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Show HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS. West Siders Elect Officers for the Next Year. The Hlrch School Athletic association. Which has all to do with tho running of athletic affairs nl tho West Side high school, met last night to elect oflcers for next year. Tho meeting, which Is an annual event, us largely large-ly attended and a great dual of business was tiansacted The following were elected to rate for the association next year: President, Qcorge Roberts; vice-president, E Earls; s.c-retary, s.c-retary, Will Harris: directors, II Richard" son. 'oi M Van Scull. "7. C. Iilntx. '. Tho president of the organization reported an ex-oeedlngly ex-oeedlngly successful ear both In an athletic victory line and In a financial way. A nue il .ii In v hi h till were Interests! w as as to the chances of sending the football team 10 ihe La wis and Clark fall at Portland, and the matter u plaee. In the hands of Prof. Baton, D. A. Calahan nnd the manager of next year'a team, Curtis Clauson. |