple and Second Scuth. Solournlng brethren Invited. SIDNEY W. BADCON. 32 deg. . Is. Jordan Lodge of Perfection No. 2 W. M James Lowes Chapter of Rose Croix No. 1 WALTER SCOTT. K C C. H., Wise Master IRA 11 Rlli 1 A DF.S. K (' ' ' H Commander Salt Li Ice Council Of Kadoifa No. L WILLIAM J LYNCH, 32 deg. M of K Utah Consistory No. 1. CHRISTOPHER DIEHL, 33 deg., Registrar of All the Bcdles. UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1. R. A. M. Stated convocation first Wednesday In each month a Masonic hall Companions cordially Invited, JOSEPH G RYWATER. H. P. MOSES C PHILLIPS. Secretary a ARGENTA LODGE NO. 3. F f-, and A F At Mum-uiI' hull nr?t J 1 - 1 1 of each month. Members ' x of sister lodges and sojourning brethren Invited FRANK B SHERWuOD. W. M. MOSES C PHILLIPS, Secretary. NASATCII LODGE NO 1. F. AND A M Masonic hall second Friday each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning so-journing brethren In good standing In-.Ited In-.Ited W. I BARRETT E. W. M A. J LOWE. Secretary EL liAIAIl TEMPLE, A. A O N M 8 Third Wednesday f each month. Masonic Ma-sonic hall at 8 p m All nobles sojourning sojourn-ing Invited J M MARKloTi Potentate T. W PINKERTOV. Recorder I O O. F. 'N'7dkXTv"T N'ii 17. 1 O " F meets every Wednesday nlfrht at S o'clock I O. O r temple. Visitors welcome. W B L1VINOBTON, N G. J C. SMITH, Secretary 1. O O F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY : Subordinate lodges meet as follows Utah lodgj N'c. 1, Thursday Salt Lake Jodge No 2. Friday. Jordan lodge No 8, Slonday. Ridgiv lodge No o Thursday. Enterprise ledge No. 15. Wednesday. Fidelity lodge No. 17. Wednesday. Mtn lo.tf;.- i. Mi.M.lav EN ' VMPM ENTs. Oqultrh eni ampment No 1, second and fourth Tuesdays. Golden Rjle encampment No. 2, first and third Tuesdays. Naomi Rbkah lodge No 1. second and fourth Sal tird in s Miriam Rebekah lodce No. 5. first and third Rittir lays. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41 MEETS BVery Tuesdav, 8 o'clock, at 1. O. O. F. hall. , SILVER MAPLE CIRCLE NO 10H meets every Frldav nlRhl at I. O O F. hall FRATERNAL 1'NK N' O F A M ERI 'A EVERGREEN LODGE NO l&l MEETS 2nd and 41 h Mondavs 11 1 I F t' m-ple m-ple B. W. MAYO. F. M. S. CHALK ER. Secretary, box I06S. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS "aTa7?t7lemTr every Monday, k. of p. bail C C BAKER C C C. E. HOLM AN. K. of R, and S LINCOLN LODGE NO 23. K OF P. meets every Sunday evening, 8 o'clock, K of P hall ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3. Every Thureday evening.. K of P hall. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. "TTrTMALr 2 Every Thursday. I. O. O F. hall Vlslt-lne Vlslt-lne Knights Invltfd. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES BALT LAKE CITY HIVE NO 4 meets every first nnd third Monday. S p. m., I. 6. O. F. hall FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. SALT LAKE AERIE NO. 67 EVERY Friday. 8 p. m , A O. U. W. hall FRATERNALBROTHERHOOD. "erTTllyl:d;1': no 52 first and third Tuesday. 8 p. ni , A. O. U. XV. hall. ROYAL A RCANl'M. Thursday, Jennings block. GEORGE E ORR. Regent. E. L. JONES. Secretary. DANISH BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA. AMER-ICA. LXb1(2TOD(3E NO 78 EVERY 1ST and 3rd Thursday. 1. O O F temple. G A. R A REGULAR MEETING OF McKean post No. 1. at which mntters of in nortance relative to Memorial day exercises ex-ercises win be conaldfired will be held this ,., ,.Miig at l''ed-rat Ion of Labor hall SPIRITUALISTS MRS P. FONTYN. CLAIRVOYANT end iranco medium .67 So W. 'lemi-de ACCORDION PLEATING. SUNBURST AND ACCORDION pleating Mrs Jennena. 259 Third EnsL Dell Phono 3CM7-K P6 PLUMBING AND HEATING. ERSKINE BROS.. PLUMBING AND beating 63 W. 1st So. st- Tel 2021-K. DRINK 1DANHA NATURAL LITHIA WATER. "MHkes everything Good. F J Klcsel & Co.. OGdon RlBfCr & Llndley. Salt Eake. DlS- trlt.utera TEA , We are the only American roasters of tea. This is only one of our reasons. Your frocrr retjQi you money U you don't lika 8Jniii..,.' Beit, The Beer 1 That Made Milwaukee famous. I Hono m, The Kntuci Liquor Co., 11 sad 13 H. 2nd South St,, Sait La, 9 MP9K -e',WlJ ',-' BBBSBSl 'S.'SR&'ii. oV4MIietJ .:?. ii BBBBS -isVn |