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Show f is OF S DISEASE 1 - jr" a afl IH aava,-"-i KU)r'a)hf' hands of 'rfBftllthcrt,fSaV,',,t OUR FASHION DEPARTMENT. Misses' Shirred Costume. Bhlrred effects In waists and skirts are among the most noticeable of the season's Ftley The misses' COStUmC Is one of the prettiest yei shown, and will serve ,,,i-mlrobl ,,,i-mlrobl for an evening drss. The waist Is nit In low round neck with shirred yoke The sleeves are In elbow length, finished by a deep frill The upper (iarl of sleeve Is shirred to match The ton of the skirt Is shirred to form a oke, and falls er full at the lower edge A ribbon rib-bon sash with long, (lowing ends com-nletea com-nletea this dalntj girlish costume Dotted Swiss, mull, llbertv or liulla silk will all develop charmingly The medium sir.- requires re-quires two and five-eighths yards of 44-Inch 44-Inch material for the waist and four I ardS for the skirt Waisl No 5064 Slr.es for U, 13, 14. 15. 14 nno 17 vears Skirt No. 5077. Slr.es for 12. 13, 14. 15. 16 nnd 17 years. The above Illustration calls for two separate sep-arate patterns The price Is 10 cents foi the w.Hst nmi io cents for the skirt Tribuno Order Blank. (Be sure and fill in your correct P O. ado ree;- Send 10 cents to The Tribune Pattern Department S;iit Lake I Ity, and enclose this blank, properly filled out. -vith j ur name address and size for each pattern ordered No 5064 Misses' Waist No. 5077-Mlsses' Skirt. Price 10 cents each Age. years. Name Postoffice State Dr. Hanchett. office iemoved to 401 McCornlck block. TEA Never mind the money Never mind the money Never mind the money Never mind the money Your ffrc-.er rluio jo-ir itvaney il you Jon't Ilka giiiilli-it'j 1-cjI. I $10 Down I FOR A PIANO j And per month until balance is I paid, ii a Piano with a 10-year I guarantee, a beautiful Instr I men I H You Can't afford to do without a I Piano when such terms are offered I ) OU. j3 ICarstensen & Anson, , (Incorporate.! I Temple of Music, I CEREAL FOOD COFFEf SEVERE CASE 0 CATARRH OF "KiO AMP BLADDER CURED BY PE-RU-NA. ffg t Mr. George King, Deputy Sheriff! of Rensselaer Co., N. Y., for years Tw-rs a wen-know n mercttanl ofT ITrov in a letter from No 15 Kmg LSI Troy N, v. he w rll - I "'Poruna cured me from what the y doctors were afraid would turn in-4-Ito Bright's disease, after I had suffered with catarrh of the blnd--T der and kidney trouble X "Peruna is a blessing to n sh kl jrnan. Eight bottles made me a welli. man and were worth more than a4- thousand dollars to me T "I cannot speak too highly of it. It is now four years since I wasi f troubled, and I have enjoyed per-f J feet health since." 4)-4---4-4 ss-S-f4-(44-f -t--. 4- Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus O f ENJOY IT. H It's made of the finest imported Bohemian hops 9 and selected malt. i Telephones Bell 1061-Y; Ind. 10G1 i m ADAM SNYDER. JV 276 S MAIN WALKER'S STORE The Last. Week of the MAY SALE Wash Goods Away Under Par. Floral BatlBtes, 25c valui i:j-j. French t.rgandies, 50c vslue. foi 25i English DlmilleS. :J9 v alue Tor 2c. India Linens B0i value for I Ic India Linens, 26c value foi 16 c i - is ii la ' n, 20i i alue t"i 12V&C. Persian Lawn. ou value for lac. You may ask the question: "Hon can you giv e i alls 8 1 values at uch low figures?" We anawei Ail our wash fabrics .. , hough dlrecl from Importers doing away with tin- ' middle man who always taket hU - ir o! tli profil a and also ivi take '! ';n dlat ounts therebj ss at goodlj pel entage, Which w . iv.