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Show JOFCLARK. ntion to Be Followed Ey!' " txeom- B ' Br : B-- ' m They B IflCB th0 Hm blfir' . But K- Nvks will conflict and probably do away with tlthlr.fr or polygamy. HOWVTH, the out.'.poken friend of Mr. Clnrk Ore thp next to get the culllot In.. It Is wild thut one or two of thcni have been clvco time to rctran and repent. Sam Train. Is et al have located the Gold Gem mlnlnc clnlni In the Alpine district. S.. H. Hnckley rt nl. hayc locntr( fnrty acres of placer ground In Provo mining district dis-trict Ephram Nash et si hne tdU to the Alpine MInInK company the fullowlnr: mlnlnc claims: noomerong, Nos 1. 2 and 2; Cnolgardn and Coolgarde. No I nr.d nr-silemona. In Alpine mining district and the Hecla In Silver Lake district, the consideration being $h-o. Ex-R.prcsenlatl ee Mnrlnus I.arsn was In Provo today on legal business. Ex-Senator Josejih V RobitOtl of Fillmore ppent Sunday with his sons and daughters In Provo |