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Show Mill lo Be Objtttl lo U Commercial Club J1 Construct 1 Good Bonds ConmltU ganizer NatiomiJ At last -gi had suffer,,! nw r"-"J whll tourlneu.3 ' " I-mr,V3 perhaps mor- acut'S r the club 1, risrm "How it , , man.led Mr. Harrln J ih; condition they arfll Reason VmigJ His reasoning waj WJ i '.minlti-M vVa!l aoooa wi re rn. n vitally IbimH m"" "f hlgWT '; do -.m-thln tor&B Of " ''.INfMry ynmW ' "f I'r.irtjJIuH committee had no tutfluH Tn-n cam. V.-lMtijtoftgS)B i.. r to, rhe ;itlotul0a7gsl ' ten ami. lo"the GoeTaV 'S 1 1 "' ""I v Justing his suddenly beeem U-S Mr. Loucks Befefl Mr Lmjcltg oppfirM befl "i governors of the dSnsB Uy and outlined th psV tlonal noclatlon. U fffl said, to "lrlt tho I'M Of 9 . luti in forming a briafsfl tl.ui in 1 1 .ah. He vlirnsaTJ and Provo with a 1tiS nssnclatlon. "h5 iha-B . all a Stale COnventrOBSBB Lake City. 1 Others FTtssfl Iri addition to the boufl there w-er present atlSjV ' t r t s of Lein, cujH i " ids hill whlcri TU IrsV Legislature, nncl Jobs ii. an of thi' Commfrcltl ifl on roads. 1 Indorsed LoQCBf The ,oard not or.lyfill rvnt to the plan proposj but 1 r i i. i r 1 1 1 r-d tb G4 1 to co-operjte with himli Mhle, and. .n th mi'JM r, it jtion to ihe of3etsj i;.iinl R..ads Moc!nio, horlland on i spcSl gall Lake .itul stay hetl la Will Dilctui ! Th- club Coromlttetl which .-nnsi3tJ of Mr, H M. CrofM Ing. J W Iloujton. E.iSI Palmer. I ' I. Mwli A. Qulgiey C D. RH l'.ra Tiiomppon. M. D. 1 Whitnev ha; arrarwl Loucks .it luncheon it-club it-club at 12 today. M subject of d l37''o" be dlsi ussed and detiljl rrhoul to be- InauplTlSSj perfected. J Will Talk to 0 Mr Loucks "vnt tJl V her- he Will , tub nnd explain hU Si ejni7.utlon ThedatttS appear In U'g UiM nr.r'n decided upon. h-i n made that the M should be relies ed I (.truciloji of a mile oi ?all Lake City. "ij , i , pie T , f the Slate. J J,,,,,' pe considered brtti committee; J |