- to our patroni I We have bo!h phones S No. 65, and it requested will call at any place in I the city for Clocks, S Watches, Jewelry or any- n thing' else for repairs. Phone 65 for thz Correct Tim?. l SALT . LAKE CITY. J CATARRH of the kidnyr. that la what makes petple have weak looks. It Is catarrh of the kidneys. The kidney ls being gradually destroyed de-stroyed by this derangement. The mucous membrane lining of the kidney ls inflamed ulcerated. The catarrhal products aro irritative, irrita-tive, nnd are sapping away the vitality vital-ity of the kidney, which make3 the back weak. This causes people to become old before be-fore their time holding on to their backs unable to ytoop over without pain and having sudden cramps In tho muscles of the back. Catarrh of the kidneys that Is what i3 ailing them. A course of Peruna is what they need before the kidneys have become permanently destroyed. TO DAZZLE AMERICA'S MILLIONS WITH THE SPLENDOR OFM ORIENT New $100,000 Awe-inspiring, Gorgeous MYSTERIOUS INDIA x? representing sll uttMI. ? i X :&5 Horm 9nd rWM US W &.'. X flnail In itij wcild. :. A ."4 Funnr Cleans 24. ' 'c: C'iS.Sft EO MuJlclini. 3 Cards, fi V, 1 ' ' JllAi'1 V ' Herd a( El:cis(ir,lj ond Cuae x- t?yir"-''.'2'" ivit ot Conalo, coitomtd . : .' ' io iialai btiisaltd 7jSluH bewdabj and clolli ct goli. i-' YiXK'WS U Ota Hur Arabian Slolllcnt. tmTi i is 'vf Bl ftiw Zoo of Rata and 3r ( i fwTfJU Curious Anliralj. frt IjVfVlrg: Llar.as ard Sacred Calil. sJIM&fiit y fijt Orillianl Ctris cf Cold and (llJtb - .-U-i P'uah. trli Suitu tot--UragjSiiAAj arcd wllh ilhcr aca'aa. Oiti'V-' f.S - Eiqulslla Grind Bailal Oltirl-3T Oltirl-3T ' IlKaaVK Ijsr.'sril. Encharllrg H - ! ' . Isvx N Accanpllahed. 8o;uIhl' bi---V j lag? LIIKe and Graceful Roveliotf ' 7 A 1 Dinclng Girls. New Fcturo3. Innovations, Rovolutlons nd Roal NovattlSMj Dooorotod nXh Fivore and Full ot Triumphs of ovory Kind. THE PARADE TELLS THE STORY E'ERY MORN!C AT 10 A.M. Free Japanese Dayiighi Fireworks, Free Horse Show Follov; the Parade Come to the Circus Ground Two Performances Daily, 2 and 8 P. M. yOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIER SALT LAKE, ONE CAY ONLY Thursday, May 25 Admission reduced to 25 CENTS for this day only. Show Grounds Main nnd 8th South BOES DIAMONDS Diamond Work. WATCHES Watch Work. JEWELRY Jewelry Work. 259 SO. MAIN. PAUMIE'S Sti'K, I I Gents' Sails SS2a $1.50 Offlco 06 West 1st South. M H rilOMCS: Ind.. U1L H-!:. Mll-T. H B Jtahfs Best Flour. I R A Trial Order Solicited. H VOGELER SEED & PRODUCE CO., I tsj Diitrlbutera I Godbe-Piiis Drug Co. I 0 Prcrlptlon Spccialiiis, I COR. 101 MAIN ST. oeoaK . ' . SaHHLHLl UNION ASSAY OFFICE, M. 8 hanaUER. Managsr. Kini'vc(l to South W. Tompla. SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will receive prompt atu-utjoa. A na.lvtlco.1 work a rptcialty. oo ur prlco 1UU j E5TABLI5HED IS6r I H ONErPR!CTO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD I l HERE ARE SOME WONDERFUL I 1 WASH GOODS OFFERS ! 