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Show j SPARKS FROM THE WiRE Nell Rurgess, the nctor, has been declared t bankrupt In the I'nltcd Stales District court at Trenton. X. Y. Daniel J Mclaughlin, a well-known newr-paper newr-paper man In San Franclr.-o Is dead. He wn-3e. wn-3e. vears of age and a native of the Blaelv tlllla, South Dakota. His mother resides lr Keokuk. Ia. A dispatch to the Record from Miles Clf say Destx.ndency over trouble with his rlf which culminated In her leaving him. Induce 1 Jerry Robinson to commit suicide at Helena, Mont , by taking carbolic acid. G I. Buxcon of Norvvalk, Conn., has mad.-application mad.-application for the appointment of a re-eclvet for the Luelytlc J-enim company, with office) at 100 Fifth avenue. New York Insolvency and mismanagement are charged. Montana's former State Superintendent ol PuMIe Instruction W. W Welch pleaded noi guilty In the D!strlct court at Helena to Information In-formation charging felony His case went over until the fall term, His nominal bond continues. Lieut. Tanner of th. Chleagi p-dlce force, assisted by lis Angeles detectives. hn.i arrested ar-rested A. Flnkelsteln. who was indicted f. ,r arson In Cook county, III . over threo year? ago. W hen the case was called for trial he could not be found, and his ball was declare! torfelted. He has lived In I-os Angeles several rronthp. selling women s garments on the Installment In-stallment plant Forty monuments erected by the Stats o Ohio to Its soldiers who fell In the slec ol Vleksburg have Just been dedicated In the National Na-tional Military pork In Vleksburg. ;ov Merrick Mer-rick and staff of Ohio, with a party of UN veterans from fthlo. were present. Gov. Her rick delivered an address. Dagmnr E. Turnherg and her sister Dora, two young women stenographers. wer struck and Instantly killed by a passenger train nrar Forest Glen, a Chicago suburb. They were In a group of five young women who sought to evade a frelpht train that va approaching on the other track. Tho other three escaped The Municipal Telegraph and Stock company, com-pany, a brokerage concern, with headquarters In Albany. N. Y and branches In thirty other cities, has announced that it will move to New Jersey to avoid the tax on stock transfers, which goes Into operation on June 1. The company will be reincorporated as the Municipal Trading compnay of Jersey City, under tho laws of New Jersey. E. J Marshall, a Los Angele.i banker, Is In San Fronclsco negotiating f..r the purchaso of the rhino ranch ln southern California Of 39.000 acres for $1,000,000. He aatd the deal Is practically closed. Mr Marshall. Edwin T. Earl of Los Anajelea and J. S Torrance of Pasadena are the intending purchasers Th. raneh Is devoted to sugar beet culture. The property Includes a railroad, lta equipment, store houses, etc. Two men giving the names of Charles pn-vls pn-vls and Wllllum Donnelly, arrested at Relllng-hom. Relllng-hom. Wash., on a charge of decoying n drunken drunk-en man from a saloon, robbing and beating him, are heeved by the o)lcc to be the mur-deri mur-deri r-i of y I, Dam.-s lh nged butcher who was slain with a hatchet on the rlpht ol April 11 Search of the cabin In which Dav In nnil Donnelly havo been living reveale 1 an overcoat Identified by four persons as having belonged to the murdered Domes. A few days ago Chief of P'.llce Relne of Schnectady. N. Y. was requested to locate Patrick Flaherty, supposed to he wontel t. his broth-r Thomas Flaherty, a wealthy man . f rattle. Wash Flaherty has Just been found In an almshouse. The brothers were on.-e prominent New York contractors and were 1 ngaged In several birr nterprlsos ut the tlrr..- of the panic thirty years ago, which ruined both. They started out to begin anew and have nit seen each other since Patrick Is OS years of age and his brother a few yea-s younger. lie III leave at once to Join hlu brother In Seattle |