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Show I NO AFFECTION I FOR SCHETTLER I Plural Wife Bitter in I Her Testimony, Has Not Lived With the Ex-Banker for Twenty He Only Contributed $15 Por Month to Support Herself and Four Children. fl That AgathB Peters ScheMler lias no love or affection for B. H. Schettlcr was Idorit In nearly every answer given by hffr yesterday afternoon to questions put by Attorney Stewart in the bankruptcy proceedings now brine conducted In Referee Baldwin court. At times tlio fl vrman was almost Mtter In nor tones and Interjected a number f remarks that -v ere not call?d for by tho questions mked, but showed how wrongfully she nr.d her chll Iron had been neglected by the man whx as husband itnd father, would be expected to provide for them Betrayed Much Bitterness. Mrs. Schettlcr Is rather a plain-looking v-i man. but Bcnipulouply neat Though voting looking to Ij- tho mother ( four frown ohlldrsn, the Cacc plainly bean the 1 rr.irks ..f rft-.ri:.g :unl betrays tin bltt-r- jit-ss which the- tongue eXprSSMS. Her t-stimony showed that for twenty years ulu- had nut lived villi Sih.-ttler: th.u d-rlng aJl the years of h r msirrled life he hsd only averaged 51". n month toward the support of herself and feur ohlldn n. and that during the post ten years site hud roiilntalno.1 herself by her own efforts, viih the oaal stance of her children Was Once Schettler's Wife. H "Are you the wife of B. II Schettlcr:" asked Att.rn-y Stewart alter Mis Schettlcr had been sworn and given her lull name "I was once." replied Mrs. Schettlcr. "Were voti ever divorced?" "No. 1 was u-ei - pp...-ed t. b loyally married, and I have no divorce "When were you married?" continued Mi. Stewart. "August x. lsTS." And llten. continuing p answer to questions asked. Mrs. Schet-tier Schet-tier told her storj in j i .tetle.illy (he following fol-lowing langu k ' Mrs. Schettler's Story. "I have four children, and 13. H. Schet- tier Is their tutt.ir. lie never entirely rupporte,i mvseif or my children, He sup-rotted sup-rotted at it. so to speak, giving no S rcme at 205 Fourth street and $15 a month My house is small, the lot being r.xl'i rods. Ho gave me the deed to the house after he wa hurt In ZlonS Savings bank I think It w.i- In lfvvl " "Did you ev r have the deed recorded? aked !r Stewart "Yea about a year ago I think St was last July." replied Mis Scheltler. "Why did you not have It recorded be-fere?" be-fere?" aaked the attorney. Why Deed Was Recorded. "Mr. Schettler said it was not neces- B sar ; that the deed was all right, and 1 t,.k his word for it Then 1 was cramped l .r ro .in. wanted to build an addition, and so I asked a friend what 1 should do He told me 1 could borrow some Tiioney if m'.- deed wan recorded nnd H there was nothing owing on the prup-ertv. prup-ertv. 1 told him the l 1 wasn't recorded, re-corded, and he said I couldn't borrow any money on the property unless the deed was recorded, and 1 had It done. That friend was Dr. Theodore Meyer." No Talk With Other Wives. "Did vou ever talk with the other wives About the matter"" SSked Mr Stewart. "No, 1 never bothered them about anything." any-thing." said Mr. Schettler, almost with an air of disdain. "How have you supported yourself and aour children?" Baked tho attorney. Is Professional Nurse. ""When my children were little I did mending and darning, anything I could p;et. Fold eggs and milk ud everything I could to make a living for them and me. Ten years ago, after the children had grown up a little, T look B ourso In nursing and have worked at that steadily I since. My children have worked ever alnco they have been old en"ugh to do anything, and they have helped mo by plvlng mo a dollar now and then. My three girl? and my son are working now, two of my girls In a t-!ephor r;i and one of them teaching music Has Saved Some Money. "Ha ye you sayed any money?" asked Mr. Stewurt "Yes. I've saved a dollar for my old age 1 knew It would OOmo sometime to me as it dotj to every one m sister and l have i piece of property on the Wept Side. 1 don't know how much It Is worth we have it Insured for 'iobut. there Is a mortgage of 1600 on it and there wils so mui n red tape about the purchase price that It would take a good deal of figuring for mo to tell ou what it cost." She Paid Taxes. "Did Mr. Schettlcr pay the taxes on your homcr' "I paid the taxes." "Did you pay the taxes out of the Jl," that he gave you?" "No, he. paid the tnxrs himself, but whenever I asked him for money It was "Your tiv-' ..mi- taxes, oiir taxes," and I consider that 8 woman who only gets llfi out of her hushand for the support of herself and Children pays her own taxes even though lie upcv his money to do it. F'lfti-n dollars b month means starvation, anyWa Nothing to Do With Schettler. "Haven't you done any business with Mr Schettler for twenty years?" "No, sir. I have not. He has never eaten u meal In