1 COLD WEATHlTRkBACK EAST HAS DEMORALIZED THE MANTJ- U I PACTUIIERS! IT'S A GOLDEN OPPOnTI'NITT FOR T S AND FOR, H B TOT'! NOW FOR AVASHsGOaDS AND WHITE GOODS BARGAINS GA- H LORE! H HERE THEY ARE: 1 I IKtO Pieces White India Linons. ; Value 12,c, on salf thlii c Value SV. nn sn.l this inr H week, per yard 2 week, per yard syw H Value 10c rn saU- thiB ol C Value 3 on nalp this 11C Tv-.-k. p' r yor.1 .. "2 week, per yard .... A'al'if 271-ic, nn sain this iir Val'i 4.1c. on nolo this ifSf week per yard week, per j ard 150 Pieces White Mercerized Persian Mull. Vabie ?ic. on sale thlo . Value B6c nn Rnir this wp'k per yard ' 5 week, per aid ...... Jo f 100 Pieces Finest White Persian Lawns. Valu 4fr. or sale this wtcU QCr H a yard OK, W Value 41c. nn sale this week, -rr I s ard JV ilue 06c. on sale this week, "J B v ard . . . . . . dd 100 Pieces Champagne Colored India Linons. Value 12Vr this week. r Value 19c this wnok, i-r per yard . 2c per yard lit' Value 16c thi? week. mr Value 2f.c. this woek, ten Pr yard p--r ard sV 50 Pieces Mercerized Cotton Foulards Tn rejrnlar silk Foulard pattern?, value 2c. special this t AO. i week, per yard '4 300 Yards Black Glace Silks In Jaco,uard effects, value 7f.c, thLs - week, per urd , o"'' rtflliragJl.saaTiaTiMiiaaiaaMaMMMaii I THE XX CENTURY SBvNG. MAjJI1) H fj-- " ' - -, ;v I qThe highest type of FAMILY SEWING i . MACHIN E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITY the ACME of CONVENIENCE. SINGER MACHINES : Are sold only by SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., deaT-,i ; ing directly from Maker to User. They are now- being sold - ' at Lower Prices ; Mso tho Best Oil, Noedles, Belts, etc., of which we cany 1 1 - larger stock ' v-. .') Than Any Other C I k dealer and wc arc "oa the spot" to gi" c careful atteatiomto jfl L " . ali customers. ' AT THE SINGER STORE. SALT LA ICE, 3 B. OGDEN TTAH ' po C ATTJ LLO. 4l . Main 2672 Wash'lngton ave. nA)ln. 27 N.M IDAHO FALLS, Clevelandsaya. n ffdaho l PROVO. UTAH. , ttta.w Ji ' -l M T pleasant. Aoadsmy kve j-o n muh IT-Hf UTAH, Main St. N Main ' ' . ' " 1 ' r 4 Rough-Rider Shoes.. JKfl Are Here,,BoTs4 Mi : ' .' lpi You know how thsy, wear. ' '&1VtL Just oan't knock them out. A satin calf for ranch, and aS Boys', 2 1-2 to 6 1-2 ?Ll:65 THkKffilav Youths', 13 1-2 to2... "10 v ' 'vk Little Boys', 10 to 13. . 1.35' 1 ; ' 1 Dependable Shoes, 258 So. Main St. 9 , ' ' V j W. . LYNB, j j and Wool-Growers' Supplies ) ( tKI STATE RT CENTER SALOON. Thin place has been mado famoua by tta Mfc-h-cloea yooda aJid tta courteoua uoat- ment, IOUNGLCRG ft PERRY. Proprietor FAR C1TX. UTAH J. W. CURRIE, A8SAYER. 9 TO W Srd Bouth. Bait Lako City. I HAND I SAPOLI I It insures an enjoyable, invlgoratinff bath, makes SVSry pore respond, removes re-moves dead skin. ENERGIZES THE WHOLE BODY, Stars the circulation, and leaves 11 glow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS. VsvCm Powder |