my house In thut time ami I have had nothing to do with him "Then yotl haven't been on good terms w ith Mr. Schetth i ! Made Demand foi Money. "Well, if you had beon a woman and was treated as 1 have been. 1 wonder If you would say feu were on good terms with a man. answered Mrs Schettler, in a tone that told more plainly than the words just how she fell tov.tid her former for-mer hushand. Hefmc In Ing excused from the Witness stand. Mrs. Schettler said she bad made demands upon Mr Schettler Schett-ler many times fur money, but had not received It. She also testified that she know absolutely nothing had never known unj thing about his ilnanclul affair-Last Witness of Day. Mrs. Schetth r wns the last witness of the day. In fact the court took a recess at 2 0'OlOClC In order that Mis Schettler's attorney, K V. Hlggins. might i pn-.si-nt when she was giving her testimony. She was .hi the stand alu.ul half an hour, and When she had finished hi i testimony Attorney At-torney Stewart asked that the case be Continued until June .", at n o'clock, his request being granted. Morning Session. Mr Schettler was not present when the hearing of the case was resumed yesterday yester-day morning. Several witnesses were examined, ex-amined, including H R Anderson, Percl-val Percl-val O. Perkins, C Moth Iverson and William Wil-liam Tlbbey. Other witnesses are to be subpoenaed when the case Is called again, the attorneys for the creditors being busy now looking Into the property Interests ot Seheitlei, Hi, ii- i.-.in st for a delay In tho proceedings being caused by this fact. Dated Acknowledgment Back. PerctVal O. Perkins. J I.. May and I.. Moth Iversen were subpoenaed In regard t,, a lea.MO r cord" d In lie- County Ite- order's i, flie,- ,,n Ma j ;,, last. Tin- papers recorded granted a life I.-um- to John and Mary Morgan to the premises where thev now make their home. B. H Schettler being the other party to the lens-e. The paper was written by B II Schettler. dated October 1. 1900, and bore the acknowledgment ac-knowledgment of L. Moth Iversm as a notary public. The wording of the lease and the signature of B. H. Schettler were written In Ink that showed age. while the signature of Mr. Iversen was In very fresh-looking ink When put upon the stand. Mr Iversen testified that he had made the acknowledgment of the paper but two or three weeks igo. but dated It back, Mr Schettler having convinced him that on the day he had written the lease In- had shown It to Mr. Iversen. who bail failed to put his neknowledgmi lit upon the paper at the time. Mr Iv rsSn testified testi-fied that some limes parties write up papers In his presence merely asking him to witness them and later call upon him for an acknowledgment This Is what hn thought ho did. he said. In the case of the lease in question. No Expert Necessary. Inasmuch as Mr. Iversen admitted what attorneys for the creditors were anxious to learn. It was not necessary to put an expert on tho stand to testify In regard to the age of the writing In the lease, so J. L. May was excused. Mr. Perkins testified as in the time the document docu-ment was died in the office of the County P.ecorder Amount of Tithing Paid. Bishop O. P. Whitney Of the Eighteenth ward, was represented by his counsellor. William B. Barton, and Bishop Preston by bis chief clerk John WOllS They were familiar wllh the books of the ward and of the tithing oflu-e and testified that f ine P-v. I: i s, h. til, i had paid In the h, lu'hboi I i ..f $r.ii In tithing This would amount to something less than $ h i a year n win i. recalled that in his testimony Mr Bchettler said he had not been as faithful In the paving of his tithes as lie might liae been, and the, boohs of the 1 hun h would Beem i i bear out this Btatt ment. Anderson Is Questioned. R. R. Anderson was questioned chiefly about money which he paid to Tlllle Sutherland aiid Mr.- Caroline Thompson after he was appointed receiver. lb- a--sumed his usn il attitude of being unable to recall the transactions, but Dually ad-DClited ad-DClited that hs acted as a friend of the family and gave the women monej which was given to him by Ernest Schettler. Mr Anderson bad with him somi . wspaper clippings which he referred to several times, In order, R emlngly, to refresh his memory to Just what were the facts In the case. Lots in Block Two. William Tlbbey was the last witness of the morning. He was questioned concerning concern-ing Pome lOta In blOCk 1' White's subill-ViBlOn, subill-ViBlOn, on Which he held a mortgage from p ii Bchettler, Hd testified that Mr Bchettler had paid tie mortgage hlmsell telling Mr. Tlbbey that he Intended trane ferrlng tb lm to Ernest Schettler. and Die property t ow appears in the name of Ernest Bchettler Attorneys for the Creditors bell- ve this is a piece of properly prop-erly which oelongs to Mr Schettler. and that he has transferred it to his on Ernest merely temporuiUy. |